Which of these military actions would not be celebrated in Berlin, Germany, during World War II?

1 Answer

Answer :

Battle of Britain

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Last Answer : Division of Germany: (i) The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) commonly known as West Germany was administered by U.K., France and U.S.A. with Bonn as the capital. (ii) The German Democratic Republic (GDR) known as East Germany was administered by the Soviet Union, with East Berlin as the capital.

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Last Answer : (i) Discontentment after the Treaty of Versailles: Italy joined the Allies in the First World War to gain territories of Turkey and Germany. But, by the Treaty of Versailles she could get only ... country and won the faith of their countrymen. Mussolini was called Duce' which means the leader.

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Last Answer : Rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany: According to David Thomas, rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi party in Germany was one of the major causes of the Second World War. Hitler was very ... them. Mussolini's policy of aggression gave severe blow to the League of Nations and made war inevitable.

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Last Answer : In the year of 1914.

Description : How was Germany defeated in World War I? -History 9th

Last Answer : By the end of the war, Germany's economy was bankrupted. Germany and its' allies lost the war with the Treaty of Versailles, by signing it on June 28, 1919. ... One August 4th 1914, ... when they invaded Belgium. Germany did not expect Britain, the great empire to join and therefore were worried.

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Last Answer : the Treaty of Versailles

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Last Answer : In 1924, the Dawes Plan reduced Germany's war debt and forced it to adopt a new currency. Reparations continued to be paid through a strange round robin: The U.S. lent Germany money ... reparations, and the countries that collected reparations payment used that money to pay off United States debts.

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Last Answer : Occupied Belgium.

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Last Answer : At the end of October 1918, the German fleet at Kiel was orderedto attack the mighty British Navy. The German sailors believed itwas a suicidal attack, and instead mutinied. The mutiny spread ... ended in 1919 after the failure of the majorCommunist revolts, and the Weimar Republic was established.

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Description : How did world war i contribute to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany?

Last Answer : Answer this question… It greatly weakened Germany and made manyGermans wish for stronger leadership.

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Last Answer : Allied punishments weakened the German Economy after World War1, while Allies helped revive the German economy after World War2.