1 Answer

Answer :

It is still unknown who made the Bangla script.

Related questions

Description : In which era did the construction of Bangla script and letters begin ?

Last Answer : The construction of Bangla script and letters started in the Sen era.

Description : What is the source of Bangla script ?

Last Answer : Brahmi script.

Description : I made this for those of you who need help on a Roblox Studio Script. If you want to make a wall disappear when clicked then re appear in a few seconds, add a script to the block and add this?

Last Answer : function onClicked(onClicked)script.Parent.Transparency=100script.Parent.CanCollide=Falsewait (2)script.Parent.CanCollide=truescript.Parent.Transparency = 0endscript.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)

Description : A non-skilled person who gains access to computer system using already made tools are known as? a. Grey hat hackers b. Hacktivist c. Script kiddies d. Phreakers

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Last Answer : You can contract with the admin of this website. He can make you a site.

Description : How many comments have been made in Ans Bangla ?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Lets flip the script: Picky eaters, what one food you CAN get behind?

Last Answer : Fries

Description : Windows script host error, can someone please help?

Last Answer : answer:Your Registry got mangled somehow and messed up your file associations. Given that one of them was .EXE that makes things a little more difficult, though not insurmountable. The simplest fix I ... with the Registry, which will make the necessary changes to get your system back up and running.

Description : Can someone please help me solve this windows 7 script host error?

Last Answer : If you still have the OS disc, I suggest booting into it and see if you can repair the system.

Description : If you could go back in time and make a change to the script of "Back to the Future", what would you change?

Last Answer : When Marty goes into the future, he sees that he is now a washed up actor with Parkinson’s.

Description : How can I make this sort of a ...script, in excel?

Last Answer : You could simply graph them on the same chart. Once the sheet is set up that’s about all that would need to be done. You would not have any fancy transparency though. I would probably just write a small program in Java to do it.

Description : Can I take my written script to another pharmacy and get it filled?

Last Answer : answer:The pharmacy doesn’t care; the insurance company does. If you’re paying out of your own pocket, you’re free to do whatever you want.

Description : Can someone read my script and tell me if it's any good?

Last Answer : Go ahead. I’m all ears. PM me, don’t post it as another question.

Description : What's the best Groupon clone script available?

Last Answer : Gripsell is the best but they are selective in distributing its script licenses. Some other options are Couponic or Wroupon.

Description : Jar Jar Abrams and his entire team of hack writers have been killed by terrorists freedom fighters. You are put in charge of producing the next Star Trek movie. Who will you hire to direct, and who will you hire to write the script?

Last Answer : Warner Herzog. Vince Gilligan

Description : What's bugging my simple JavaScript toggle script?

Last Answer : answer:The toggle_visibility function specifies (eng, met), not (var1, var2), so it seems not to matter what order of parameters you send it, it's going to read (eng, met) always. function toggle_visibility(eng, ... = block'; } else { e1.style.display = block'; e2.style.display = none'; }

Description : Is it possible to reconcile with someone who insists on rewriting the script?

Last Answer : My brother had an issue with one of his daughters . I won't get into it either, but he tried several times to reconcile and she was the same way, she kept coming up with things that had nothing to ... came to him. She didn't exactly apologize or even mention the incident, but he was okay with it.

Description : Economics in the 1920s script?

Last Answer : answer:Use your history research to think of some issue that might have been the cause of conflict at the time-political, social, economic, whatever. Any of those areas would have an ... your script. Include information in their dialogue that shows you know something about the historical context.

Description : How to write a structural analysis of a script?

Last Answer : You should have a good introduction, explaining the environment and the characters.

Description : How can I add an ELSE to this batch script?

Last Answer : answer:Doesn’t ELSE require an IF to go along with it? It’s been a looooong time since I wrote batch scripts, but have you tried: IF tasklist /nh /fi “imagename eq explorer.exe” | find /i “explorer.exe” >nul && ( echo Explorer.exe is running) ELSE (echo Explorer.exe is not running) ??

Description : Can you author a post that contains not a solitary showing of that symbol fifth in rank out of our 26 script-signs (found amidst "d" and "f")?

Last Answer : Oh my God, no. I’m far too lazy for that. On top of which, it would suck up too much of my day.

Description : Why isn't this batch script working?

Last Answer : What’s the shell? Is that windows cmd? Any details to the parse error ? Does “not ask to overwrite” mean don’t overwrite, or you don’t want it to stop and ask you the question?

Description : Help with this batch script?

Last Answer : answer:Try writing this at a DOS prompt and see if it gives you any ideas about how you can format your directory name: echo %date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2% When I run that it gives me: 20110924 (for ... , then of course you'll need to modify the parsing of the Echo command. I know you can do it.

Description : Simple way to add a GUI to batch script, or similar?

Last Answer : I think you might want to use http://www.horstmuc.de/ui.htm. Enjoy.

Description : Shut down all network computers via batch script?

Last Answer : answer:I recently did this because we had an issue with our Generator not cutting over. Once the UPS runs out, hard loss of power will affect hard drives, system boards, cache batteries, ... or maliciously executed. PM me if you need more info. Both are free. WMIC commands SysInternals psshutdown

Description : Why won't this batch script work?

Last Answer : answer:outputting your variables before you check the loop would probably get you closer and let you know where the problem lies… You may also want to reverse your checks… check for your loop condition and then check for your continuation… so loop always gets checked first.

Description : Help editing a batch script?

Last Answer : answer:It looks like WallpaperStyle is the setting. Determines how the desktop bitmap is displayed on the desktop if the bitmap is not tiled 0 Center the bitmap on the desktop. 2 Stretch the ... vertically and horizontally to fit the desktop. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc978626.aspx

Description : How do you brainstorm your plot/script?

Last Answer : answer:I tend to write down a sentence for each major part of my plot. For instance, one of the plots I've used in a story required the two main characters to meet at a certain time in ... said in the dialog between them, and anything else that spawns later in the plot from this particular moment.

Description : What kind of script/program/CMS/etc. is needed to make a site like care.com, airbnb.com, schoolofeverything.com, fiverr.com?

Last Answer : All the sites you posted are so different I don’t think you can use a CMS without being heavily modified. I would charge about 20K to even touch it if I was doing it from scratch.

Description : Is it legal for Americans to buy prescription medication from Canada so long as they have a valid script?

Last Answer : Try calling Doctorsolve and see if they stock the drug and can fill it with your Dr.‘s Rx. I used it all the time to get drugs that were discontinued or just cheaper. It is legal.

Description : Does anyone know some good action script resources?

Last Answer : answer:The resource you want really depends on what you are trying to do and what program you are using. http://www.actionscript.org/resources/categories/Tutorials/ can probably get you started if you are ... to the professor so you can meet with him outside of class and get the help you need.

Description : Why does "ruby1.8 script/console" fails to invoke ruby1.8?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not a Rails guru, but I have been poking around lately with a Rails app under Debian. Apparently Rails' API is frequently broken between major versions. If your scripts are written for Rails 1 ... been keeping a blog about this project, you can check it out if you want the gory details.

Description : What's wrong with this simple PHP script?

Last Answer : answer:Do you need a concatenation operator (.) between your string and the variable name ($the_long_url)? But like this: ’”.$var.”’ http://www.gidforums.com/t-965.html

Description : How to make a custom script?

Last Answer : answer:A script can pertain to a file with code in any programming language. A .bat file is a list of Windows console commands to rename/move a batch of files or run a batch of programs. ... it's a matter of learning the syntax and keeping a close reference to the parameters of each command.

Description : Is there a script that can get rid of all slideshows on the internet?

Last Answer : The subscribe to newsletter popup was too annoying to even stick around for the slide show. I wouldn’t want to disable them all, but being able to stop the show when they distract the eye from reading would be great. It’s too late tonight, but I will check tomorrow for such a tool.

Description : How do I teach kids the vocabulary of theatre, such as plot, scene,sets, conflict, script,and audience, to decribe theatrical experiences?

Last Answer : answer:I was a peer tutor in high school :D Plot: The central storyline of the production Scene: a small story involving one or more people and can be a short story or part of a bigger one ... then they wont care if you look like an idiot, they will be more interested in their own conversations).

Description : What are some good colleges to double major in television/film acting and directing with a minor in script writing?

Last Answer : Right now I have found Academy of Art University, the Los Angeles Film School, and Brooks Institute. Are there any others?

Description : How do i put a script on greasemonkey?

Last Answer : answer:Easiest way is to just drag the icon of the script to your Firefox icon. Or use File—> Open File. Or you can upload it to http://userscripts.org/ and install the script from there.

Description : How do I get my bash script to fail if it's being run as root?

Last Answer : #!/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then echo "This script must not be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi

Description : Is there software that you can call from, for example a PHP script, to translate languages?

Last Answer : Google AJAX Language API

Description : Why has my computer been getting a lot of script error messages lately?

Last Answer : Try unstalling Chrome.

Description : How to fetch files' extension from a variable which contains files & folder list in bash script ?

Last Answer : I know very little about this kind of stuff (very little), but is what you are asking, simply.. what type of file did this information come from? As in, is it a .zip, .exe, .txt, .html, etc… ??

Description : Name that Script. Can you help me find a JavaScript for this?

Last Answer : Sounds similar to a “Recently Viewed Items” script or module. However, you can also use a shopping cart module to set the items aside for review.

Description : How do I make a picture in an HTML script a clickable link?

Last Answer : document.write(””)

Description : How does one go about getting a script for a TV show into the right hands?

Last Answer : If you are in college, then take a script writing class. Usually they will be able to get it into the right hands. Thats how it is at my school.

Description : I need C troubleshooting: When i include a library do i have to do something more in order to have its functions work in my script?

Last Answer : Are you getting any other errors, like “math.h” not found? Actually, IIRC, not finding an include is just a warning…

Description : On the newly updated Facebook, is there a way to block the script that reads "Reconnect with (fill in the blank)"?

Last Answer : I really don’t know but y facebook just messed up. I refreshed and it changed the set-up somehow. I can’t figure out how to fix it. Argh! I hate these things. Thanx for letting me vent. I hope your problem gets fixed out.

Description : Where can I find a mac utility or terminal script to read the contents of a smart card?

Last Answer : You “found” a reader, and then you “found” a card. I know, ask at your local Police station – Police Officers can be very helpful when dealing with “found” items. (The data is proprietary and encrypted – if you don’t have the appropriate software it won’t do you any good.)

Description : Is there a way to get the weather for a specified time of the day via RSS or a script?

Last Answer : In direct answer to your question, weather [dot] com offers RSS feeds here. Depending on your feed reader software, you can configure the frequency that a particular feed is polled for updates. - Not sure I ... check it each morning. Set it as your web browser's default home page if that's easiest.