Is an electric fence harmful to birds if they happen to land on it?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is possible for a bird to be shocked if landing on an electric fence but not likley. Since the bird is not standing on the ground and touching the fence the elctricity has no where to go so the bird should be fine. Other animals get shocked because they are touching the fence and another objecy such as the ground. As long as the bird is touching only the fence, the electricity has no where to go.

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Last Answer : Instead of an electric fence tell your folks to get a good book on dog training and take their time doing a little research before jumping into anything.

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Last Answer : Is it not something low like 12V or 24V . Ok according to website its alot more than that 2000 V to 10,000 V .

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Last Answer : Maybe this will help you:

Description : How strong is the shock carried in an electric fence?

Last Answer : It really all depends on the type of electric fence you get. Electric fences can put out a shock ranging from uncomfortable to lethal. Ones that you would typically use for your backyard or farm ... animals without harming them. Other fences used in high security prisons, for example, can be deadly.

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Last Answer : If you make sure it is ona low voltage, an electric fence can be a safe and effective way to keep the animals you want in your fence in and those you want out on the other side of the ... a low voltage it would give off enough of a shock to startle and scare of wildlife without causing damage.

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Last Answer : form_title=Install an Electric Fence form_header=Keep animals inside the the boundary lines of your property safely and easily with an electric fence. What are you going to use this fence for?=_ What type of animals ... the property?=_ Do you want the fence above or below ground?= () Above () Below

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Last Answer : answer:To mount the hinges parallel to the slope, stick that post in perpendicular to the slope. Or you could have a sliding gate that goes sideways instead of swinging Or, more complicated, a parallelogram ... like this picture. Or simply swing the gate out over the slope instead of back into it.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have a specific answer for your site and its wind issues. I have heard over and over that people regret quick-crete shortly after they have the job done. I have also heard it's ... badly. Will you be doing your own mixing, or having a concrete company do it? Moisture is everything.

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Last Answer : answer:Get a medium-sized Havahart”: and drop the rabbits at least five miles away at a field or woods or riverbank. I have used the small ones for mice, voles, and chipmunks. Except for the squeaking in the car on the ride, it’s straightforward.

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Last Answer : answer:Houston Zone Code: Residential Section 9: ... Unit divisions: ... Shared fences or other structures dividing the property line shall not be altered in such a way that it impacts other residents ... own privacy barrier, but may not alter the dividing structure. Google it, I closed the window.

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Last Answer : answer:Yeeeeah, no. First and foremost 50 dollars for a “try” is too much. Secondly the iPad is vastly overhyped. It’s basically just a big iTouch but it’s marketed as a tablet PC, which it isn’t.

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Last Answer : Sell one. sorry…I cuoldn’t resist

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Last Answer : I dunno about a fence but once a limb fell on the powerline in my yard and it burst into flames. One side rested on one wire while the other rocked up and down onto another. Everytime they connected it burst into flames. It was pretty cool. Maybe this would work the same?

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Last Answer : Fence or trellis, they grow upward and hang down.

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Last Answer : Probably from scratch, but there would be more work involved.

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Last Answer : Here’s one idea. Here’s another. Plenty more if you Google the exact words of your question.

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Last Answer : The planer they use. The rough side is likely cut with a saw and the smooth side is ran through a planer to make sure the board is the proper depth. The planer makes a much smoother surface.

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Last Answer : Raise the soils Ph level up just a smidgen, you can do this by using common white vinegar. Add (to start out with) one cup of vinegar to at least 4 gallons of water, 3 times /week, Only ... into shock; the higher the Ph Levels in the soil for hydraneas the better chance that it will bloom -Birdy

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