When and where did acupuncture originate?

1 Answer

Answer :

Acupuncture originated in China. The earliest reference to acupuncture is in a Chinese medical journal from the second century BCE.

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Last Answer : answer:I have two friends who have had acupuncture. Totally opposite results. One swears that it worked well for her and she got whatever relief she was after. \ The other - two sessions, she found it ... her time. I have never done it myself, but given my friends' experiences, I probably won't.

Description : Have you ever had Acupuncture or another traditional healing method?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I've had acupuncture. There was a strain of influenza going around that kept people sick between 3 to 5 days. I developed the symptoms, got an acupuncture treatment, and was completely free of ... on that occasion. I will not give a recommendation for it, though. It's not for everyone.

Description : What form of acupuncture is correct?

Last Answer : answer:What do you mean correct? Most of those have been practiced for thousands of years. There are regional differences and influences. You find a practioner who gives you the beat results. The practioner themselves ... also has a variety of kung fu is there a right kind? Or just one you prefer.

Description : Does anyone know about Ancient Chinese Acupuncture?

Last Answer : answer:Try google, we don’t help with homework except in a general way. It sounds like part of this assignment is to teach you how to find and use research materials. Now if you had asked if specific site was a good source we would help with that.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know how it would effect scar tissue. I used it for 6 months for a shoulder injury that flared up. I had a pin put in my left shoulder some years ago after a bad ... about scar tissue. If nothing else it WILL stimulate your muscles, reduce pain and leave you feeling amazing!

Description : What can anyone tell me about Acupuncture?

Last Answer : answer:There's Certified/Physician acupuncturists, and the certification doesn't require much - it's for physicians or chiropractors who're looking to expand, and have home study, have little or no actual ... had acupuncture. It didn't help, it just felt like someone sticking tons of needles in me.

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Last Answer : Can you please explain ooey-gooey? I’m considering acupuncture too, in the South Bay, and I don’t know what to watch out for.

Description : Can you give a testimonial for acupuncture?

Last Answer : answer:It did nothing for me. But then again, I did not BELIEVE it would.

Description : Would you try acupuncture if you didn't believe in it?

Last Answer : Dave id look at it like this. What is the worst that will happen? It wont work and you wasted some time with the apt and avoided a possible argument with your SO. Best case scenario it works and your healed. Fuck it, just go. who knows you might just walk out of there a believer :P

Description : Acupuncture and cupping?

Last Answer : answer:I had a Chinese acupuncturist who trained in China. She used needles, mild electric currents, cupping and magnets I went for lower back pain caused by scoliosis. That was not helped, but the ... and hair pulled, gently. Try OTC saline spray called Ayr or Ocean for nasal irritation.

Description : Acupuncture and depression?

Last Answer : answer:My aunt had acupuncture an it worked really well for her (but all friend-of-a-friend anecdotal evidence should be taken with a grain of salt). It help her with pain management/stress, which may not ... . Depression is pretty common in my family, so I know what a struggle it can be. Good Luck.

Description : Does acupuncture still "work" if you don't believe in it?

Last Answer : Yes, but it’s effectiveness will be dampened.

Description : What is your experience with acupuncture (if you tried it before)?

Last Answer : Maybe it helped, maybe placebo effect.

Last Answer : Acupuncture is the "ancient Chinese medical practice".

Description : Ano ang acupuncture?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : How to Compare Acupuncture Schools to Get the Best Acupuncture Education?

Last Answer : The field of acupuncture holds great promise as a potential treatment for a wide variety of conditions. For those who feel they want to explore the possibility of going into this field, it is ... each school's program. Most acupuncture schools will teach you about anatomy and physiology, in additi

Description : Is it wise to visit an acupuncture clinic for back pain without seeing a regular physician first?

Last Answer : No, it is not wise to visit an acupuncture clinic for Back pain without seeing a regular physician first. It cann be extremely dangerous.

Description : How does acupuncture help with allergies?

Last Answer : Yes, acupuncture greatly helps with Allergies. Acupuncture can improve the way the immune system works. Allergies are a problem with the way your immune system works. It will treat the points that stimulate ... the allergies. Mainly using a point in the head or back of the head treat allergies.

Description : What type of school does one go to for Acupuncture Training?

Last Answer : If you want to get Acupuncture Training, Acupuncture School is the best way to get your training. You can get a list of Acupuncture Schools at www.acupunctureschools.com

Description : How long does a typical acupuncture session last?

Last Answer : Accupuncture is a great alternative treatment. The typical session will last 45 minutes.

Description : i want acupuncture training in lahore(pakistan)?

Last Answer : Try the Acupuncture Promotion & Welfare Society (A.P.S.) Pakistan http://gancao.net/acupuncture/aom-day-acupuncture/acupuncture-promotion-welfare-society-pakistan-573

Description : Where can I find acupuncture classes near me?

Last Answer : Acupuncture has been employed as a health care modality for over 5,000 years. Modern science has begun to understand the secrets of this ancient medicine with the support of new studies ... from many great teachers and mentors who have given me great confidence in practicing this medicine.

Description : I am interested in getting into acupuncture training?

Last Answer : you can join in Memorial Research & Training Institute of Acupuncture institute whic is under the government of west bengal

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Last Answer : I received my acupuncture training at Yo San University, they have fantastic acupuncture courses.

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Last Answer : Acupuncture Treatment Needles have been in use from a very long time to insert the medicines in the body directly. However, in oriental medicinal approach, about different technique was applied; ... suggested a person to take this treatment under the supervision of the doctor to avoid problems.

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