Opportunites for african americans in the far included jobs in?

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ion know

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Last Answer : I don't know and I don't care. Most of them don't even have 1% African in them, after generations of being born in America. If they are people from Africa, then yeah, I'd call them African ... IMO, calling someone black is the same as saying Asain. It's a describing word and it's not offensive.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know if your question is specifically directed toward African Americans because that is exclusively your area of interest, or because it seems like the easiest demographic to tap into on a ... into slave labor, and my life has been touched by these stories on a very personal level.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t know this for a fact, but it is my belief that the US Bureau of the Census can give you a breakdown that you want. Good luck with your research. August 29, 2008, 10:05 PM EDT

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Last Answer : Apex : they joined the northern forces in great numbers

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Last Answer : None. The emancipation proclamation said that it freed the slaves in the south but what if someone far away from you said they wanted you to mail your life savings to them or else they would pitch a fit would you do it?

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : i wish i knew

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Last Answer : Environmental justice is the equal protection of all people withrespect to environmental issues.

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Last Answer : President Grant helped to pass The Enforcements Act to preventSoutherners from using fear to shut African Americans out of thepolitical process.

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Last Answer : *they were assigned the most dangerous tasks.*

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Last Answer : they provided schools to educate workers

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Last Answer : Racial discrimination in the South, job opportunities in theNorth.

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Last Answer : He was a leader.

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Last Answer : Work hard and achieve economic success

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Last Answer : They should be led by the "Talented Tenth."

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Last Answer : In the 1940's there was no slavery so they didn't have toescape. They just moved if they wanted to live in anotherplace.

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Last Answer : Using fear and violence for political gain most directlyaffected African Americans.

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Last Answer : no

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : He was ordered to do so by Congress.(TFL?)

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Last Answer : Nothing worked until Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. The NAACP, organized black people to boycott the busses. The blacks walked and arranged rides rather then ride the bus. The U.S ... ended the bus segregation, which led to more protests to end other segregation between blacks and whites.

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Last Answer : they did not welcome them

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?