What word phrases indicates a cause effect relationship?

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Description : What words or phrases indicates a cause or effect relationship?

Last Answer : Prepositions such as so, therefore, thereby, consequently, andothers. If/then phrases are also based on cause and effect.

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Last Answer : (C) Working capital turnover ratio = sales/net working capital

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Last Answer : dont know sorry no anwser

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Last Answer : Winner-takes-all elections> The dominance of the two major parties

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Last Answer : b) Circular Reasoning

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Last Answer : b) False Analogy

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Last Answer : d) Faulty Cause-Effect Relationship

Description : The following statement is an example of what kind of logical fallacy? "The university should increase funding of intramural sports because it has a responsibility to back its sports programs financially." a) ... Reasoning c) Ad Populum (Bandwagon) Argument d) False Analogy e) None of the above

Last Answer : b) Circular Reasoning

Description : What kind of argument is the following: "Raising the speed limit is like giving beer to an alcoholic." a) Faulty Cause-Effect Relationship b) False Analogy c) Ad Populum (Join the bandwagon) Argument d) Circular Reasoning e) None of the above

Last Answer : b) False Analogy

Description : "I wore this exact same baseball cap when I got an "A" last week and the week before. If I wear my lucky baseball cap, I will get "A"s on all my tests." a) Circular Reasoning b) False Analogy c) Ad Hominem Argument d) Faulty Cause-Effect Relationship e) None of the above

Last Answer : d) Faulty Cause-Effect Relationship

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Last Answer : a) Tightness in the chest Flank pain, tightness in the chest, or hypotension indicates adverse effects of gamma-globulin infusion.

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Last Answer : Answer: C

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Last Answer : Like

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Last Answer : “We are a family” just means they’re gonna overwork the fuck outta you

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Last Answer : I’ve said before & so will say again, “I’m sorry for your loss” bugs the crap out of me.

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Last Answer : I’m a doctor, not a cheesemaker!

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Last Answer : Wicked awesome !

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Last Answer : I can’t stand the use of “incentivize” when “incent” works in the same instance. The use of “resonate” outside of a discussion on harmonics does not sit well with me. And the use of “parent” as a verb grates on me.

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Last Answer : We had a day called senior skip day in high school. It was the amount of days from graduation that was the year you would graduate. In other words, I graduated in 1976. So 76 days from graduation was our skip day. We all went to the town’s water tower and painted our year on the tower.

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Last Answer : My pet hated phrase is God won't give you anything you can't handle. What is it supposed to mean? That you can handle anything? That if there is something you can't handle, you can ... permanently, and leaves damage and scars, and that not everybody gets over everything that happens to them.

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Last Answer : answer:My stepfather’s brother lives on a 50 acre patch on a hill in Kentucky. First time we visited there, Doug days to me, “Kids are shootin’ near the crick down the holler. Go on.” I had no idea what he was talking about so I just nodded…

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Last Answer : “That sushi wasn’t fresh”.

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Last Answer : answer:https://www.google.com/advanced_search I Googled it

Description : Americans, how many of these phrases did you understand?

Last Answer : I got 6 out of ten. Meh.

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Last Answer : answer:Epic: adjective 1. of, relating to, or characteristic of an epic or epics. “England’s national epic poem Beowulf” synonyms: heroic, long, grand, monumental, Homeric, Miltonian “a traditional epic poem” It does not mean, “somewhat interesting”, or “mildly cool”, or even “utterly bitchin’.”

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Last Answer : Please and thank you. Don’t harsh my buzz. Don’t harsh my mellow. I didn’t inhale.

Description : Is this article right about redundant phrases that should be avoided?

Last Answer : answer:It makes sense in the work place, especially when working with clients or business partners. I have to deal with that kind of stuff working in restaurants. ( choice of words and phrases rather than ... the same lines) But otherwise, ain't nobody gonna tell me how to fuckin speak. except Gail

Description : What phrases or sayings do you find annoying or seem odd to you?

Last Answer : I’m getting tired of hearing, “at the end of the day,” when people are trying to make a point. I had one trainer use it numerous times when trying to explain his company’s position on a controversial decision they’d made.

Description : What phrases did you use during recess?

Last Answer : answer:The most common phrase: Recharging. Self-explanatory.

Description : What words/phrases really bug you?

Last Answer : retard, mixed marriages, colored, anything that’s a putdown to a group of people get’s my goat. And guess where I usually hear this crap. My family.

Description : Which positive phrases could you jokingly tear apart?

Last Answer : answer:“Smile and the world smiles with you.” Yes, maybe, or perhaps it will beeyotch-slap you, or think you’re a little slow.

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Last Answer : answer:Someone can hate on you without hating you. They're different. If you're hating on someone you might think of that as more like picking on someone or giving them a bad time . Hating ... genuinely dislike them, hopefully with cause. I've never heard yell on , so can't help you there

Description : Are there any phrases or expressions that really annoy you?

Last Answer : (NSFW) Well met, and “how are you doing?” When they really don’t care about how you are doing… I used to answer that question literally with something like “I have diarrhea. ” , or “I am bored. ”

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Last Answer : Pourquoi?? Pourquoi ça vous plaît, vous moquer de nous? Je pose cette question sérieusement.

Description : Can you make a list of phrases or words that I can use in London(for every situation I would be in)?

Last Answer : Please and thank you.

Description : What are some phrases that you despise the most?

Last Answer : Fashionable in recent years (starting in 1980s?): “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I still agree with the opposite assertion: “If at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Techie version: “If at first you don’t succeed, that’s one data point…”

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Last Answer : Analog clocks and watches are still in common enough use, that I think the terms will persevere-especially given the fact that they are used as references for other activities (such as the diagrams listing ... grandchildren that are fairly young, don't you? Aren't kids still taught how to tell time?

Description : What are the common phrases you are tired of?

Last Answer : YOLO, mostly used by the young.

Description : What are some good phrases to dismiss the importance of bean counting?

Last Answer : answer:“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” – Mark Twain “You cannot feed the hungry on statistics” – Heinrich Heine “A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.” – Josef Stalin “It’s clearly a budget. It’s got a lot of numbers in it.” – George W. Bush

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Last Answer : Half past four and quarter past four, as opposed to 4.30 and a quarter after four…

Description : The most abused and overused comments and phrases seen on Youtube?

Last Answer : On Youtube and just about every other website, the “First!!!!!!!” comment. Seriously, who gives a crap if you were the first to comment?

Description : Did your parents/guardians ever say certain phrases throughout your childhood? If so, what were they?

Last Answer : My grandfather called the cordless phone a “walkabout phone”.