1 Answer

Answer :

Well, not only in the media .... censorship is all around us ... but peace will be hur ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

Related questions

Description : How do you feel about censorship in the media?

Last Answer : answer:Depends on the profanity and nudity. Do I want to see two men humping on one girl during prime time when I'm watching TV with my kids? No. Do I want my kids to hear some ... during prime time? Censorship is there because people want it. There area plenty of stations that aren't censored.

Description : The world is still full of censorship, what kinds of censorship do you agree with?

Last Answer : From the internet, to what the Government tells us. Myself I do think underage children should be limited to what they have access to ,but adults should be able to make their own minds up, or do you think others should tell adults what they can see, read, or write?

Description : What are your thoughts on Internet censorship?

Last Answer : No private entity is obligated to allow you to say whatever you want.

Description : Do you ever practice self-censorship out of fear of eliciting an unfavorable response?

Last Answer : I’m pretty much staight down the line when it comes to my personal view on life’s major talking points, nothing out there or controversial at all. As for speaking up if someone airs what i’d consider an extreme stance on a certain subject, then yeah, i’m going to tell you you’re wrong

Description : Is shutting down the online comments section tantamount to censorship or not?

Last Answer : answer:No. I find it odd that a newspaper would do such a thing - it's just a curious approach to the dissemination of knowledge, but I don't see it as censorship. The general public ... a person can express their opinion, ranging from a personal blog to Facebook and a thousand places inbetween.

Description : Do you believe in censorship?

Last Answer : I do believe minors should be censored for their own protection, but legal adults should not.

Description : How does censorship deem what is proper and what is not?

Last Answer : What a great question. I will NOT censor it. I hope someone has some info on this, because it’s never made a lick of sense to me, either.

Description : Does anyone else f@ck&ng hate censorship...

Last Answer : answer:Depends on who is doing it. If it is the Government, that is bad. In fact it is illegal. If it is an organization with voluntary membership, quit.

Description : Any advice on teaching censorship and obscenity in an undergraduate class?

Last Answer : answer:I think it would help to frame the discussion in the beginning. To tell people we are going to be using hot button words and that we want to be able to discuss them without getting angry. To do this ... and not be insulted. Just off the top of my head. I'm sure others will have better ideas.

Description : Where do you draw the line between free speech and censorship, examples?

Last Answer : I don’t support censorship but I do support discriminating behavior. Just because one is free to say whatever they want doesn’t mean they should. Examples…hmmm, well….I’m minutes away from an appointment so I will have to come back to this later if I have the time.

Description : Can you list some interesting events, current or past, that deal with censorship of any kind?

Last Answer : answer:The Hollywood blacklist. Wikipedia The Hollywood blacklist was the mid-20th-century list of screenwriters, actors, directors, musicians, and other U.S. entertainment professionals who ... in liberal or humanitarian political causes that enforcers of the blacklist associated with communism

Description : If SOPA comes to pass, is this a technological way to get around the censorship?

Last Answer : answer:They are working on it (and have been for a while) but the processing overhead for keeping track of nearby nodes and routing packets remains non-trivial. Hell, in Shadowrun, they ... be far easier to implement. Still, the multi-billion dollar internet gaming industry would suffer immensely

Description : Is Censorship happening in Fluther?

Last Answer : What was your question?

Description : Has anyone here noticed this case of extreme censorship?

Last Answer : That’s what happens when moderation is automated, and not performed by human beings. It’s pretty ridiculous, huh?

Description : Why does censorship exist?

Last Answer : Without some orthodoxy, the tribe will drift apart, thus losing all the advantages of tribalism.

Description : Can anybody help me find websites or information on Censorship and the case of Cissy Lacks?

Last Answer : Googling Cissy Lacks brings up 292,000 hits. Do none of them do it for you? The first hit is www.cissylacks.com

Description : USA and the censorship thingy - why?

Last Answer : I would have thought Mother fucker or cunt was more bleeped than fuck , Breasts are screened cause of the sexual side Most people can’t see them as food supply I never suckled from my mothers breast when i was younger , i sure have made up for it with my wifes tho :)

Description : What is censorship?

Last Answer : Censorship is not when a private web site decides to moderate its content for the collective good. Censorship is when a government uses the rule of law to silence opposing views.

Description : What are some good questions about t.v., movie, and video game censorship?

Last Answer : Breanna, you might be wondering why, after an hour, no one has answered your question here on Fluther, when, usually, questions have several answers within a few minutes. I think, though I can ... discuss it, perhaps you could rephrase your question so it sounds less like an assignment from class.

Description : What should we do about censorship?

Last Answer : Stop supporting the government and corporations. Give the power back to the people. Stop working and buying from the corporations, and start working for ourselves and neighbors. People invent things, make things, and use things, not corporations and government.

Description : Is censorship of threads and double standards in applying Guidelines the Ask-public way?

Last Answer : Nope. Can’t say I have.

Description : Evaluate the efforts made by the British in India to impose censorship on the press. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) By the 1820's, the Calcutta Supreme Court passed certain regulations to control press freedom and the country began encouraging publication of newspapers that would celebrate British Rule. (ii) ... ignored, the press was liable to be seized and the printing machinery could be confiscated.

Description : How is the censorship of the press judged? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How does Angelou’s autobiography "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" confront issues of voice, freedom, and censorship please help I have an essay and I didnt read?

Last Answer : Hum

Description : Why is the censorship an important issue in a free society?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : An example of censorship is when a book's?

Last Answer : audience is restricted.

Description : Censorship of the press is - (1) Prohibited by the Constitution (2) Judged by test of reasonableness (3) Restriction on freedom of the press mentioned in Article 19 (4) Specified in Article 31 of the Indian Constitution

Last Answer : (2) Judged by test of reasonableness Explanation: Censorship of the press is judged by test of reasonableness.

Description : How is the censorship of the press judged?

Last Answer : By the test of reasonableness

Description : The regime of Mikhail Gorbachev differed from that of Brezhnev in that Gorbachev a. Closed churches in Soviet Union b. He prevented private ownerships c. He imposed strict censorship d. He allowed elements of a market economy

Last Answer : d. He allowed elements of a market economy

Description : A fundamental difference between the radio and the motion pictures is that of Options: A) Radio is more responsive to public opinion B) Movies more deliberately try to influence behaviour C) Radio programmes are less subject to control D) Movies employ no self-censorship like the radio

Last Answer : A) Radio is more responsive to public opinion 

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Last Answer : (C) Indira Gandhi

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Last Answer : Answer : 1. Prithvi 2. Lamark 3. By the test of reasonableness 4. Thallophytes 5. Child marriage 6. Because of Radiation 7. Capital expenditure 8. Agni 9. Gems and Jwellery 10. Maski 11. Emphysama 12. ... 13. Mercury 14. Fertilizers 15. Ashoka 16. Mysore 17. GNP 18. Lead 19. Mars 20. Mahabalipuram