He will still be out in the garden. Why get him vaccinated?

1 Answer

Answer :

By law it is obligatory to vaccinate a dog only against rabies. Arrange further protective and preventive vaccinations with your veterinarian. He will advise you according to the disease situation in you, the age of the dog and other circumstances. In general, dogs are "over-vaccinated" (as many people often do) and some vaccines are given against infectious diseases that have not occurred in our territory for several decades, or are vaccinated against diseases that are only dangerous for puppies, etc. If your The dog is not a small puppy, you do not want to use it for breeding and it will not move anywhere other than on your land or in the company of risky dogs, you just need a basic vaccination or just against rabies. If you do not want to travel with your dog, have him issue the most simple simple document (free of charge), there is no need to have him issued the international vaccination card listed here. If necessary, you can have such a card issued at any time (for the purpose of traveling abroad). In any case, the dog must be dewormed before vaccination, so buy a suitable product at the pharmacy (you must know the weight of the dog) and the dog must not show signs of clinical disease, so it must not be cold, etc.

Related questions

Description : Would this carrot and stick approach work to get more people vaccinated against Covid?

Last Answer : There is a massive vaccine shortage – not a shortage of people who want it.

Description : At what age should a woman be vaccinated against cervical cancer ?

Last Answer : The effective prevention of cervical cancer or HPV is the HPV vaccine. Vaccines against HPV - 16 , HPV- 16 , HPV- 6 , HPV-11 have been discovered. This vaccine produces effective antibodies against the ... curry three to four times a day . You have to live a clean , healthy and orderly life.

Description : How many diseases are children vaccinated against ?

Last Answer : It is not possible to say exactly how many diseases children should be vaccinated against ? However, the vaccines available in our country are: - Smallpox , typhoid , tuberculosis , influenza , haemophilus ... whooping cough , measles , tetanus , hepatitis ' B ', chickenpox , cervical cancer, etc.

Description : Maybe at age 13 if I remember correctly

Last Answer : I don't know exactly sometime in elementary school.

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Last Answer : I never do that and I don't have the flu :)

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Last Answer : To the butt

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Last Answer : No, I don't ... Possible encephalitis is safely treatable and there is no vaccine serum for more dangerous borreliosis. I consider such vaccination to be an unnecessary burden on the body.

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Description : You just had your cat or dog vaccinated. Any side effects?

Last Answer : My dog has to get cortizone shots and take antihystamines when she gets her annual shots. She is slightly allergic to the distemper shots and would swell up at the injection site otherwise.

Description : How long do dogs need to be vaccinated ? My dog is 3 months old. Today, on the 18th, at 12-1 o'clock, he gave a light bite. I have seen a drop of it and less empty. I wash the place well with soap for 5 minutes. Can I be vaccinated tomorrow, the 19th morning ? If not, there will be a risk.

Last Answer : Yes, you can vaccinate on the 19th. No problem. And even if the puppy is 3 months old, the virus will still be in him, why the puppy is arguing with another dog or taking a bite, it spreads the virus to each other. So you get vaccinated.

Description : I bought a wolfhound puppy. Should I have him vaccinated for something? He will spend most of his time outside.

Last Answer : The purchased puppy should already have some vaccinations at the time of sale, so the veterinarian will determine which vaccine is suitable for the existing one. In addition, the veterinarian knows ... year will usually suffice. The puppy should be completely healthy and RED before vaccination !!!

Description : Is it worth trying to convince anti-vaxxers covid is real, and they really should get vaccinated?

Last Answer : No. Let evolution do it’s thing.

Description : Why was Aaron Rodgers surprised at the negative reaction to his lies about being vaccinated ?

Last Answer : Merely a childish “Who, me?” put on.

Description : What is the best thing to say to cops that refuse to get vaccinated?

Last Answer : “Is this what we pay taxes for?” “Well it’s time to go and spread my anti-vaxx news for attention then.”

Description : Are you hearing that people who won’t get vaccinated are instead getting monoclonal antibodies?

Last Answer : And the monoclonal antibodies don’t work that well anyway.

Description : Will the definition of "fully vaccinated" change as more people receive booster shots?

Last Answer : I suggest we cross that bridge when we come to it.

Description : If you are fully vaccinated how worried are you about contracting or transmitting Delta?

Last Answer : I’m worried about transmitting more so than contracting, as I know and love many older people. Most of whom don’t mask or take any precautions.

Description : Are doctors in your area refusing patients that aren’t vaccinated?

Last Answer : It's not happening here that I'm aware of. Frankly, I think it's fine, as it's legal, that they are allowed to fire patients for practically anything barring discrimination. One older ... vaccinated. This particular doctor had given the anti-vaxx patient over six months before issuing an ultimatum.

Description : Is it ok when health workers refuse to get vaccinated, but horrid when the rest do the same thing?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Do you think society is becoming segregated along vaccinated/unvaccinated lines?

Last Answer : It is a choice, yes. And choices, surprise, surprise, come with consequences.

Description : Is your state tracking vaccinated covid cases?

Last Answer : In the UK, you are supposed to report results of home tests, whether positive or negative. They know who you are (because it's linked to your NHS number) and they know if you've been ... I haven't tested positive btw). Whether these results are being published anywhere yet, I have no idea.

Description : Is the CDC guidance for fully vaccinated people adequate?

Last Answer : It seems that some protection starts to appear about 2 weeks after the first dose, and then this increases over time. But after a longer time - we aren't yet sure how long - this protection is ... we still keep our distance to others. To me these things are common sense. Better safe than sorry.

Description : When Pfizer and Moderna vaccines get full FDA approval will more people be willing to get vaccinated?

Last Answer : Doubt it. These had preliminary approval 6 months ago and we now have had months of proof. I don't think that achieving full approval' is going to change anyone's mind. The empirical proof is ... and anyone with a brain could have seen that. The deniers are going to have to invent another excuse.

Description : Does your place of business insist you get vaccinated?

Last Answer : I work for the government. They’re quite liberal.

Description : Do we really care if the maskless person close to you is not vaccinated?

Last Answer : Speaking for myself, I am not much worried about myself, as a vaccinated person, catching COVID from an unmasked person. But (as I've tried to explain to you on other threads) I am ... mutate, which could make the difference between whether we end up having another pandemic right away or not.

Description : Is free beer a way to entice people to get vaccinated?

Last Answer : Is it anything but a cynical marketing ploy for the beer company?

Description : Since people will lie about being vaccinated, and will print/buy fake vaccination cards, what is the best way to determine if someone is actually vaccinated, or is lying?

Last Answer : Simple. Tell them that they are vaccinated indeed. Well done, listening to the CDC, and helping reduce the chances of spreading the virus, and thus preventing an umpteenth wave. They'll go: Whar ... free of that crap vaccine made by Bill Gates . You stupid Liberal commy Antifa fascist lefty

Description : Do you know if your local parents are going to get their children 12-15 vaccinated?

Last Answer : My grandson (age 13) wants to get the vaccine. We talked about it last night. I’m not sure what his parents will do.

Description : Are you ok with vaccinated employees in stores not wearing a mask?

Last Answer : My opinion only: I don’t think we are at that point yet. With so many variants going around, the science isn’t there to understand if the vaccines we have now are effective against the new variants.

Description : If you are fully vaccinated and emerging from your cocoon, do you feel a bit like Rip Van Winkle?

Last Answer : Oh, yeah. Still really cautious as awful reports come in from other places.

Description : How risky is it for a vaccinated person to visit a non-vaccinated person?

Last Answer : Oh geez, T-, what a sad dilemma! I think I would have to go see him. Let me ask you though, are you going because you need to see him again or because you think it would help him? ... , when we're both vaccinated. I'm very glad that both my folks were long dead before this pandemic started.

Description : Do you think it’s ok for clubs, dance classes, and discussion groups, to require people to be vaccinated to attend?

Last Answer : Sounds good to me. People may have the right to privacy but when that privacy makes someone else get sick and die, then it isn't a privacy issue anymore. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. ... or the one. We live in a society of many, after all. It can't be about just one person.

Description : What percentage of our population would you predict will refuse to be vaccinated?

Last Answer : 23% (the percentage that think Republican senators voted to acquit Trump for non-political reasons)

Description : Random crowd source poll: How many of you Jellies have been vaccinated yet?

Last Answer : Not I. My county recently said 65+, but the signup form wants me to certify that I'm 75+, which I'm not. So I registered on some sort of list, and yesterday I got a text that said I ... to make an appointment. I would love to hear that people are getting it, instead of reading about wasted doses.

Description : Do unvaccinated children pose a threat to those who are vaccinated?

Last Answer : I believe that the unvaccinated are a threat to other unvaccinated children.

Description : Are all the kids who are getting measles the kids who weren't vaccinated?

Last Answer : No. I heard that a few had been vaccinated, but the vaccine isn’t 100% effective so they got it anyway.

Description : This is for anyone living in the US, if you don't have medical insurance do you have to pay to have your children vaccinated?

Last Answer : answer:If you are willing to make a few calls you can certainly get them for free. The vaccines them self are incredibly cheap. Here is a list of prices for the actual vaccine. Note those prices are ... a personal choice and cost does not play a role unless your child never ever goes to a doctor.

Description : I've had a hedgehog for about a year. I haven't given her any shots. Should I? Are there vaccinations that hedgehogs should get?

Last Answer : Normally hedgehogs don't need routine vaccinations. If she appears to be healthy with no eye,ear or nose discharges, poops normally, eats well and is active, has no lumps or bumps, then she's ... don't use ivermectin. Revolution, a dog medication, is safer. Check with your vet for proper dosage.

Description : I gave my cat her booster shots a few weeks ago and she still has a bump near the injection site. It's gotten a bit smaller, but it hasn't gone away. Should I be concerned?

Last Answer : The lump could be a reaction to the vaccination. Let your vet know aboutl the lump. Keep a check on it to see if there are any changes in size, becoming larger, or how it feels. If you note any changes, your cat should be examined by the vet.

Description : Can Hepatitis B Be Vaccinated After Being Positive ?

Last Answer : Since there is no need for vaccine now that the result is negative after being positive, it would be better if you consult a doctor.

Description : If I apply for a vaccine, when will it be vaccinated approx.

Last Answer : When you throw the system. They are not vaccinated in the chronological order of registration.

Description : Do you have your children vaccinated? Do you go to all the prescribed vaccinations?

Last Answer : I leave and always.

Description : In a large population, 54 % of the people have been vaccinated. If 5 people are randomly selected, what is the probability that AT LEAST ONE of them has been vaccinated?

Last Answer : We will use Q and P to help solve this problem with Q representing the possibility that none of the randomly selected people are vaccinated and P representing the possibility that at least 1 randomly selected ... -0.0206=0.9794. The probability that at least 1 person has been vaccinated is 0.9794.

Description : Approximately of 100,000 vaccinated individuals are likely to suffer a serious reaction to the vaccination. a. 1 b. 50 c. 100 d. 500

Last Answer : a. 1

Description : Herd immunity is affected by a. The percentage of a population that is vaccinated. b. The strength of an individual‘s immune system. c. The number of susceptible individuals. d. All the above (a—c) are correct.

Last Answer : d. All the above (a—c) are correct. 5. Approximately of 100,000 vaccinated in