When the car stood at the barracks for 7 years, can't the engine slam when starting?

1 Answer

Answer :

If it's not gas powered, why should it? But I doubt that after such a long time, you will start it on the first turn of the key. It won't explode!

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Last Answer : Internal Combustion Engine

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Last Answer : I’m sure they have an account just for that in their books.

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Last Answer : Unless there’s some particular philatelic value to the stamp based on rarity or error, then the general answer will be “no”.

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Last Answer : answer:It's the heat not the time that causes BPA leaching. That's why you're not supposed to microwave in a plastic container or heat baby bottles filled with milk. So if it's been in the sun ... BPA. I just checked an Arrowhead water bottle my son brought home today, it has a recycling number 1.

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Last Answer : First I would check with Verizon to make sure they are not used, then I would remove them.

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Last Answer : You shouldn’t need to do anything special to get it to work. I use a 1st gen. iPhone for development and music and I have no problem with it. Have you tried rebooting the device?

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Last Answer : Google, but why would you bother?

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Last Answer : According to the 2006 article, 10% of all gift cards purchased won't be used. In many cases, the credit card companies only facilitate the transactions of the cards. They may not be ... to pay the transactional fees that are paid to the credit card processing company for processing transactions.

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Last Answer : This.

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Last Answer : You can purchase eStore points online at the game's eStore. These are the same points the game cards give http://www.ganzestore.com/estore/catalog/points

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Yes, you can sell your unused season tickets legally online. www.ebay.com and www.stubhub.com both allow users to buy and sell unused tickets to sporting events.

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Last Answer : They do make MPOs Seed Storage Boxes

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Last Answer : Yes by going to www.eventbrite.com it's an online ticket swapo, or stubhub.com, another very common place to place unused tickets would be on craigs list. Just make sure whoever you are talking to know you are selling them tickets

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Last Answer : I would say no. Unless you get an older make of an iPod Touch. They are in less demand because of the newer models and you may be able to buy a discounted iPod Touch elsewhere.

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Last Answer : If you have a receipt and it has not been too long of a time period since you purchased the supplies, I am sure the store will accept them. If not you can always save them for another occasion.

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Last Answer : Photo printer paper seems to stay in good shape even if unused for a period of times. To be safe, keep unused paper in a safe area where the environment cannot access it.

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Last Answer : Answer : D

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Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) & (C

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Last Answer : (a) acts as a reserve during muscular exercise

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Last Answer : d. None of these

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Last Answer : If the rubber is OK, it can withstand a large overload / overload - I have a "tested" 7 atm (with six meters in the trunk) ...: o So the cause of the explosion may be that the ... (worn), significantly damaged (damaged cord), or overheating from the brakes or defective bearing (I witnessed this).

Description : Can you help me figure out what this figure is in this video of an explosion that happened in our city today?

Last Answer : I tried to view it frame by frame but did not see the object. That looks like an oil filled transformer got too hot and blew up.

Description : We all know what a nuclear explosion looks like.(fireball and mushroom cloud). What would an orbital beam cannon, fired at the ground continuously for a minute, look like?

Last Answer : A few views here: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS800US800&biw=1755&bih=1027&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=PLzYW6KsGOGb0gKU04DwBg&q=rogue+one+death+star+firing&oq=death+star+rogue+&gs_l=img.3.3.35i39j0j0i8i30l8.108464.112049..117621. ... 180.3......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67.46tMYq5Liuc#imgrc=_

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Last Answer : Both transwarp and quantum slipstream drives operate on the same basic principles as conventional warp drives, and neither bypasses the need to travel through subspace. So presumably they would both be affected ... . The same should also be true for a Xindi energy portal (aka subspace vortex).

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Last Answer : There are quite a few animal behaviors that happen all the time that most people either don't realize there is no materialist explanation for, or don't know about them. The ... multi-generational butterfly navigation patterns. Pointing this out tends you provoke irrational skeptic attacks, however.

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Last Answer : answer:Don’t say anything. There was a Saudi suspect in the Boston bombing who has since been cleared by the DOJ. A fertilizer plant in West, Texas would be a very low value target for a terrorist. From what I have seen on the matter the plant explosion was just an unfortunate industrial accident.

Description : With all respect and grief for the mourning, was the explosion in Texas a bombing?

Last Answer : Not a callous question at all. West isn't too far from where I live. I've driven to and through it many times. The facts aren't in, so I can't say whether it was a bombing or simply a ... a bombing because of Boston and what seems to be a flurry of related (though not) incidents, but probably not.

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Last Answer : More likely, new inventions will spur space exploration – maybe by drastically reducing cost.

Description : Does anyone know about the Molasses tank explosion in Boston, Massachusetts?

Last Answer : Here’s a link to a Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Molasses_Disaster

Description : With the global overpopulation explosion (now 7 billion humans on Earth), I wonder why anybody would ever have more than 1 child?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll have to go with the same answer as the other question because they want to (personal answer that could be different for anyone) or believe they must (internal and/or external pressures). What ought they/we do? That’s the big issue.

Description : How can an explosion feel more intense to someone that is farther away?

Last Answer : The only reason I can think of is that the apartment block is much more stable than your house. Houses generally don’t require the same level of engineering that larger buildings do.

Description : With the BP oil rig explosion and sinking do you believe Sarah Palin is still urging "Drill baby drill!"?

Last Answer : Haven’t heard much from Palin lately.

Description : How big would the explosion be and the aftermath if the Yellowstone volcanoes all go kaboom?

Last Answer : This article from wikipedia describes past eruptions and current conditions including this: The last full-scale eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, the Lava Creek eruption which happened ... the foreseeable future. Recurrence intervals of these events are neither regular nor predictable.

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Last Answer : If they could keep up with me while I’m running away screaming!!!

Description : Mention the Period of Stagnant Population and Period of Population Explosion in India. -Geography

Last Answer : Period of stagnant population —1901-1921 Period of population explosion — 1951-1981.