What medicine to take for sprained finger?

1 Answer

Answer :

There is no medication for a sprain. Put ice on it.

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Description : What is the quickest way to heal a sprained ankle?

Last Answer : Well to deal with inflammation and swelling, alternate heat and cold to the area. If you just sprained it, stay off it and elevate and get xrays. If you didn’t just sprain it and it hurts you, consider physical therapy and birkam yoga (which is especially good for healing sprains).

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Description : what is the best thing to do to heal a sprained ankle?

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Description : content:

Last Answer : Sorry for the delayed response - computer problems. I'm sure by now the injury has healed and/or been seen by the vet. It's important to give your vet as much information about the injury as possible such as when or how it occurred, is it chronic and so on. Hope your pet is well now.

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Last Answer : Put ice on the ankle and stay off it.

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Last Answer : This healing of a sprained ankle can take up to 3 1/2 weeks if not more. This would all depend on how bad it is . So I would not run again for about 3 1/2 weeks and rest your ankle.

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Last Answer : That is very true that runners don't always watch where they are going and occasionally acquire injuries do to that. To treat a sprained ankle, it's best if you stay off the foot, elevate it and put ... don't do things like running or jogging. It could make the injury much worse than it already is.

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Last Answer : How to Heal a Sprained Ankle Sticks and stones may break your bones, but sprained ankles will definitely hurt you. Even the most seasoned athletes wince in pain and agony with an ankle injury. Ankle sprains ... surgery. For mild sprains, though, these tips can get you back up and going in no time.

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Last Answer : Fingers, arms, legs, spines, necks. Sending a firm message is important. But I never bothered to ask, how long it took to heal.