Are used bunk beds safe?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, as long as you check them over for problems then you shouldnt have any issues. Just because they are used doesnt mean that they will fall apart. If a bunk bed looks sturdy then it most likely is. Used bunk beds can be just as safe as new ones. Just double check all bolt and bracket connections and tighten up any thing that seems loose.

Related questions

Description : Are bunk beds safe?

Last Answer : Bunk beds are safe for children that are comfortable wil bed sleep. If in doubt, use a bunk wall.

Description : What is a typical price for used bunk beds?

Last Answer : Although bunk beds are pretty expensive, they can definitely be bought much cheaper, depending on the design. A basic bunk bed, if bought used at a flea market or consignment shop can range anywhere from ... between $100-$500 or more used, since most new bunk beds usually retail for $700+ in stores.

Description : How to Build Bunk Beds

Last Answer : How to Build Bunk Beds Quite a few adults can relate to growing up sleeping in a bunk bed; especially true if you've had many siblings all growing up together in the same room. As the family ... everything is in place. Anything that looks sharp or could cause injury should be filed or sanded down.

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Last Answer : bunk meaning escape.

Description : How to Assemble a Bunk Bed?

Last Answer : Assembling a bunk bed is easy. It just requires a socket wrench,an allen wrench, and a hammer. The nails and bolts are usuallyincluded in the kit. It's better to have two people working on ... willsave you time. The first section of the bed to be assembled will bethe lower bunk. Attach t

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Description : How to Choose the Right Bunk Bed for Your Child?

Last Answer : Bunk beds have always been popular with kids. They are even moreso today because of all the different styles. Knowing how to choosethe right bunk bed for your child is easy if you know your child' ... Thisbed has delicate swirls cut-outs on the wood also.Boys might like a bunk bed that looks lik

Description : Bunk Bed?

Last Answer : form_title= Bunk Bed form_header= Have slumber parties every nights with bunk beds. Do you what to use a canopy bunk bed?*= () Yes () No Do you prefer metal or wooden bunk beds?*= () Yes () No What is the square footage of the bedroom?*= _ [50]

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Last Answer : You are exposed to ultraviolet radiation inside a tanning bed, just as you are in the sun. This UV exposure causes skin cancer, regardless of the source. In addition, you can receive a bad burn in a tanning bed just as you can in the sun. So tanning beds are generally no safer than sun exposure.

Description : Are tanning beds safe for children?

Last Answer : Tanning beds are a potential danger for adults and probably even more so for children since their skin is more delicate. I would never recommend placing a child in a tanning bed.

Description : How often can a teenager use tanning beds and still be safe?

Last Answer : Tanning beds are dangerous. They do not recommend that teenagers use tanning beds without a guardian's consent as they do pose risks, as they do to everyone because of the exposure to harmful UV rays ... permit more than one visit per 24 hour period and no tanning outside during that time as well.

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Last Answer : Yes, they do. There is too much risk of severe unforeseen turbulence.

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Last Answer : Perhaps you need separate litter boxes for each kitten. Cats are private creatures.

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Last Answer : The actual temperature? Or how hot it feels?

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Last Answer : cats like to ruin all that is perfect….. but at least it’s cute :)

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Last Answer : I worked in a professional laundry, and yes, the outer blankets only get a washing quarterly, unless they show reason to be washed before that.

Description : Hotel "why" question #2: beds.

Last Answer : I have noticed this too. I have to pull out all the covers as they are tucked in so tight I can’t get in the bed.

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Last Answer : One day.

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Last Answer : I would assume bed bugs and such pests. Also, it is more comfortable. A mattress w/ box springs on the floor just doesn’t feel the same….

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Last Answer : Here is a good video that might help


Last Answer : Need Answer

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Description : what can i use in flower beds and around outside of house to keep cats from pooping there

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Last Answer : when you find the roots try 6% heinz cleaning vinegar sold at Walmart green label on the roots, full strength. I use an old pointed mustard bottle right on the roots...........

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Last Answer : I do them after they bloom. Depends on how hot it is when you move them some people are lucky they move them anytime. Put some bone meal in the hole before putting the iris in.

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Last Answer : Depends if you have mulch..................getting too much moisture can grow them. is there any trees or buses that you can trim to give it more light & air. if you have mulch down you might need to ... try 6% vinegar right on it. then dig it out and drop ing a bag & trash it, don't mulch it.

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Last Answer : the bigger the hole the bigger the critter chipmunk,gopher,rabbit among others

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Last Answer : It sounds like it is time to replace your mulch.

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Last Answer : First you should if it is worth trying to change the soil or not. It might be easier to choose plants that are well suited for a clay heavy soil. There are many plants that are well ... you are trying to grow. The organic material will bring additional acidity to the soil. Hopefully this helps.

Description : how do keep cats out of flower beds

Last Answer : grapefruit, lemon, lime or orange peels repell cats from the flower beds. Mothballs in a soda bottle with holes & a cap tightly sealed also repels them safer than on the ground not safe for ... with water spray, human hair crushed egg shells also can help..also most cats are afraid of dogs.

Description : A family went to their day house, dropped the kids off, and went to get groceries. When the parents returned, all of the kids were dead. The butler said he was dusting, the maid said she was making the beds, and the nanny said she was unpacking the suitcases. Who did it? -Riddles

Last Answer : The maid because it was a day house and there are no beds.

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Last Answer : The butler because the parents went to the store to get the groceries. Therefore, they were out of groceries and there was none to put away.