How does acupuncture help with allergies?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, acupuncture greatly helps with Allergies. Acupuncture can improve the way the immune system works. Allergies are a problem with the way your immune system works. It will treat the points that stimulate the nervous system in turn it helps to control the allergies. Mainly using a point in the head or back of the head treat allergies.

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Last Answer : answer:I have two friends who have had acupuncture. Totally opposite results. One swears that it worked well for her and she got whatever relief she was after. \ The other - two sessions, she found it ... her time. I have never done it myself, but given my friends' experiences, I probably won't.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, I've had acupuncture. There was a strain of influenza going around that kept people sick between 3 to 5 days. I developed the symptoms, got an acupuncture treatment, and was completely free of ... on that occasion. I will not give a recommendation for it, though. It's not for everyone.

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Last Answer : answer:What do you mean correct? Most of those have been practiced for thousands of years. There are regional differences and influences. You find a practioner who gives you the beat results. The practioner themselves ... also has a variety of kung fu is there a right kind? Or just one you prefer.

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Last Answer : answer:Try google, we don’t help with homework except in a general way. It sounds like part of this assignment is to teach you how to find and use research materials. Now if you had asked if specific site was a good source we would help with that.

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Last Answer : answer:It did nothing for me. But then again, I did not BELIEVE it would.

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Last Answer : Dave id look at it like this. What is the worst that will happen? It wont work and you wasted some time with the apt and avoided a possible argument with your SO. Best case scenario it works and your healed. Fuck it, just go. who knows you might just walk out of there a believer :P

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Last Answer : Acupuncture is the "ancient Chinese medical practice".

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Last Answer : Try the Acupuncture Promotion & Welfare Society (A.P.S.) Pakistan

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Last Answer : Nope.

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Last Answer : answer:Try using a neti pot. It will clear you sinuses and flush out any allergens in your nose. It’s not a cure all but it helps.

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Last Answer : answer:Fair Warning! This is my For Dummies type of answer, I don't have any sources or links to back me up. First off, to answer, yes. Sometimes vessels tighten during allergies to slow down ... out, and just maybe drive by the same areas, she would probably get allergy symptoms and what not.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. You should have a pen and an allergy tag on you at all times. Both my cousin and her mom (my aunt) have had severe, life threatening reactions to both peanuts and ... reacts can go from under control via Benadryl and can rapidly escalate to the necessity of medical intervention.

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Last Answer : answer:Humidity can trigger asthma, as obviously unfiltered air can, too. Conditioned air can help prevent indoor asthma attacks, as it cleans, cools and dries the air. Conditioning the air can also help keep mold and pollen spores to a tolerable level.

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Last Answer : answer:According to the Mayo Clinic, nearly any food can cause an allergic reaction, but there are 8 foods that account for 90% of allergies. Milk Eggs Peanuts Tree Nuts Wheat Fish Shellfish Soy

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Last Answer : answer:No fever from the allergies to nature and growing things. There is a really high pollen count now. I live in the country and I see all the cars are covered with yellow pollen. If you were running ... had flu. Glad that you are feeling better. Stuffy runny nose will calm down in a day or so.

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Last Answer : answer:Look out for your own kid or every parent for themself? Isn’t that the same thing?

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Last Answer : answer:You list what he or she can eat. This is a tough one. Lamb, goat, fish, fowl, rabbit Beans, nuts and lentils. Vegetables (no potatoes, tomatoes, egg plant) Fruit (All grains, even the more exotic ones like quinoa, amaranth and farro?)

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Last Answer : answer:Surely, again, the advice from your experienced pediatrician trumps online sites? Ask the nurse for a list of foods to avoid and which foods are unlikely to cause allergies. Make sure your baby ... Foods that account for 90% of all Food Allergies: (

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Last Answer : answer:The exact cause is unknown, but many theories say that it is caused by the consumption of peanuts during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Once, I heard that the rising consumption of boiled / ... hospitalized for brain injuries from sports. 2,000 children drown. 1,300 children die from guns.

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Last Answer : answer:Not self explanatory: When are you flying? Can you postpone? Get plenty of rest, drink a lot of water, and consider wearing one of those masks.

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Last Answer : Mariah I am alllergic to Sulfa and my mother was always very careful to tell all my doctors about it when I was small. She said that I had gotten a rash from Sulfa once. She used to be a nurse ... a problem for me. Where did you read about the neck pain and fever symptoms? Was it a relaible source?

Description : Any experience using Allerpet/C for cat allergies?

Last Answer : answer:It is actually the proteins in the saliva that stimulate an immune reaction, so an over-groomer is probably not helping the situation. There are some products that seem to help, although nothing ... that your boyfriend's reaction sounds relatively severe, so you may have to be a dog owner.

Description : What good anti-inflammatory painkillers are available for someone with allergies(details inside)?

Last Answer : Allergic reactions to ibuprofen. I doubt it. But if you say so, stick with acetaminophen. Just don’t drink.