What types of foods did they eat on the first thanksgiving?

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Description : What are your least favorite traditional Thanksgiving foods?

Last Answer : Green bean casserole is not a traitional food in my family, because it is awful. And I cannot abide ruining good sweet potatoes with marshmallows. I could eat turkey and cranberry four nights a week and not get tired of it.

Description : How many different foods are usually on your Thanksgiving table?

Last Answer : answer:We cook Thanksgiving every year. Been eighteen years now. This year, we are hosting fifteen people. Here is our menu: APPETIZER Stuffed mushrooms FIRST COURSE Stuffed Shells Escarole Soup MAIN ... Pecan Everything is homemade except the pies and rolls which we get from a local bakery.

Description : Now that Christmas and Thanksgiving are over, are you craving any non-holiday foods?

Last Answer : Oh gosh, I haven’t even finished the holiday ones yet! Pumpkin pie for breakfast, chips and Oreo truffles for lunch… maybe I’ll even have leftover turkey for supper. No Taco Bell for me, but I have been thinking about an Indian mushroom curry that I like!

Description : Are there foods your family only eats at Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : For the most part, roast turkey. I just can’t be arsed the other 364 days of the year, even though I’m a poultry roasting ninja.

Description : Any Pre-Thanksgiving or Post-Thanksgiving foods you enjoy each year?

Last Answer : Beer cheese soup on Saturday. Usually with a sandwich made of the leftovers from Thursday.

Description : What did you eat first on your plate this Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : The stuffing! My aunt has perfected the art of Thanksgiving stuffing, and I look forward to it every year. (It’s also a nice change from my steady diet of macaroni and cheese in college.)

Description : Did you fix or eat a turkey for Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : Fix a turkey? Get a cook book and follow the directions. Eat a turkey? Sandwiches. I cook my turkey tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 27, 2021. Because I had to work on Thursday.

Description : Could there be a parallel universe where intelligent animals are at the top of the food chain and eat humans on Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : Sure there could. There isn’t but there could.

Description : What is your favorite thing to eat at Thanksgiving dinner?

Last Answer : Hot homemade rolls with puddles of butter.

Description : How old were you before you were asked to sit at the "big table" to eat Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner?

Last Answer : I don’t ever remember sitting at a separate table. There was only ever five of us, and we always sat together.

Description : Favorite thing to eat for the Thanksgiving feast?

Last Answer : The stuffing is always my favorite part.

Description : What are some tasty thanksgiving alternatives for those families who don't eat turkey?

Last Answer : Pie. and that is all….maybe a beer ;)

Description : Where to eat for Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : I don’t know of any places with Thanksgiving-themed food, besides maybe Eat’n Park or Bob Evans..I always used to tell my mom that my family would just go out for Chinese so I don’t have to stuff a turkey.

Description : What do vegetarians eat for Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : My sister had nut loaf, sauteed mushrooms, and ratatouille last Thanksgiving when she was at her own house. When she comes to the family Thanksgiving dinner she eats all of the different types of vegetables plus potatoes and pumpkin pie.

Description : Why do people eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

Last Answer : Turkey on Thanksgiving People eat turkey on Thanksgiving because of tradition. People grow up learning that turkey is served on Thanksgiving and carry that on from generation to generation.Other users ... ate grouse, duck, goose and swan than turkey. Serving turkey became a matter of convenienc

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Last Answer : My vietnamese family always have something new and weird to eat every thanksgiving.

Description : What types of foods should someone looking to reduce their cholesterol eat?

Last Answer : There are many types of food that can lower cholesterol levels butt i will choose my top three. 1. Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods 2. Fish and omega-3 fatty acids 3. Walnuts, almonds and other nuts

Description : What types of foods should people with positive type a blood eat?

Last Answer : Mos type A's are vegetarians or should stick to a vegetable diet. Their food should be pure and fresh. When sticking to this diet you are making your immune system stronger.

Description : What types of foods should I eat if I have diabetes?

Last Answer : Eat foods that are low in sugar content and will not mess with the sugar levels of your body. Eat healthy foods and controlled portions. Include more vegetables and lean meats in your diet.

Description : What types of foods are okay to eat for a person with high cholesterol?

Last Answer : You can find more information about a high cholesterol diet plan from your local nutritionist. They can provide many different high cholesterol dietary options which allow you to manage your lifestyle.

Description : What types of foods would I eat on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : You should eat foods such as vegetables and fruits that have a lot of vitamins and amino acids. You should stay away from food that are high in fats, sugar, and cholesterol.

Description : American audience (others just insert a Big Holiday?), you've spent the day with the inlaws. What are your holiday stories? Funny? Sad? Gross? Share these Thanksgiving stories with us as they unfold!

Last Answer : We didn’t go visit them but hubby calls his mother and reverts to baby talk. So do his brothers. Drives the wives crazy. And our kids laugh at us.

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Last Answer : I don’t think it’s guilt. I think we tend to take a lot for granted. We tend to be busy people. The holidays just remind us that we ought to let people know how thankful we are.

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Last Answer : I think they should start at labor day when people are relaxed and not so stressed with having to cook turkey dinners and then wake up super early and then shop.

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Last Answer : answer:i think allowing the Pilgrims to Perish would only have deferred the inevitable. Technically their land wasn't stolen because they didn't have the concept of private land tenure. In ... yet? At least the Australian government apologised to the Aborigines. For wrongs committed against them.

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Last Answer : I know of two rices, what’s the third?

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Last Answer : I just read in the paper that the planes are almost full for ALL of the holidays. So. . . book fast or drive?

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Last Answer : Because he had the drumsticks.