How deep should the beds be dug in order to grow vegetables?

1 Answer

Answer :

The deeper, the better. It is usually engraved to the depth of the whole spade or digging forks.

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Last Answer : If you live in a cold climate in the winter you don't have to do that. but if you live where it does not freeze in the winter you will have to do that. People living in Florida would ... best for you remember to add bone meal around those bulbs after flowering or in the new hole when replanting.

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Last Answer : Daffidils can stay in the ground the next 2 depends on you temps....if it goes below freezing you have to take them out of cover them with a foot of hay. When I lived in 7a I tried covering them real good but they did not come up at big & beautiful as before.

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Last Answer : I would dig them up and wrap them in single newspaper and put them in the refrigerator drawer until the day that you move..........then move them in a cooler and the keep them in a very cool ... ...put some bone meal in the bottom before putting the bulbs in the ground. Good luck with your move.

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Last Answer : add bone meal to the next area and ph should be 6.0-8.0

Description : how do you dig up a peaonise

Last Answer : i have successfully move peony roots go downward, use large shovel about 6-8" out from base, create circle around plant. 6-8" on all sides, shovel depth. Should be able to remove by pulling back on shovel. Can move with just main root ball.

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Last Answer : transplant in the fall..............dig a trench space them for growth and put some bone meal in there......if you have trouble with squirrels....put some ground pepper in the top soil to keep them out.

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Last Answer : fall or late fall is the best time......

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Last Answer : You don't need to dig up the root. And please don't you may kill the vine doing it that method. What you need to do is to remove one of the new shoots from the stem, and place it in sugar water, it will produce roots itself and you will have a new plant. -Birdy

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Last Answer : Yes but note Sago plants grow like weeds, they are tough to kill. You can dig them up and transpalnt them any where, I wolud cut off the new plants and replant them were yoy need them rather than leave them around a stump.

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Last Answer : if you have a cool dry cellar that would work, some place them seperately in brown bags, some use a cardboard box, some use dry sand. Try one of each and see which is best for your conditions.

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