What types of foods would I eat on a diabetic diet?

1 Answer

Answer :

You should eat foods such as vegetables and fruits that have a lot of vitamins and amino acids. You should stay away from food that are high in fats, sugar, and cholesterol.

Related questions

Description : What foods are healthy if you are on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) is a great resource for managing diabetes. Visit them at: diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/eating_ez/

Description : What kinds of foods can I incorporate into a borderline diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The simple definition of borderline Diabetes is having a blood sugar rating that is higher than normal but not quite high enough to be considered diabetes. It is assumed that a borderline ... of water. For more information see http://www.ehow.com/way_5289560_diet-guide-borderline-diabetes.html.

Description : What foods should a diabetic person eat?

Last Answer : Some of the foods a diabetic person should consider eating are fruits, especially apples and pomegranates, spices such as cinnamon, oatmeal, green vegetables, and a diabetic must consume lots of protein.

Description : Where can I find more information on diabetic foods to eat?

Last Answer : There are many websites offering information on diabetic foods. Here is what the American Diabetes Association has to say about diabetic foods: http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/what-can-i-eat/

Description : where can I find a list of foods a diabetic can eat?

Last Answer : Most diabetics should avoid foods high in sugar and fried foods. Many options are that there for diabetics, pick up a specialty cookbook or talk to someone else who is diabetic, they will have many tips and suggestions for you.

Description : what foods can a diabetic eat?

Last Answer : The American Diabetes Association (http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/)offers multiple foods that a diabetic can eat. It is essential that a diabetic does not consume too much suger, alcohol, high sodium foods, and foods with a high fat content.

Description : What foods can i eat to avoid diabetic complications?

Last Answer : People with Diabetes should try and eat foods that are - low in fat, low in sugar, low in salt, high in fiber (plenty of fruit and veg) and high in starchy carbohydrates (bread, chapatti, rice).

Description : What kinds of food can one eat when on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : Diabetic plans typically limit the amount of sugar and carbohydrates a person consumes. Following a high-protein, low carbohydrate meal plan is recommended.

Description : What is a diabetic safe diet I can eat?

Last Answer : It is important that diabetics consult their doctors about which foods are okay to eat and which foods they should avoid. In general, a diabetic wants to avoid foods that are high in sugars, such as ... very important that diabetics eat at the same times every day and that they do not skip meals.

Description : What type of diet should a diabetic eat?

Last Answer : Diabetics basically need to eat foods that are low in sugars and fat content. Here is a link to a website with more information on diabetic foods. www.Diabetes-diabetic-diet.com/���diabetic_���food.htm

Description : What types of food can diabetic males eat?

Last Answer : Foods that help control blood sugar levels are healthy carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables, high-fiber foods, foods with omega-3 fatty acids, and foods with unsaturated fats.

Description : What types of food should a diabetic eat?

Last Answer : According to the American Diabetic Association, you should eat lots of fruits and non-starchy vegetables. You should also include low-fat protein in your diet: legumes, fish and chicken are good examples ... ://www.Diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/what-can-i-eat/making-healthy-food-choices.html

Description : As a diabetic, why does eating sugary foods NOT make me thirsty, but drinking a sugary beverage makes me ravenous?

Last Answer : My completely amateur guess, since I am not diabetic and I am not a doctor: It most likely has to do with how rapidly sodas and juices are absorbed into the blood stream. Even a doughnut takes a little bit of time to digest before the sugar hits your system.

Description : Where can I buy diabetic foods in Rhode Island?

Last Answer : You can find local diabetic foods and recipes for Rhode Island at Dave's Marketplace (http://www.davesmarketplace.com/Pages/cfNaturalFoods_Diets.cfm) Candiddiabetes.com also provides recipes suitable for diabetic people, which would mean you could buy most of your food from regular supermarkets.

Description : Where do they sell diabetic foods in Rhode Island ?

Last Answer : Dave's Marketplace sells foods for diabetics in Rhode Island, and has nine stores across the state. However, being diabetic you do not need to eat food labeled as 'diabetic' but rather should aim to follow a ... would be able to tell you more about the best foods to eat and to avoid as a diabetic.

Description : What foods are on the diabetic food list?

Last Answer : When diagnosed with Diabetes it is best to avoid processed and sugary foods. Diabetics should focus on eating foods that are high in fiber, low in fat, and whole grains. Such foods included are; ... fruits high in fiber, whole grains such as oatmeal, and natural beverages such as sugar free tea.

Description : List of Diabetic Friendly Foods?

Last Answer : Would you believe that diabetics can eat food that is flavorful, filling and delicious? It's true. When many people think of the diabetic diet, they think of bland food that's not very ... prefer lightly sweet foods instead of foods that are very sweet, like those that contain processed sugar.

Description : What are some good diabetic breakfast foods?

Last Answer : You can purchase no sugar added yogurt or pair plain yogurt with fresh fruit. Egg white omelets are a good breakfast choice which you could also pair with a tortilla to make a breakfast burrito. Whole wheat bread is a good choice if you prefer to serve toast or a breakfast sandwich.

Description : What are some diabetic foods?

Last Answer : There are no "diabetic foods" per se. A diabetic eating plan includes foods from all five food groups, including lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and "good" ... information about diabetic eating plans at www.mayoclinic.com/health/Diabetes-diet/DA00027 AND www.diabetes.org/

Description : Where can I find a list of diabetic foods to avoid?

Last Answer : There is a fairly comprehensive list of foods to avoid at this website: http://blessedmom.hubpages.com/hub/Foods-to-avoid-with-Diabetes. A general rule of thumb is that processed sugars and starches should be avoided.

Description : What are the foods that a diabetic person must avoid?

Last Answer : You should avoid lots of sugary and fried foods. Don't eat junk foods with lots of sodium either. Basically, try to eat lots of wholesome grains, fruits, and vegetables. And lean meat.

Description : What foods are appropriate for a diabetic?

Last Answer : Foods that are low in sugars are safe for diabetics. Foods that have a high fiber content are very good for a diabetic, these would include oats, grains,fruits and vegetables. Talking to a nutritionist is a good idea. They can provide you with a list of foods that are safe and/or beneficial.

Description : what are the foods a diabetic should avoid?

Last Answer : An almost complete list of foods that a diabetic should avoid can be found on the website: ezinearticles.com. This website also offers insight into foods that are acceptable for diabetics.

Description : What kind of foods should I base my diabetic meal plan around?

Last Answer : There are several websites that offer diabetic meal charts out there so you can plan your meals in advance. They are a good resource for food, and can make eating easier. Diabetes.webmd.com/guide/���sample-meal-plan

Description : What foods are good for diabetic diets?

Last Answer : Your doctor should have given you a list of foods acceptable for people with Diabetes. However there are plenty of recipes on the internet. www.diabeticlifestyle.com

Description : What are some sites that sell diabetic snack foods?

Last Answer : You basically need to look for snacks for your mother that are sugar free. They sell them at most grocery stores in the deli section. www.diabeticlivingonline.com/food-to-eat/nutrition/���top-diabetic-snacks

Description : What is list of diabetic friendly foods?

Last Answer : When you are diabetic it can be hard to know what you should be eating and what foods are off limits. Here is a guide which will help you eat right: http://www.realage.com/check-your-health/information-on-Diabetes/diabetic-food

Description : What kind of foods are diabetic friendly?

Last Answer : Natural sugars, like those contained in fruits, are normally diabetic friendly. I have heard that those with Diabetes would typically want to steer clear of starches and artificial sugars.

Description : What fast food chains have diabetic friendly foods?

Last Answer : Many fast food restaurants now have more diabetic friendly foods. Most fast food restaurants, including McDonald's and Culver's, offer salads, which are a much healthier choice than French fries. Many fast restaurants also offer wraps instead of traditional Sandwiches, thus lowering the carb count.

Description : What foods could you eat to maintain a 500 calorie diet?

Last Answer : www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/eat-less.aspx . This site can help you by explaining what a person can eat on a 500 calorie diet and what you need to buy and what foods .

Description : Are triglycerides found in the foods I eat, good for my diet?

Last Answer : Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, fatty fish, lean meats and whole grains. Avoid eating sugary and refined foods, high cholesterol foods and foods high in saturated and trans fats. You should also avoid alcohol consumption.

Description : What are some foods I can eat on a low carb diet plan that taste good?

Last Answer : The best thing to do for someone one a low carb diet will be to add some Mrs. Dash. This really wakes up your food some you can still feel great why your eating baked chicken or wheat rice.

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Last Answer : If you are suffering from diverticulitis, you should drink plenty of water and fruit juices. You should also eat grains and vegetables high in fiber.

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Last Answer : The best diet foods you should be eating while trying to lose weight are; oatmeal, almonds, peanut butter, and live oil. Remember however that its not always what you eat but the amounts of it that you eat. Try to avoid processed foods and especially fast food.

Description : What foods can one eat on a low carb diet?

Last Answer : I think the website named WebMD can help you a lot with a low carb diet. This site has an lot of medical information on it. That is the direction I would take to know what foods to have on this diet.

Description : What other foods can I eat while following the Atkins diet menu?

Last Answer : First, I suggest you consult your physician regarding any dietary regime you plan to start. Aside from what is already on the menu, mushrooms are a tasty, low-carb food that contains ... nutrients and some very powerful phytochemicals called beta-glucans, which may help protect against some cancers.

Description : What foods should I eat if I want to try the alkaline diet?

Last Answer : Yes the alkaline diet can help with Allergies and fatigue. Many foods are part of it but I would stick with the basics like breads, eggs, butter, beer, and apples.

Description : What foods should people with type O blood type eat and avoid in their diet?

Last Answer : People with the type O blood type should eat more lean protein, such as low-fat chicken, turkey, fish or lean cuts of beef. Eating nuts and seeds are need for high protein,fruits and ... system in balance and fresh vegetables. Type O blod type should avoid eating cooked vegetable such as potatoes

Description : What foods are safe to eat while on a diabetes diet?

Last Answer : The best food to eat on a Diabetes diet are similar to those on the Adkins diet. You should definitely stay away from sugars and foods that turn into sugars like white breads and potatoes or pastas.

Description : What are the best foods to eat while on a best detox diet?

Last Answer : Most detox diets include raw vegetables and whole grains such as whole wheat bread and brown rice. Eat fruits and drink fruit juices in moderation, and be sure to drink plenty of water.

Description : When trying to lower your cholesterol, is it better to eat good foods or to diet?

Last Answer : When lowering your cholesterol, it is ALWAYS better to eat more wholesome and healthy foods rather than dieting. Eating foods with much more grains and less fats is the best way to go. Try eating a bowl of cheerios every morning and avoid eating fatty meats.

Description : Do naturally thin people always eat only diet foods?

Last Answer : Being naturally thin is not about eating diet foods. Naturally thin people are thin "naturally" by eating healthy foods with realistic portions. To be naturally thin, you need to think and eat like a ... . Thin people stop eating when they are full, eat balanced meals, and don't often overindulge.

Description : Tasty foods to eat on a no sugar diet?

Last Answer : Take a trip to your local health store. You will be amazed to see the healthy and sugar free options available to you. You can look at the nutritional information on the packaging of foods you already have. http://www.nocarbfoodsdiet.com/no-carb-snacks-for-a-low-carb-diet/

Description : What is the LDL diet and what foods can you eat?

Last Answer : www.mayoclinic.com/health/cholesterol/CL00002, this website give you info about the LDL diet and the foods you can eat. This diet may vary on your metabolism and yourself.

Description : What kinds of foods should I eat as party of a healthy heart diet?

Last Answer : Some healthy foods that you can eat to keep your heart healty is fruits and vegestables. If you avoid foods high in fat, that will also help to keep your heart healthy.

Description : what foods can I eat on a dash diet?

Last Answer : The dash diet is reccommened for people with high bood pressure. It has been proven to lower blood pressure. On the dash diet you need to stick with eating grains, fruits, veggies, low fat or non dairy products, lean meats such as fish and polutry. check out http://dashdiet.org/

Description : The nurse teaches the patient with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which of the following measures to manage his disease? a) Avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before bedtime. The patient should not ... blocks. d) Eat a low carbohydrate diet The patient is instructed to eat a low-fat diet

Last Answer : a) Avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before bedtime. The patient should not recline with a full stomach.

Description : What kind of fruits are allowed in a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The fruits that are high in sugar contain good sugars and are not really bad for you. Fruits great for a diabetic diet include bananas, Oranges, and apples.

Description : Learning How To Follow A Diabetic Diet?

Last Answer : It can often be difficult to learn how to follow a diabetic diet. With so many concerns over blood sugar and how the diet affects it, it can be difficult to stick to a certain diet. ... online reviews. By learning how to follow a diabetic diet, it should be possible to regulate the condition.

Description : What is the best diabetic diet plan for Type II diabetes?

Last Answer : I would just stick to natural foods or you can look into a diet on Diabetes.webmd.com/eating-right. If you need to also you could talk to a doctor or nutritionist about a personalized diet plan. :)