If I dont have dental insurance how much will it cost me to get my wisdom teeth removed?

1 Answer

Answer :

I think the cost is nearly $950 to get your wisdom teeth removed

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Last Answer : Do you have any dentistry schools near you? If you’re in pain something is not right.

Description : As far as surgical removal of wisdom teeth is concerned which of the following is true? a- Prophylactic prescription of antibiotic reduces dramatically the chances of infection. b- Raising a lingual ... e- The use of vasoconstrictors in local anaesthetics will increase the chances of infection.

Last Answer : b- Raising a lingual flap will increases the incidence of neurapraxia but will reduce the incidence of neurotmesis with respect to the lingual nerve.

Description : As far as surgical removal of wisdom teeth is concerned, which of the following is true?**CHECK A. Prophylactic prescription of antibiotic reduces dramatically the chances of infection B. Raising ... root E. The use of vasoconstrictors in local anaesthetics will increase the chances of infection.

Last Answer : C. Prophylactic prescription of dexamethasone will dramatically reduces post operative swelling

Description : For those who have had their wisdom teeth or tooth removed did you go under anesthesia?

Last Answer : I did, I honestly don’t remember how long it lasted. On moment I’m getting stuck with an IV and quite literally a second or two later my dad is sitting in front of me and I’m like “WTF are you doing here?” I did not even realize that it was over.

Description : Should I get my wisdom teeth removed?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. You need to ask your dentist if you need them removed or if your jaw has room for them. I don’t think anyone on fluther is quite qualified to evaluate from a picture,

Description : Should I have my wisdom teeth removed?

Last Answer : Why would you need a general? I had three out all at once and I only got a local.

Description : When is it necessary to get your wisdom teeth removed?

Last Answer : I have insurance, so I cannot answer that part of your question. There is no exact time to get your wisdom teeth removed. It really depends. Usually it happens between 16–25.

Description : Has anyone had their top wisdom teeth removed (that were not impacted)?

Last Answer : answer:joli is our tooth maven. I had all four removed years ago because my jaw wasn’t big enough. No impaction and no memory of any distress.

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Last Answer : I’ve never broken a bone but it was the worst pain of my life and my cheeks were so swollen I looked like alvin with Simon in one cheek and theodore in the other!

Description : Is it okay for you to be bleeding 9 hours straight after getting all your wisdom teeth removed?

Last Answer : answer:Call you dentist’s service right away. How much blood have you lost? You may have to go to the emergency room if you cannot reach anyone. Nine hours is too long.

Description : Is wisdom tooth removal the new racket in dental care?

Last Answer : Some wisdom teeth create problems as they grow in or become impacted. I never had a problem but both my sons had theirs removed years ago. This has been being done for a long time.

Description : Should I have my impacted wisdom tooth removed or not?

Last Answer : Impacted wisdom teeth are those that don't fully cut through because they are being obstructed by other teeth around it. If they aren't removed they can cause a lot of pain so if it was me I ... their wisdom teeth removed in the dentist chair and can arrange for you to have it done in hospital.

Description : Is it possible to get dentures when you only have some teeth left, some are broken off and I have atop partial, I relize the remaining would have to be surcially removed also what about flexable dentures,I dont want to go without anything?

Last Answer : I think any good dentist would be able to work with you. There are several options for tooth replacement, including multiple partials, full dentures, implants and bridges. Call your dentist and request an appointment to discuss your individual situation.

Description : Have you had wisdom teeth pulled out with a painless, infection free recovery?

Last Answer : I’ve had one wisdom tooth pulled because it literally rotted apart and needed only to take a couple 200ml ibuprofen tablets when I got home from the dentist. Apart from mild soreness, it was a comfortable and inflectionless recovery. I was still even able to chew on that side.

Description : Do impacted wisdom teeth have any connection to PVCs?

Last Answer : I don’t think that there is any connection at all. I am glad things ae going well for you though.

Description : Can I request laughing gas for impacted wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : answer:You'll have to discuss options with your dentist but I don't think nitrous oxide gas ( sp? )would be strong enough to cut out impacted wisdom teeth. Of course I do not know for sure. When ... about an hour before they let you go home. Obviously you will need someone to drive you home as well.

Description : I had my wisdom teeth taken out over a month ago and I'm not sure if I developed a dry socket or not?

Last Answer : Dry socket hurts a lot. Treatment for dry socket is to scrape it until it bleeds, and let the clot hang out in there. That white thing may be a thread of suture.

Description : Ear pain after wisdom teeth extraction?

Last Answer : Take a double dose of painkillers. From everything I've read, a dry socket would not cause anyone to wonder if they have it. They'd be crying in agony. I think they'll say to put a half unfrozen ... 'd think you could have some level of discomfort for a week or ten days. Hope you feel better soon.

Description : How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth extracted?

Last Answer : I was 27. It’s not a big deal, don’t worry.

Description : How long does it usually take to heal after having two wisdom teeth extracted?

Last Answer : I went home on a Friday and was back at work on Monday, at the oral surgeon’s office as an out patient. They will usually take the two wisdom teeth on the same side at one time. They took my right side wisdom teeth first and then four months later the left side.

Description : How did people get their wisdom teeth extracted before modern dentistry?

Last Answer : answer: Only at the end of the nineteenth century the use of local anesthesia together with the development of radiology led to the establishment of surgical dentistry. Especially the technique of ... 1950s, highly dangerous infections have become rare, PubMed Before that they were left alone.

Description : How quickly can wisdom teeth move?

Last Answer : answer:I can't give you mph, but my dentist says that our teeth (even with no impaction or misalignment) shift all the time until we die. I think that a second opinion is a good idea, since ... this issue for a while. I remember that the issue was the insurance company and not the dental decision?

Description : Is this really all I can do to cope with my wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : answer:Harass the insurance company or have someone do it for you. You need those out asap. It's pain, plain and simple. OTC you're not going to get anything better than ibuprofen. ... significantly more powerful, but taking it will likely render you useless for any working or learning process.

Description : Does anyone have any home remedies for wisdom teeth pain?

Last Answer : Ibuprofen.

Description : Doing PT 3 days after wisdom teeth removal, can I do it?

Last Answer : Do it

Description : Could this pain be caused by my wisdom teeth coming in?

Last Answer : answer:Uh I'm not a dentist and I have zero medical training. But I have had toothaches from time to time, and a few extractions. (At my age, it ain' no thang.) And I also had braces ... whole mouth pain. You need to be scheduling a visit with your orthodontist and getting some pictures, I think.

Description : What should I do about this wisdom teeth issue?

Last Answer : Call your dentist and tell them what you have told us, that you have heard too many bad stories on this oral surgeon and need another reference. I would never go to an oral surgeon or dentist or ... bad reputation. Also, ask your dentist if it is possible to wait until your next break from school.

Description : How can I pay for wisdom teeth extraction?

Last Answer : Have you checked with the university to see if they have any health plans, deals, ideas?

Description : What to eat after removal of wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : answer:Scrambled or soft-boiled eggs. Pureed soup, real mashed potatoes, ice cream if the cold doesn’t bother you, custard, apple sauce, (read the ingredients in instant mashed potatoes – a baked potato or baked sweet potato is easy and soft and real). What does “flow of blow” mean?

Description : Wisdom teeth please help!

Last Answer : Try to get into the doctors asap cause if the wisdom teeth are coming in. If you don't have enough room in your mouth it can really mess up your jaw alignment. If they need to come out ... But the painkillers help you sleep. But it's a lot better then your wisdom teeth shifting around your teeth.

Description : I am nervouse and scared about getting all my wisdom teeth pulled. What can I do so that I will be prepared for getting my wisdom teeth pulled?

Last Answer : Can I ask why you are nervous and scared? Is it the anaesthesia? Or the pain? Or something I’ve not thought of? (I’d be happy to give you some advice after I get some specifics.)

Description : Are my wisdom teeth coming in?

Last Answer : I started to get mine in when I was 15, just throw the jerky in the back of your mouth on your gum, and chew on it that way. I did some weird things. I use to chew on a pencil, I used a ... propane, and diesel, you'll be fine. Were you trying to find a way to get high so the pain would stop?

Description : How long after wisdom teeth extraction will I still be in pain?

Last Answer : Use plenty of ice. In my case the pain was almost gone the next day.

Description : Has anyone actually had all their wisdom teeth come in and not need to be taken out?

Last Answer : My wisdom teeth came in straight, and with no difficulties. However, the dentist, at my last checkup, said that they’re starting to decay, simply because it’s very difficult to properly clean them. so i’ll have to have them out anyways.

Description : Why do we get wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : There are a couple of possible explanations: Until the advent of modern dentistry, there was a very good chance that one would have lost multiple teeth by the time the wisdom teeth erupted, so there would have ... ve found our own technological fix for it so we don't have to wait for that to happen.

Description : After surgically removing 3 wisdom teeth, it is excrutiatingly painful when i put on my retainer, why?

Last Answer : Removal of the teeth may have altered your bite putting pressure where you had little before.

Description : After surgically removing 3 wisdom teeth, how should i go about eating?

Last Answer : Apple sauce! Milk shakes! Mashed potatoes! Mmmmm… When they feel back to normal you can eat hot food. But probably start with some warm food, just to be safe.

Description : Why are wisdom teeth called wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : It's because they arrive at the age of consent, or therabouts.

Description : What are some good methods to speed up the recovery time after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?

Last Answer : Mine were impacted when I had them removed. They gave me a prescription for Perkaden (sp?) but I never needed to fill it as I never had any real pain. I would think a little Motrin should get you through. Unless you have a dry socket, you should get by okay.

Description : Is wearing my retainer while 3 of my wisdom teeth growing in a bad thing? And do wisdom teeth need to be extracted?

Last Answer : answer:Always, always, always wear your retainer. If you need to get it adjusted for your wisdom teeth, tell your ortho on your next retainer check or call to make an appt. No, not everyone needs there wisdom teeth removed. If they come in fine, then you are okay.

Description : What's the best thing I can eat after I just got my wisdom teeth out?

Last Answer : milkshakes!!!

Description : Wisdom teeth normally grow during the which age? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is '17-30 years'

Description : Wisdom teeth normally grow during the which age? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically grow in during late adolescence or early adulthood. This can vary depending on the individual, but typically they start to appear between the ages ... dental checkups to monitor the growth of wisdom teeth and address any issues that may arise.

Description : What is the way to get rid of the pain of wisdom teeth ?

Last Answer : In many cases there is pain when wisdom teeth are raised. Are the teeth rising properly or are they crooked ? A lot of the time when the gums are cut, the teeth come out properly. It is not ... lukewarm water and rinse 3-4 times a day. If necessary, seek the help of a dentist directly. Thanks.

Description : How old are wisdom teeth ?

Last Answer : Usually grows up to 18-21 years of age.

Description : Could the problem be different?

Last Answer : My lower wisdom teeth are now coming out of me, one of them is also slanted. I don’t think pain perception is accurate in this case, if you squeeze the sore area, it hurts more, but if you press the area of ​​pain radiating elsewhere, it doesn’t hurt more, so it doesn’t really hurt there.

Description : Do I have them when I'm 30 years old?

Last Answer : These are the last stools (third), wisdom teeth are popularly called because they grow much later than other teeth (it has nothing to do with wisdom as such) ... And if you have them ?? - you should know that (or ask your dentist) - some will grow up at 18, some at 40, some at all.

Description : Are you for?

Last Answer : This will be determined or recommended by the dentist. Wisdom teeth often spoil early and sometimes are torn out because they push other teeth and prevent them from developing well.

Description : Why do some people not have wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : Many people do not have wisdom teeth because of evolution. This might sound funny or even unreal but this is real - just like some people that are not born with appendix. The wisdom teeth should ... removed by a professional dentist, that way you do not have the risk of having your smile ruined.

Description : When do I use water pick after wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : Need answer