Why did Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini provide aid to the nationalist during the Spanish war?

1 Answer

Answer :

To give their newly-built armies and air-forces some activeservice experience, to test the men, the equipment and theadministrative systems.

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Last Answer : (i) Greece had been a part of the Ottoman Empire since the 15th Century. (ii) Struggle for independence began in 1821. (iii) Greece got support from Greeks living in exile and West- ... of fever in 1824. (vi) The treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognized Greece as an independent nation.

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Last Answer : Movement behind Benito Mussolini was called Fascism. Due toseveral factors, most notably the Great Depression and generaldissatisfaction of the Italian people after the First World War,and by telling the people what they wanted to hear, he was able togain control of the country.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh jeez ..impossible to say. Highly doubtful. Hitler was, most lieky, a sociopath, and sociopaths are hardwired to lack insight and empathy, the difference between normal neurotics and extremely ... mental conditions. I don't think Hitler would have made it to that camp. Pun intended.

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Last Answer : answer:I think there is every chance that things would have been changed. His generals thought his conduct of the war was wrong. I am not at all sure there would have been the will to see the Holocaust through.

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Last Answer : The Foreign Policy of Hitler were responsible for the out break of World War Second in the following ways: (i) The main aim was to increase the prestige and glory of their country in ... 1938, he annexed Austria by force. (vi) The Munich Pact signed between Germany, Britain and France.

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Last Answer : Appeasement was the policy designed to give Hitler what he wanted as a way to avoid war.

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Last Answer : The immediate cause was Germany invading Poland on sep 1,1939, and Britain and France declaring war on Germany on sep 9,1939 .Problems arose in weimar Germany that experienced strong currents of revanchism after the treaty of Versailles that concluded its defeat in world war 1 in 1918

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Last Answer : In 1924, the Dawes Plan reduced Germany's war debt and forced it to adopt a new currency. Reparations continued to be paid through a strange round robin: The U.S. lent Germany money ... reparations, and the countries that collected reparations payment used that money to pay off United States debts.

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Last Answer : When the war ended, Hitler was in the hospital recovering from achemical weapon attack. He found out that the war ended while hewas in the hospital and he says in his autobiography that he wasfurious ... "Nazi" for short (although Nazis hated thatnickname). From there, the rest is history...

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