How can I get meals delivered to my father?

1 Answer

Answer :

You have several options when it comes to meal delivery. Look for them in your local Yellow Pages or find more information online. Look for customer reviews to make sure the quality is superb.

Related questions

Description : What is the name of healthy meals that can be delivered to my home?

Last Answer : There are a variety of food home delivery services. Two popular weight loss/ weight management services are NutriSystem and Jenny Craig. Both offer healthy single serve meals delivered to your home. ... of which are healthy. You can order with them online or through your local delivery person.

Description : looking for no salt meals delivered to your home.?

Last Answer : Big Pink Delivery can do no salt if requested well in advance, 157 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL - (305) 531-0888

Description : What restaurants have good diet meals delivered to you?

Last Answer : BistroMD is the only diet delivery company founded by a weight loss physician, Dr. Caroline J. Cederquist. Years of scientific clinical research and experience allow bistroMD to stand apart from its competitors in nutritional value, quality and taste.

Description : If you live by yourself, do you make sure to have regular decent meals?

Last Answer : I do the best I can with what I need and want to eat. And I want to eat something that tastes good!

Description : Why is cooking your own meals usually cheaper than ordering out?

Last Answer : Because a restaurant will factor into what they charge you a markup on the food that has to cover their overhead (their building, heat, lights, etc.), their labor costs (the chefs and servers and cleaners and ... paper and all that stuff, and the food itself (they need to make a profit on the food).

Description : What did you drink with meals when you were growing up, and what do you drink now?

Last Answer : Then: milk (not with dinner though). Now: water (with all three meals).

Description : Have you had any memorable meals lately?

Last Answer : I had a very bland minestrone at lunch today.

Description : I’m determined to help my 7 year old beagle lose weight, what are the best home made meals I can make for her?

Last Answer : Weigh her food every time you feed her. Give a little less each day than what you normally serve. If, after a few weeks, she's not starting to lose weight, reduce her daily rations a ... home alarmingly overweight after being boarded. I got her back to her normal weight within a few months.

Description : What meals have you made most often?

Last Answer : I call it “unidentifiable black sludge.”

Description : Did you grow up with designated meals for certain days?

Last Answer : Every Saturday night: baked beans with molasses. Hot dogs. In cold months, fresh steamed brown bread. I grew up in the Boston area.

Description : Can I eat survival freeze dried meals regularly?

Last Answer : You ought to see if the programs you are on will support you consulting with a nutritionist.

Description : Does the ketogenic diet work and what are some easy meals?

Last Answer : No. They don’t work.

Description : Are there any recipes dishes or meals that you make at home that are partly from a mix/prepared and partly from your personal additions?

Last Answer : answer:I do semi-homemade and part packaged part scratch meals all the time. Like I'll use frozen sliced turkey and gravy with mashed potatoes and add my own veggies as a side. Another frozen is the ... frozen is I buy plain frozen pizza and add my own mushrooms. Sometimes I add some spinach too.

Description : What are some meals I can make for myself that won't irritate my stomach?

Last Answer : answer:It’s all here Foods, recipes, shopping lists, the whole nine yards. Welcome to ask-public.

Description : Healthy snacks and meals not loaded with salt?

Last Answer : Fresh fruits and vegetables.

Description : For dog owners, when do you switch your puppy from three to two meals/day?

Last Answer : PS. Close to adult weight, as far as we know.

Description : Do you eat bread with your meals at home?

Last Answer : answer:I don't buy bread or pasta anymore, mainly because a state of wheatlessness seems to suit my innards better and my abdomen loses its puffiness. I don't miss it, and when I happen to have good ... from a bakery or homemade), I really enjoy it. Generally, my home carb is brown rice or oatmeal.

Description : What are some foods/drinks and meals that you wolf down?

Last Answer : I hardly ever eat hastily, I’m usually last to finish. I guess I’m most likely to eat quickly when having pasta. I especially savor eggs, because there never seems to be enough of those. If I skip meals, that’s due to lack of time or appetite. I make up for it later on.

Description : Can you recommend some easy meals that are high in iron?

Last Answer : answer:Since you're pregnant, you have to be cautious about the source of the iron. For instance, calf liver, chicken livers and seafood such as mussels are high in iron but they're not recommended for ... anaemic. Are you eating properly generally? I know you're under a lot of stress at the moment.

Description : Do you prefer to make your own lunch/meals or eat out?

Last Answer : I usually pack a sandwich because I only get a half hour break and mainly because it is cheaper and less fattening than eating out.

Description : What are your favorite and preferably easiest meals during these dog days of summer?

Last Answer : What about home made pizza? You can buy the bases ready made and top with all sorts of lovely toppings.

Description : Any suggestions for cheap meals made from ingredients that keep well without fridge or freezer?

Last Answer : answer:First thing that comes to mind is pasta and sauce with lentils or beans for protein. Eggs seem to keep for a while without refrigeration, eggs, spam and potatoes always remind me of camping. ... ranger? I have many friends who work for parks in Australia, they do some really interesting work!

Description : A question towards those who are vegan; what are your favorite meals and dishes to prepare?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not vegan, but I like roasted or sauteed veggies especially mushrooms, eggplant, and zuchini, with pasta or rice. I really like the Morning Star original veggie patties for something ... , with Italian or balsamic vinagrette. Soups. Split pea, lentil, minestrone, pasta fagioli, vegetable.

Description : What are some simple, relatively stealthy crackpot meals?

Last Answer : At first I thought you meant Crock pot, but now I'm not so sure. So, stealthy you want something that doesn't make too much of a mess How about just pouring a can of cream of mushroom soup into a crock ... it for 2 hours, and maybe make some rice to go with it. Easy, and not too many pots to wash.

Description : What are some simple, relatively healthy crockpot meals?

Last Answer : I rarely use my crockpot unless I’ll be feeding a crowd and need a food warmer. However, I love great recipes, and have found Skinny Slow Cooker to have some great offerings.

Description : Do you eat meals by the clock? Or when you are hungry?

Last Answer : By my bodies clock, it tells me when I’m hungry.

Description : Where can I buy MRE's, meals ready to eat?

Last Answer : Military surplus stores usually have them.

Description : Will you help me plan three at-home meals a day for one week, for a family of four?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll do Thursday’s menu. breakfast: scrambled eggs with toast lunch: chili dogs dinner: beer can chicken, mashed potatoes, some kind of veggie

Description : Is it possible to create a three meals a day menu that you could eat every single day?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it could be done. And there are a lot of people who eat the same breakfast everyday, and the same lunch everyday. They could do that with dinner also. And it's not that hard to ... and calorie appropriate diet. My question to you is why would anyone want to live such a boring life?

Description : What are some healthy lunch meals/recipes?

Last Answer : answer:A bowl of thick vegan chowder, bean or veggie soup with some fresh dark greens on top. If you're the cook, most soups start with sautéing some chopped onion, celery, carrots (leeks, ... and your choice of beans, pasta, and vegetables. Simmer until everything is tender. Almost anything goes.

Description : Working parent(s) of school age children, how often do you have weekday home prepared meals?

Last Answer : answer:We have home cooked meals most days. Occasionally we will decide to go out for dinner, but that's only on nights I'm off of work. Right now, I work and my husband stays home (he's working ... he'll eat dinner at a friends house instead of with us and sometimes he has friends that eat with us.

Description : Is doing laundry, preparing meals and dishwashing qualify as romantic in a relationship?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. As does vacuuming and taking out the trash. ;) EDIT: Fluther is my momentary break between homeschooling, preparing food, laundry, taking the dogs out, tidying-etc. It’s always nice to get a hand with the housework

Description : How many milligrams of salt should my meals contain?

Last Answer : Maximum recommended for a healthy adult is 2300mg per day. As a reference one slice of Kraft american cheese has about 250mg sodium.

Description : How do you make semi-vegetarian meals?

Last Answer : answer:Oh shit, Kardamom is going to be in this thread in any minute. Ahh, I am a vegetarian as well, so whenever my family and I get together, we eat burritos with rice, zucchini, tons of ... some spinach. It's really delicious. You can also buy vegetarian pizzas. Those are not hard to come by.

Description : What are your favorite Spring and Summer meals?

Last Answer : Salad with strawberries and walnuts! It’s a delicious and refreshing salad.

Description : Suggestions for “Rallying the Troops” for more nutritious school meals?

Last Answer : answer:Start squawking to everybody and at every chance you get. Go to a PTA meeting and state your concerns and see if other moms and dads echo your concerns and volunteer to chair a committee on this ... my kids lunches they are grateful to not have to rely on the crap served in the lunch lines.

Description : What food/dishes/meals haunt your dreams?

Last Answer : Food just doesn’t affect my life in such a way.

Description : Would you like to help me plan a month of meals?

Last Answer : I am sorry, but i don’t get it i think. Poster 2 is also suggesting to eat: “2L: turkey sandwich 2D:turkey sandwich.” ? Not something completely different, say.., 2L tuna sandwich, 2D lentil soup?

Description : What are some of your favorite healthful, throw-together meals?

Last Answer : cook up some oatmeal and mix in a cup of yogurt. ‘sgood man.

Description : Do you eat 3 meals a day?

Last Answer : answer:I usually eat two meals a day. My first meal is usually a high fibre, low fat and moderate carbohydrate meal, often cereal with milk and some fruit. My other meal is a well balanced ... of protein, carbohydrate and lots of vegetables. I consume some fruit at other times during the day.

Description : What are some of your favorite 600 calorie or less meals? (lunch/dinner)

Last Answer : A granola bar and a liter of Gatorade. It works for me when I’m in a hurry or don’t want to interrupt a task.

Description : Why isn't there a Fast-Food franchise that sells exclusively healthy meals?

Last Answer : There is Crispers.

Description : The mayor of NYC is planning to force restaurants to lower the salt content of their meals. Do you feel that this is a good idea?

Last Answer : Maybe after the get a handle on rodent control. lol

Description : Is it better to have small snacks throughout the day, or separated large meals?

Last Answer : answer:Small bits throughout the day helps speed up one’s metabolism. But personally, I prefer the 3 big meals because I like the feeling of being comfortably full.

Description : Tomorrows Going to be Friday what 3 healthy meals and 3 healthy snacks should i eat and at what time?

Last Answer : Huh? What does the day of the week have to do with it? Do you not have access to the pyramid?

Description : Why do fast food workers still earn the same, no matter whether they make 10 or 100 meals an hour? Why no commission on a per-meal basis? Rather unfair, ain't it?

Last Answer : answer:@johnpowell When & where was the last time you worked in fast food? How miserable did you feel? I felt so miserable that by the time I quit in February 2005, I was so reviled by the way ... jobs a thing of the past anymore, by aspiring to invent an automated process to replace all of them.

Description : How do I stop eating between meals and eating food that's bad for you?

Last Answer : Just count those “eating between meals” as meals themselves. Problem solved!

Description : What are the most nutritious meals that are quick and easy to make?

Last Answer : Water

Description : Do we really need 3 square meals a day?

Last Answer : Actually, a lot of health-oriented folks suggest 5 small meals a day.

Description : What are the best TV dinners/frozen meals available?

Last Answer : You can’t go wrong with a Stouffer’s Pot Pie. The price is affordable, and it’s a bit of a comfort food for me.