How did world war i contribute to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany?

1 Answer

Answer :

Answer this question… It greatly weakened Germany and made manyGermans wish for stronger leadership.

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Last Answer : When Hitler was appointed chancellor, Hindenburg was president, but he was old and ailing. When he died, Hitler announced he was eliminating the position of president, so he would be the undisputed leader of ... down) when prompted to do so. Failure to do so was treason, and punishable by death.

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Last Answer : I'm working on a project, but I'm stuck, and I need your help finding out If Nazi Germany actually made any kind of Declaration of War with The United Kingdom ([Before/After] The United Kingdom declared war on Nazi Germany on September 3rd, 1939) during World War II. Will you help me?

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Last Answer : Hitler's rise over the Germans was not a sudden happening but a series of happenings that happened gradually. The treaty of Versailles was the first cause after the World War I which broke ... industrialists Hitler utilized the rage of Germans' that caused by the 1929's depression and unemployment.

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Last Answer : No, I don’t think he is a caricature at all. I am not sure what you are getting at with the art. Hitler was a tragically flawed insane person who by taking advantage of his times and people’s weaknesses became a monster who killed millions. Even monsters can have hobbies.

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Last Answer : The name of the book Written by Adolf Hitler is “Mein Kampf”.

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Last Answer : Adolf Hitler preached extreme hatred against the German Jews because they were blamed not only for the defeat of Germany in the First World War but for all the ills of Germany.

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Last Answer : Zyklon B gas was used. It is the trade name of Hydrogen Cyanide. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide were also used.

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Last Answer : Adolf Hitler commits suicide.

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Last Answer : 1. Re-militarized the Rhineland2. invaded Albania3. took part in a multi-state invasion of Greece

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Last Answer : It might have something to do with the fact he murdered over 10million people and started World War 2 although, i may be wrong.

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Last Answer : No he was not.

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Last Answer : In 1924, the Dawes Plan reduced Germany's war debt and forced it to adopt a new currency. Reparations continued to be paid through a strange round robin: The U.S. lent Germany money ... reparations, and the countries that collected reparations payment used that money to pay off United States debts.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Hitler's most cherished dream was to create an exclusive racial community of pure Germans. So the moment he came into power, he began to implement his dream. He wanted to physically eliminate ... they were raised in German families and if not, they were deposited in orphanages where most perished.

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Last Answer : (i) Discontentment after the Treaty of Versailles: Italy joined the Allies in the First World War to gain territories of Turkey and Germany. But, by the Treaty of Versailles she could get only ... country and won the faith of their countrymen. Mussolini was called Duce' which means the leader.

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Last Answer : Rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany: According to David Thomas, rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi party in Germany was one of the major causes of the Second World War. Hitler was very ... them. Mussolini's policy of aggression gave severe blow to the League of Nations and made war inevitable.

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Last Answer : They would’ve remained neutral, but why wouldn’t they be on their side? They were in the business of preserving our lord and saviors master race and obtaining more lebensraum for them. Lol.

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Last Answer : No, I would not collect such items, in spite of any historical value. Too repugnant.

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Last Answer : Regular people work in U.S. slaughterhouses too.

Description : How schools in Nazi Germany were 'cleansed' and 'purified'? -History 9th

Last Answer : 1.Jew teachers were removed. 2. Students were separated on the basis of race. 3. Undesirable kids were later removed from the school and killed. 4. School books were re-written. 5. Students were taught to ... join . The 10 year old had to join ‘Jungvolk' and 14 year old ‘Hitler Youth'.

Description : Why Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. Nazi hatred for Jews had a precursor in the traditional Christian hostility towards the Jews. The Jews were considered as the killers of Christ and usurers. However, Hitler's hatred of Jews was based on pseudoscientific theories of race.

Description : How would you have reacted to Hitler's ideas if you were (i) A Jewish Woman (ii)A non-Jewish Woman How was Nazi ideology taught to the youth in Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : In the spring of 1945, a little eleven-year-old German boy called Helmuth was lying in bed when he overheard his parents discussing something in serious tones. His father, a prominent physician, deliberated ... eat at home for the following nine years! He was afraid that his mother might poison him.

Description : Want to know more about Nazi Germany ?

Last Answer : When Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party controlled the country , it was transformed into a dictatorship , with Nazi Germany being the common English name for the German state from 1933 to 1945. Under Hitler , ... defeated Germany in May 1945, Nazi rule came to an end and World War II ended in Europe.

Description : What is an example of nazi Germany ultranationalism?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : which of the followings describes a difference between concentration camps and extermination camps in nazi germany?

Last Answer : Concentration camps were used for forced prison labor, while extermination camps were built to kill all prisoners.

Description : That New Zealand’s contribution against Nazi Germany was the greatest of all the former British dominions is __________ (A) a little known fact. (B) a well-known fact. (C) a common fact. (D) a proven fact.

Last Answer : (A) a little known fact. 

Description : Explain the measures adopted by Hitler to establish dictatorship in Germany. -History 9th

Last Answer : Having acquired power. Hitler set out to dismantle the structures of democratic rule. (i) Under his rule, the Fire Decree of 28th February, 1933 was passed which indefinitely suspended civic rights ... (v) All political parties and trade unions were banned. He controlled media, army and judiciary.

Description : Describe the effects of the Great Economic Depression on Germany.Highlight the steps taken by Hitler to destroy democracy in Germany . -History 9th

Last Answer : Great Depression led to economic crises in Germany. By 1932, industrial production was reduced to 40 percent of the 1929 level. As a result, jobs were cut and many workers became ... The business of the small businessmen and retailers suffered because the purchasing power of the people reduced.

Description : What steps were taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : Germany was crushed under the harsh terms of Treaty of Versailles when Hitler assumed power. The steps taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany were: 1) Hitler assigned the responsibility of economic recovery to economist ... Japan and Italy 6) By the end of 1940, Hitler was at the peak of his power.

Description : Explain the measures adopted by Hitler to establish dictatorship in Germany. -History 9th

Last Answer : Having acquired power. Hitler set out to dismantle the structures of democratic rule. (i) Under his rule, the Fire Decree of 28th February, 1933 was passed which indefinitely suspended civic rights ... (v) All political parties and trade unions were banned. He controlled media, army and judiciary.

Description : Describe the effects of the Great Economic Depression on Germany.Highlight the steps taken by Hitler to destroy democracy in Germany . -History 9th

Last Answer : Impact of Great Depression on Germany was: Great Depression led to economic crises in Germany. By 1932, industrial production was reduced to 40 percent of the 1929 level. As a ... The business of the small businessmen and retailers suffered because the purchasing power of the people reduced.

Description : What steps were taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : The steps taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany were: Hitler assigned the responsibility of economic recovery to economist HjalmarSchacht who aimed at the full production and full employment through a state fund work creation programme. Hitler got success in foreign policy also.

Description : How was a 'Racial State' established by Hitler in Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : the racial state’ examines Hitler's rise to power. From 1929 on, Nazi propaganda was targeted at conservative voters, and this paid off with electoral breakthrough in 1930. The Nazis ... as unrepresentative. For want of alternatives, the conservatives made Hitler chancellor on 30 January 1933.

Description : Which famous economist was appointed by Hitler for economic recovery of Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : Hjalmar Schacht He was a fierce critic of his country's post-World War I reparation obligations. He served in Adolf Hitler's government as President of the National Bank (Reichsbank) 1933–1939 and became Minister of Economics (August 1934 – November 1937).