I often forget, I'm 53 years old.

1 Answer

Answer :

It just seems to you ...... I have a similar one. My girlfriend tells me, I told you. No, she didn't say that, I would remember that. But please, she said last week. So you might have told someone at work, but I didn't. But you also only remember what suits you. Well, I'm not stupid, I'd remember, no. You're not stupid, you just don't remember or you didn't listen to me. He listened. Jooo was listening, you, you're deaf as a log. What did you say ? That you're deaf as a log. I'm not deaf, don't yell at me, I can hear you, but I don't understand you, the television is playing. Well, well, you don't understand me anymore. I don't forget, I wouldn't remember that either. But otherwise we have a nice relationship.

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Last Answer : I have no idea, when it’s bad weather my cats head for the hills and hibernate until it’s over.

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Last Answer : When being chased by a hungry bear… you don’t have to be a fast runner to get away. You only need to be a little faster than your slowest fellow camp mate.

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Last Answer : answer:These are awesome. Do historical figures count? A three-way between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin would have been hilarious, especially if Hitler was pictured masturbating furiously in the corner with a single ... have made out at some point. They had a total bromance-rivalry. Hah, this is fun.

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Last Answer : Well, the human memory is most certainly not permanent. If you aren’t constantly reminded of something, why, yes, you will forget it sooner or later. Besides, it’s not likely to get passed down into next generations if there is no constant reminder, either.

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Last Answer : I ask for or approach the manager on the spot and discuss the under-performance of his staff. I have yet to find a manager/owner that was not appreciative and very gracious about my concerns.

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Last Answer : To pay a bill.

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Last Answer : Um, nope.

Description : What things do you forget?

Last Answer : I never lose stuff, but that’s because I’m well organized. I forget just about everything else, though. People, places I’ve been, things I’ve done, you name it. I have a terrible memory.

Description : How long does it take for a cat to forget people/places?

Last Answer : Aw, I can’t tell you for sure in your situation as my cats have never been away from home except to go to the vet, but I can tell you that my cat remembered me when I came home from college after two months.