I have light brown biscuit-like mold growing in my flower beds.

1 Answer

Answer :

It sounds like it is time to replace your mulch.

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Last Answer : No. He may be in his seventies, but he is not a paragon of health.

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Last Answer : Fluffy, squishy, and airy on the inside sounds like a roll, not a biscuit. That might explain why you’re having difficulty reproducing it from biscuit recipes.

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Last Answer : Depends if you have mulch..................getting too much moisture can grow them. is there any trees or buses that you can trim to give it more light & air. if you have mulch down you might need to ... try 6% vinegar right on it. then dig it out and drop ing a bag & trash it, don't mulch it.

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Last Answer : The deeper, the better. It is usually engraved to the depth of the whole spade or digging forks.

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Last Answer : It is best to dig the soil in both autumn and spring.

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Last Answer : In the garden by the apartment, I used white bricks around the flower beds, because they were originally there. Interestingly, my grandfather solved it, he put a monthly strawberry around the rebates. In the cottage I lined some flowerbeds with stones, flowerbed with strawberries planks. (Happy)

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Last Answer : Any type of landscaping rock of your choice will work for flower beds. www.stonedecorative.com has a wide variety of landscaping rocks.

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Last Answer : I would cut that one off before it spreads to your other ones......drop in a bag and clean your cutters. Sounds like poweredy mildew............you could try equal parts of milk & water spray 3 treatments one week apart.

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Last Answer : Watering to remove excess soluble salts from the growing medium

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Last Answer : Growing point of bud

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Last Answer : 1) (I) and (II)

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Last Answer : answer:There is a debate on whether mold and mildew is killed by UV light, but the general consensus is yes. UV light bulbs can be bought in a variety of places.

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Last Answer : The best thing to do, is not necessarily remove ur additional plants. First get a 55 gallon drum and fill-it 3/4 way with water, then add, 12 to 14 oz of vegetable oil, add: 1/2 gal. of vinegar, ... right around 2 weeks, 3 at the very latest. Your tree will be fine, and so will the other plants.

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Last Answer : I think the cold weather that we had had recently has a lot to do with that. I would just cut them off. If they say under 50 you cold cover them until morning. I can't plant any summer flowers in NE PA because nights are cold. I have to wait until June.

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Last Answer : The tree is most important. Ivy is not good to grow around trees. It can kill a tree and pull it down. The IVY should be removed to save the tree down the road. Bag it and trash it please do not mulch it. Ivy can damage bricks on your house and take a barn down when it is left to grow.

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Last Answer : you could dig up one and check to see if you could cook it for new potatoes.........you probably have little bugs eating the leaves.....mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap w 1 qt water and mix & spray after the sun goes down.