What is considered borderline osteoporosis?

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Last Answer : Experiencing any of the following is consistent with having borderline Diabetes: constant thirst; frequent need to urinate; constant fatigue. See this link for more info: http://www.diabetescausestreatments.com/symptoms-of-borderline-diabetes.html

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Last Answer : If you are a borderline diabetic, you should have lots for fiber in you diet because fiber help in melting the fats and sugar in your food and must always eat natural food.

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Last Answer : There are a lot of chicken recipes available for someone on a borderline Diabetes diet. Some of them include apricot-orange chicken with glazed onions, lime chicken, and Asian chicken and slaw. http://diabeticgourmet.com/recipes/Main_Courses/more2.shtml

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Last Answer : The simple definition of borderline Diabetes is having a blood sugar rating that is higher than normal but not quite high enough to be considered diabetes. It is assumed that a borderline ... of water. For more information see http://www.ehow.com/way_5289560_diet-guide-borderline-diabetes.html.

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Last Answer : Yes they will cure or make it way better by changing your eating habits. you should try a low-carbohydrate because it works for your body. changing your eating habits can cure your borderline Diabetes.

Description : What are some symptoms of being borderline diabetic?

Last Answer : The symptoms of borderline Diabetes are excessive thirst and cravings for sweets. Borderline diabetes can be controlled with regular exercise, a healthy diet consisting of plenty of fruits and vegetables and a control of sugar intake.

Description : Borderline Diabetes Diet?

Last Answer : A borderline Diabetes should look extremely similar to the diet plan recommended to people who have been diagnosed with full blown diabetes. This is a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains.

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Description : Is there anything that I can do now to prevent Osteoporosis?

Last Answer : Working out with weights and plenty of calcium with vitamin D.

Description : 5'2" female with a small frame and in her late 30's (family history of Osteoporosis) what can I do to strengthen my bones?

Last Answer : Plenty of walking and other light exercise, and lots of traditional foods. It sounds too obvious, but make broth out of marrow bones. Eat some organ meats once in a while. Make sure animal products are from wild or free-range/grass-fed sources, otherwise they’re not nearly as nutritious.

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Last Answer : I’m not but colleagues who are take Fosamex or Boniva. She should talk to her doctor.

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Last Answer : My 80 year old mother was given a prescription for Boniva. When I read the side effects, I told her not to take it, that osteoporosis was better than what the pill could do to her. Also, the cost was prohibitive at $80.00 a pill.

Description : What vitamins are needed for osteoporosis ?

Last Answer : Vitamin D is needed for restless growth.

Description : What is Osteoporosis ?

Last Answer : : Osteoporosis literally means perforated bone. This reduces the amount of calcium in the bones , destroys the normal structure of the bones and gradually makes the bones brittle. As a result, the risk of ... age. One in three women over the age of 50 and one in five men suffer from osteoporosis.

Description : What causes osteoporosis ?

Last Answer : Lack of calcium causes osteoporosis.

Last Answer : Osteoporosis is caused by a lack of calcium ?

Last Answer : Osteoporosis Of calcium Deficient A Osteoporosis In the disease Bones Fragile Become Yes , thickness To reduce Stays And Muscle Power To reduce In addition Back Back Towards Pain Felt Yes. Long time no see ... you do And Women Menopause To be After Of disease Possibility A lot Increased Let's go.

Description : What should you do to prevent the chances of osteoporosis in old age?

Last Answer : In order to prevent osteoporosis you'll need to: Understand your risks. Some people are higher risks than others. You will need to continue to exercise a few times per week and try to lose the extra ... . If your bones are easy to fracture then you must treat the underlying cause of the fracture.

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Last Answer : Write true or false. (a) Athritis is inflammation of joints (b). Osteoporosis is a age ... joints due to accumulation of clacium carbonate crystals.

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Last Answer : A person having osteoporosis is suffering from lead poisoning. Ethlene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA ... C. disodium salt D. calcium dihydrogen salt

Description : Osteoporosis, an age related disease of skeletal system, may occue due to

Last Answer : Osteoporosis, an age related disease of skeletal system, may occue due to A. Decreased level of estrogen B. ... centration of `Ca^(++) and Na^(+)`

Description : Osteoporosis?

Last Answer : DefinitionOsteoporosis is the thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time.Alternative NamesThin bonesCauses, incidence, and risk factorsOsteoporosis is the most common type of bone disease.Researchers ... , or if your body does not absorb enough calcium from the diet, bone productio

Description : How to Treat Osteoporosis?

Last Answer : One of the most serious of degenerative bone diseases,osteoporosis plagues mostly women and has no symptoms early in itsprogression, but is quite painful in its late stages. There aresome ways to ... bones strong by bearing weight andusing tension to test the durability of bones in patients goingt

Description : How to Get Effective Osteoporosis Treatment?

Last Answer : Osteoporosis affects more women than men, however, men can alsosuffer from this debilitating ailment. Osteoporosis is theweakening of the bones. The bones become porous and can easilybreak and ... needed once a year.Calcium supplements are very important in the fight againstosteoporosis. Exercise i

Description : How to Prevent Osteoporosis?

Last Answer : Osteoporosis, also known as porous bones is when bones become brittle and weak. A fall, cough or even bending over can cause a fracture. Low mineral and calcium levels can cause bones to weaken. ... Once bones are weakened, there are symptoms that follow. Moderate to severe Back pain, decline in po

Description : How To Realize You Have Osteoporosis?

Last Answer : Osteoporosis is a disease that causes the density of bones to decrease, thus weakening the bones and making them more fragile. The bones compress into a sponge-like state. Fractures and breaks in bones become ... it can take years before it is found. It is not until the fracture starts to cause pain

Description : How to Know What to Expect From Osteoporosis Treatment?

Last Answer : Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density decreases,which causes bones to become weak and fragile. Bones may break dueto minor injury that usually would not cause a break in a personwith sturdier ... of injury from falls. Smoking may lead to loss ofbone mass, so quitting smoking may help

Description : Guide To Osteoporosis?

Last Answer : In America, more than 10 million people have been diagnosed withosteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a serious disease that leads toporous, fragile bone. This disease can cause fractures in thespine ... , drinking too much alcohol, lackof exercise, calcium deficiency, poor nutrition, inflammation thatdeve

Description : What are some common treatments for osteoporosis?

Last Answer : The problem with osteoporosis is that the early stages of the disease are asymptomatic. Women are not aware of the disease until it is fairly advanced. Osteoporosis is the thinning of bone tissue ... medications can also be used to prevent osteoporosis in women with a family history of the disease.

Description : What are 3 life changes that I can make to help prevent osteoporosis?

Last Answer : The best thing for osteoporosis is to consume glucosamine supplements, drink a lot of milk, and get exercise everyday.

Description : Without seeing a doctor, how would I know if I have osteoporosis?

Last Answer : There are several symptoms that could give indications of havind osteoporosis. A doctors visit is required though to get official confirmation of having osteoporosis.

Description : What are some of the signs a woman is suffering from osteoporosis?

Last Answer : The first clue of osteoporosis is brittle bones that break easily. A fall that normal would result in minor bruising in a healthy person will break a bone in a woman who is osteoporotic ... bone density in post-menopausal women, which allows treatment to begin before there are serious consequences.

Description : What is the best treatment for osteoporosis?

Last Answer : The medications most commonly prescribed for treating osteoporosis are called Bisphosphonates. We know them as Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva and Reclast. These medications have been shown to be safe and effective. ... , regular exercise is important, as well as a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D

Description : Should calcium supplements be included in my diet if I have osteoporosis?

Last Answer : Calcium Supplements will strengthen your weakened bones and help you gain some of the calcium you have lost but it is not a cure all for osteoporosis.

Description : What are some good exercises for someone with osteoporosis?

Last Answer : Walking and jogging are excellent exercise for someone with osteoporosis. If she begins to experience pain unrelieved by Tylenol when she exercises she should consult her doctor for ideas on how to better treat her pain or modify her activity.

Description : What are the early signs of osteoporosis?

Last Answer : Osteoporosis rarely shows symptoms in its early stages. However, symptoms of osteoporosis are Back pain, loss of height, stooped posture, and a bone that fractures more easily than expected. Bone density tests may be used to detect and diagnose osteoporosis.

Description : What are the treatments for osteoporosis?

Last Answer : Osteoporosis can be treated by prescription medications such as, Fosamax, Boniva, Evista, Forteo, Prolia, Fortical, Reclast, and Zometa. These drugs are only a few used.