A person on long hunger strike and surviving only on water will have

1 Answer

Answer :

A person on long hunger strike and surviving only on water will have A. Less urea in his urine B. ... acids in his urine D. More glucose in his blood

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Description : A person on long hunger strike and surviving only on water will have

Last Answer : A person on long hunger strike and surviving only on water will have A. Less urea in his urine B. ... acids in his urine D. More glucose in his blood

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Last Answer : (c) less urea in his urine

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Last Answer : 22 Seconds.

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Last Answer : a. 2 weeks

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Last Answer : In the words of the old Jewish joke, “It couldn’t hurt!”

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Last Answer : Methinks the froot loops and kfc trump the salmon. The idea is to eat nutritional dense food, such as weet bix, baked potatoes, home made food. Dont feel bad i love froot loops and ive been to kfc 3 three times this week. But you will feel less hungry with whole foods.

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Last Answer : I don't know, but I do know sometimes I feel hungry and then it goes away just like you mention. I'm a little overweight, so I think some of it has to do with I don't really need to eat. It's not ... . I might be hungry from outside cues, like it's the time of day I should be hungry, or I'm bored.

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Last Answer : No.

Description : Is there ever an occasion when a healthy adult should eat without feeling hunger?

Last Answer : I am not a nutritionist by any measure but a male your/my age does need a minimum amount of calories to have a healthy disposition. Calories are only part of the equation to where essential nutrients, minerals, ... a salad and a few fruits in your diet and you should be better off in the long run.

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Last Answer : Salivate?