How does Wikianswers find related questions for a newly asked question?

1 Answer

Answer :

The system matches words in the question being asked - to see if they are already in use in another question. It also looks at the subject matter - to check whether similar questions already exist.There is a text search engine in the system which indexes and compares the text you have entered against similar test already know to the system. These are then presented to the user who can then make the decision about weather the question (using different wording) has already been asked. If so then the user can get an immediate answer.Also the systems volunteer supervisors may merge newly asked questions with existing answers when it is obvious that the new question is the same as a question already in the system.Questions are also categorised to help users look for answers under broad top groupings.

Related questions

Description : What consequences can you experience if you cyberbully on Wikianswers?

Last Answer : Your IP address can be traced - and matched to a physicaladdress. Once the authorities have that information - they caninvestigate and prosecute an offender in a court of law - Inaddition the offender account is block from site access

Description : Designers, Photographers, Animators: What are some of the most common interview questions you have been asked for industry-related jobs?

Last Answer : Who have you worked for is one. A second would be what is your favorite picture. Third, show me your best work.

Description : When a candidate for a position is asked general, open-ended job related questions, they are experiencing what type of interview? (a) Unstructured Interview; (b) Relaxed Interview ; (c) Unorganized Interview ; (d) Structured Interview

Last Answer : (a) Unstructured Interview;

Description : Do you answer questions or debate why the question was asked?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on what is appropriate. If someone asks a question that is based on a false presupposition, then it is both legitimate and logical to point out that the question is flawed. ... when so many of them rest on assumptions that are themselves questionable-or even just plain false.

Description : Do you find it odd that there has not been one question asked about the shooting at the Sikh temple, yet there were at least a half dozen questions asked about the shooting at the batman movie?

Last Answer : I am finding lots of things odd these days, one of which is the “non-vigil” being held at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin, with media everywhere to talk to every person they can. Apparently, they weren’t viewing a major hollywood production and were therefore not newsworthy.

Description : If your question (asked late at night) was then pushed to editing for something like four hours (because one does have to sleep), is it okay to repost it so that it is not now buried in older questions?

Last Answer : Ask Auggie.

Description : Help me now what ?? : D This is the motherboard [img alt_text = '' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/05/hdf-1.jpg [/ img] and this is the video card [img alt_text = '' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/05/vga-1.jpg [/ img] Can this work ??? Thanks in advance: DD

Last Answer : Hi! Yes, it will work because the 3.0 PCI-Ex connector on the motherboard is backwards compatible, so the video card will go in it. The problem would be if the motherboard connector had a lower version number. But ... go a long way, only the expensive 3.0 kari wouldn't be able to drive it out.     

Description : Hello how wrong is that ?? [img alt_text = '' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/05/alp.jpg [/ img] this is the motherboard and this is the video card: [img alt_text = ' 'description =' '] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/05/vga.jpg [/ img]

Last Answer : But some version of PCI-Express x16 buckle is on the motherboard isn't it? Or not see it from bios?

Description : There was a circular building with three floors. On the first floor lived elderly Mr. Davis and Mrs. Davis. On the second lived a newly-married couple, Sam and Jenny. On the third floor lived ... was studying for her upcoming exams on Face Time with her friend. Who murdered Mrs. Davis? -Riddles

Last Answer : Sam was the murderer. He said he was drinking coffee in a corner of the room, but the building was a circular building.

Description : Is there a list of one's questions asked on Fluther?

Last Answer : Not that I am aware of, no. I think of you go to your profile you can get a list of your greatest questions , the ones in which you accumulated the most GQs. Otherwise not sure.

Description : Do you feel you have to add your input on questions that have been asked a million times?

Last Answer : Like dogs with fire hydrants, some folks. Or this: I know, sometimes I get sucked in too, but I do try not to. What bugs me more than this is the guys who, instead of ... dared to ask them personally that question. Hey, you can just skip a question if it's not to your liking.

Description : Do people here actually answer the questions asked?

Last Answer : Some jellies answer as many questions as they can to get lurve. Some are lonely or bored at night. It helps to put a disclaimer with your question that only helpful answers only please. I get unhelpful answers when ... I have a funny quip I PM the OP and tell them the joke that I just have to share.

Description : What are some questions that we can be pretty sure have never been asked on a Q&A website before?

Last Answer : If I asked them, then those questions will have been asked, thereby taking away their mystqiue and uniqueness.

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Last Answer : I have occasionally asked someone else’s unanswered question on another (or even the same) forum to try to get an answer, when I think I might be able to get an answer that way, but not very often.

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Description : Which way do you answer time questions, if not as asked?

Last Answer : “since xxx”, because I do not want to do maths.

Description : How do I obtain a list of questions asked in the last two weeks?

Last Answer : You will have to just scroll through the questions. The dates are listed.

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Last Answer : I didn't find it intrusive. It's been a few years since I donated, but the questions are basically to assess if you're an HIV risk, or if you're a Mad Cow Disease risk. Therefore ... sexual habits and your travel patterns between certain dates. I wouldn't call that intrusive though, just careful.

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Last Answer : Well I guess my political career is over.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh ho, what is a dog? Oh ho, where is the Earth? Oh ho, why does a cow have 4 legs? Oh ho, why can’t I fly? Oh ho, how can I ask a question? I’ve just done what you asked. Happy now?

Description : Does anyone have a final count on the number of gun questions that have been asked?

Last Answer : answer:007 I checked. fact

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Last Answer : Yeah, I wonder if that kid ever showed up, the one apparently lost in the frizzer!!

Description : What are the questions you would dread to be asked?

Last Answer : What do you look like naked?

Description : ETpro that master of questions asked about fantasy dog mix breeds; can we do one with cats?

Last Answer : Orphan – moi? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Description : What are some questions you hate to be asked?

Last Answer : What’s a copywriter? What’s a Creative Director? Have you been married before? Are you a sports fan? What do you do for fun? What’s your favorite movie? What are you doing this weekend? Did you get a haircut? How old are you?

Description : Is someone asked for help with eating better, what questions would you ask them?

Last Answer : If you haven’t kept a food diary, will you for a week? Then I can work with your habits and choices.

Description : How would you feel as a minority being asked these questions in an interview?

Last Answer : I’d say ‘that’s a completely inappropriate question’ and if I didn’t get a satisfactory remark to my statement, I’d laugh in their face and walk out.

Description : What questions were you asked during a job interview?

Last Answer : answer:It was so long ago @erichw1504 that I’ve no idea. The only advise I can give anyone on a job interview is to be yourself….don’t try to fake anything. And, above all, be totally honest.

Description : Are there any questions that should not be asked?

Last Answer : I can tell you from experience, don’t ask a unknown looking person if they are a man or a woman. I had to because she sounded like a man, and looked like one too, but I thought wrong.

Description : If you want to read the questions asked between 5pm to 5.15pm yesterday, in ask-public, how do you get to it?

Last Answer : I’m not sure that there is a way to do isolate just those questions on ask-public. I simply go to the tab I’m interested in and then look over all the questions that have been asked since I was last on.

Description : On the top of your head what are the top 5 questions that seem to get asked on Fluther again and again?

Last Answer : answer:I'll give you 10 just for shits and giggles. 1) Does he like me? 2) How do I get him to like me? 3) My crush kissed me. What do I do? 4) What does it mean when a guy says he ... attention? 9) Why are guys such jerks? 10) Can you recommend some movies for me to watch/put in my Netflix queue?

Description : What are some of the most difficult questions you have been asked?

Last Answer : Why am I going through all these problems? I’m an analyst in nature and as a profession, but lately things have been rough on me and my family. . . and I’m having a hard time figuring out how to go about things without too much abrassion on everyone.

Description : Do you think most of the questions asked on Fluther are uninteresting?

Last Answer : YES Especially high school relationship questions

Description : Will the total number of questions asked in 2008 be revealed. I mean the actual total if possible?

Last Answer : We had 26,238 question asked so far in 2008.

Description : When making small talk with someone new, what questions would you be impressed a layperson asked about your profession?

Last Answer : Occupation: Meteorologist/ Atmospheric Scientist Annoying question (its a toss up between): So, what channel do you want to be on? and Wow, are you happy you are in a profession where you are paid ... many on Fluther: Why do rainclouds appear dark?, What is wind?, How is the ozone hole doing?

Description : At what point in time will all questions have been asked on Fluther?

Last Answer : Never…..

Description : Has anyone else realized that not all the questions asked were sent to them?

Last Answer : Why don’t you just have them PM you the link?

Description : Is there anyway that you can make private previous questions that you had asked (when clicking on your public profile)?

Last Answer : Nope. You can flag them and kindly ask a mod to delete them, but there’s no real way of deleting or hiding your previously asked questions.

Description : Of all the questions you have asked on ask-public, which of your questions is your favorite?

Last Answer : I haven’t been here long enough yet to have any favorites. Some of the questions I’ve asked are my faves from WIS.DM though

Description : What kind of questions are asked at a fast food job interview?

Last Answer : answer:Haven't had one in a very long time, but I remember them asking me to do a simple math equation to demonstrate that I could add and subtract change. They'll probably ask you how easy it is for ... present a good face to customers. If you can do pants, go with that, but jeans should be fine.

Description : What kind of questions have been moderated that you asked, while other questions of a similar nature got through?

Last Answer : I believe that if people flag questions, the moderaters take note. Sometimes it is too exhausting to flag, flag, flag. But I agree with you about swingers and toe widths.

Description : Are there any questions you asked that you think didn't get enough attention?

Last Answer : answer:I was proud of this one. Our two questions might be somehow related because I’m not really sure what the hell you are talking about.

Description : Why do some questions get asked and re-asked?

Last Answer : answer:Yep and this was was the last one in the database. You have reached the end of the internet. Also, the search box on ask-public is a bit diminutive. Coupled with people's laziness I think it ... a-thons. I wonder if I were to re-ask this question if some sort of endless loop would start.

Description : Wow, I hear you can only ask THREE questions every so hours. Well, how many questions have I asked in the limit, and how many more do I have before I run out/how long until my count resets?

Last Answer : Who said you can ask only 3 Qs? I have never heard of that.

Description : Hey people!1 im appearing for the GDOC test on the 21st.Iv cleared the written test and am going for the psychological test and the physicaltest followed by the interviews.Idont have any idea ... questions that are going to be asked in the psychological test or the interview.Someone help please!

Last Answer : Hopefully it’s nothing about the details field in ask-public. Sorry I had to

Description : For 24 hours you control your countries entire military, no questions asked, no permits or permissions needed, what plans do you put in place and how does it turn out?

Last Answer : Dismantle and Over throw the government. It turns out great!

Description : How do I get the answers to the questions asked

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can the answers to the questions asked be seen by anyone?

Last Answer : only if you click on the actual question- and then scroll through the have to weed them out

Description : What are the best interview questions you've been asked?

Last Answer : "Would you like way more money than expected?"

Description : the most asked questions in 9th and 10th -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1) what is a resource ? 2) difference between biotc and abiotic resouce 3) what is democracy ?