How to easily swallow the drug pill? I have a very hard time knowing.

1 Answer

Answer :

Break it in half and try. If that doesn’t come together either, break it up and take it that way. It will taste bad, but at least you can swallow it.

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Last Answer : Brother, you should seek treatment from an (allopathy) nose, ear and throat specialist. You used to be a homeopath because of this, but now it will not work. You should consult a specialist and get treatment.

Last Answer : On request Dhemki Swallow Of the proverb Money On request Difficult Work Done To do Consent Notification. Example: On request Dhemki Swallow Mine In favor of Possible No , I am A. Work To do I can No.

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Description : Thanks a lot in advance

Last Answer : No, it's not possible. You have them somewhere in bed, on the floor, in your pajamas. Deformed, broken.

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