Does the knee hurt during that time ?

1 Answer

Answer :

It may be due to physical weakness , or due to lack of Vitamin Calcium. Get him treated by a doctor in the Department of Medicine. Ask him to lightly massage the mustard oil from the run to the ankles, then it will be beneficial every day.

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Last Answer : Calcium deficiency and injury can cause pain in your knees. If there is more knee pain as a result of old injury In addition , low calcium and vitamin D foods can cause such problems . If ... one place and risky work Refrain. Consult an orthopedic surgeon if there is no improvement within a week.

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Last Answer : Not to be unhelpful, but have you considered talking to your doctor?

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Last Answer : have not had that but have had swelling both under the patella and in the back of the knee. Rest,, Compression (bandage or brace) and Elevation as much as possible would be my suggestion along with ... leg up as much as possible. Do not immobilize however, you want to maintain your range of motion.

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Last Answer : Could be anything from some sort of minor nerve pain/ strain to be a life threatening DVT obviously, you need to ask your doctor. None of us here are qualified to answer and guessing is not appropriate. See a doc.

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Last Answer : I have a friend who was told by her doctor that he won’t operate on her knee until she loses weight.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure what you mean by a stitched tendon, and I'm not sure what you mean by healed. Your topic description mentions a knee, and most surgical repairs in knees are for ... increasing strength and range of motion. Of course, your doctor is the best source for post-op expectations.

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Last Answer : answer:My wife had some relief to knee pains from turmeric. Check your shoes, too. The only time I've had knee pains was from running shoes that have special orthotic features (anti-pronating) that I didn ... out of alignment and hurt my knees. Getting rid of the shoes was the right way to fix that.

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Last Answer : Aster your friend has 15 years on me and I have 65lbs on him. I am trying to get down to about 175 again for the same reason. I feel that 120 lbs for someone his height is too light. ... determine the actual cause of the pain. Most can be treated with medication for some relief if not total curing.

Description : Knee Injury?

Last Answer : I hope not. The way you describe it it sounds like it will be ok. Time will tell. I would just keep it stable and wait a few days, maybe take some ibuprofen. But, I am not a doctor and I am not in your body, so my advice isn’t worth much, it’s just what I would do based on your description.

Description : Whats your thoughts on Crocs for comfort, support, and safety for post-knee surgery?

Last Answer : I’ve never worn Crocs, but they look slippery and unstable. I wouldn’t use them after knee surgery. In fact, I had knee surgery a couple of years ago, and I wore only safe, lace-up shoes while I during my recovery.

Description : Have you had knee surgery?

Last Answer : Pachyderm_In_The_Room At least it’s not all four, is it? I haven’t had it but I’ve heard the recovery is hard but the long term prognosis is good.

Description : What suggestions can you make for an OTC knee brace that relieves discomfort more than it generates it?

Last Answer : None in the OTC space. See your orthopedic Dr for a good one that functions as designed. I recently got one ($5 out of pocket) and actually wear it. That to me is the best kind.

Description : Did I tear my MCL in my knee?

Last Answer : Sounds like it certainly could be an MCL or ACL (1) though I did have similar symptoms when I dislocated/cracked my kneecap. Get to a orthopedist and have it looked at ASAP until then think RICE.

Description : What has your experience been with total or partial knee replacement?

Last Answer : answer:@gailcalled, by the Grace of God, I'm very healthy physically. My husband had some serious knee problems that have resulted in surgery, but not replacement. We live in a retirement community ... all say they wish they had done it sooner because the results were so radically life changing.

Description : My knee hurts (details inside) - is it worth going to the doctor?

Last Answer : This may be an unpopular opinion, but running isn't good for you in the long term Try brisk walking!, and it's because of issues like this. You should see an osteopath who specializes in sports ... s not painful anymore. And don't listen to those misguided people who tell you your pain is normal.

Description : I have got an uneven tan, a tan on my knee only. How to even it out?

Last Answer : Go lay out in the sun…...And maybe put something over your knee, lol.

Description : MACI surgery of the knee?

Last Answer : Read this hope it helps…... :-/

Description : Volleyball alert: How do I get my knee-pads from smelling?

Last Answer : answer:When I played volleyball, I never actually got my knee pads to smell good, but you can help keep them from smelling terrible. Washing them often helps, as does using a bit of bleach. It also helps to let ... out of the bag to dry out, and I left the bag open so it could dry out as well.