What movies have a yellow butterfly on the cover its a horror film?

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Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : Right off the top of my head, A Nightmare on Elm Street. Diabolical mess of a film.

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Last Answer : Are you sure you’re not watching cable news?

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Last Answer : I don’t feel anything like that, but I seem to have a thing for sad and thought-provoking situation. Sometimes it can haunt me for days. I think it isn’t how our brain is wired but how each person react to things.

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Last Answer : Because it makes me so very happy, and I buy movie tickets.

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Last Answer : When the girl climbs out of the TV in The Ring. Get the fuck outta here!!!!!

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Last Answer : answer:Shutter, the Thai version. [Edit: this is a lot easier than going through the horror movies I like.]

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Last Answer : I love horror movies, seen them all. I dont think they can make a movie that can really freak me out. But i love them just the same. I wish they could make one to freak me out.

Description : Can someone please suggest some good horror tv shows/movies?

Last Answer : There are many Horror TV shows which I would recommend. However, the best of them is think is Supernatural. It has a very dizzying plot. The twist and turns of the events which unfold in every episode ... you need to do is subscribe to the channel and you can access all the shows and movies here.

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Last Answer : Demon box, 1-2 between demons, annabelle 1-2 There's a lot ... I could list until morning :)

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Last Answer : The most famous is probably Alfred Hitchcock.

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Last Answer : I'm no fan of horror movies but I watched them all the same because I also learn a lot from it,I learn how to tackle horrifying scene through watching horror movies. I hardly even get scare ... face of strange and scary situation. Despite it weirdness horror movies is a must watch once in a while.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : A lot of Horror movies are based on real fears that many people have. People are scared of being in a place they are unfamiliar with and having something bad happen. It's a fear of not ... or being unable to control your surroundings. Horror movies bases around old motels are playing on this fear.

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Last Answer : Get Out was written and directed by Jordan Peele, and it was both a critical and commercial success. Many positive reviews mentioned the film's insightful social commentary, so some viewers ... and subversive tone, and it's considered one of the finest examples of the blaxploitation genre.

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Last Answer : There is this scene from the Hunter x Hunter anime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3tcy3R2T8U Watch their eyes at the 1 minute mark.

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Last Answer : Fight Club, if you count Tyler as the villain. Also The Shining. There’s not much to that film without Jack Torrance.

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Last Answer : many writers were drafted after they succeeded in writing elsewhere, like F Scott Fitzgerald. Many power directors worked their way up from indies starring friends and family, like Spike Lee. But some creative product somehow has to reach some audience before anyone will risk money on you.

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Last Answer : Joel and Ethan Coen. I’m a fan of dark humor and their films have never disappointed me. Fargo is at the top of my list of favorite movies.

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Last Answer : Synecdoche New York was fairly mind blowing… I saw it recently on the telly, and bought it the next day… I’d tell you what it was about, if only I could!

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Last Answer : As long as your burn your video onto a compatible DVD disc, I don’t see why not. Check the manual of your player to see which types (DVD-R or DVD+R, etc.) it’ll play and then buy the right blank discs. It may not look as sharp, depending on what kind of player / TV set up you’ve got.

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Last Answer : There were a number of films about migrants because many people in the film industry were themselves migrants. They came from cities like Lahore, Calcutta, Madras and contributed to the national character of the ... they had to deal with : The two movies are CID (1956) and Guest House (1959).

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Last Answer : When I’ve tried getting off the caffiene, I find that if I drink a lot of water that seems to help. And take some Tylenol. It should pass within a few days.

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Last Answer : need answer

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Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Description : Can I have names for a scary/horror book?

Last Answer : “The Scary Horror Book” For real, we need information about what the story is about. Yes, I understand that you probably don’t want to give away a good plot or idea, but we need more to go on.

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Last Answer : My wife texted me that we need to talk.

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Last Answer : The Shining is hard to beat.

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Last Answer : It would proceed precisely like this

Description : I’m going to get a PlayStation4 soon and I’m trying to find a horror game for kids age 11 and up. Anyone have any suggestions?

Last Answer : Outlast and Friday the 13th.

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Last Answer : Into the Woods. School in the Woods

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Last Answer : Apart from Stephen King, of course.

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Last Answer : In this day and age anyone can write and publish anything, even if it is utter crap. Self-publishing through Amazon (and other sources) make it easy to do. Quality doesn't seem to be an issue - some people ... . The best that happens is that it is a success. Try it. The barrier to entry is very low.

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Last Answer : answer:I've got a season of horror/comedy to remember. The year I turned 10, my father told me he'd be giving me the government-issued Baby Bonus money to use for my clothing. It was a quarterly ... can laugh when I look back at the photos from that year. I learned a lot of lessons that summer.

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Last Answer : answer:From a gamer: For starter, say no to jump scare! It is so overused that it is one of the cheapest way to scare people. Sure, people get scared by jump scare, but then they think about it no more ... RPG or anything else? I'm happy to play any kind of game as long as the story is good enough.

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Last Answer : If anyone “jumped” to their feet immediately upon waking from anesthesia they’d fall down and probably hurt themselves.

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Last Answer : Seriously? Oh wow! Bummer…

Description : What do you think of the TV Show American Horror Story?

Last Answer : I've seen the first two seasons. I'll probably watch the third soon, with Halloween around every corner. My expectations are pretty low, because I've been listening to friends complain about Season 3 since it aired. ... it for what it is, and I don't need it to be Golden Globe-worthy to enjoy it.

Description : My interest has been piqued by each season's ads, but for some reason I've never watched. Is American Horror Story worth my time?

Last Answer : Not really. The writers seem to just throw in any ideas that pop into their head, no matter how goofy or nonsensical it might be.The best thing about that show is the Charlie Clouser composed theme music.

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Last Answer : answer:Water pistols used to be on the list but I’m guessing that has been discontinued. Bring some paper towels so you can wipe yourself off.