what is good time to pick grapes grown in our yard?

1 Answer

Answer :

Depends on your area......I would wash one off and taste them.....you can make juice **** or eat them off the stem.  You also can take them off and freeze them.  I like them frozen as they taste like water ice.

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Last Answer : answer:If you want nice big bunches of grapes, there is a special way you have to pull off the leaves and runners. I’m sure you can find some pictures or video online.. http://www.whatprice.co.uk/gardening/grapes.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCF26dtRaDc There you go. Enjoy your grapes.

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Last Answer : So…they were different from just regular green grapes?

Description : What are the price of Seedless Grapes in Your area ?

Last Answer : In areas where I've lived (Providence, Boston, San Francisco), I've seen seedless grape (red and green) prices fluctuate between $0.99/lb to $2.99/lb at the local grocery store. I only buy when ... 99/lb because they are really quite heavy and a bag will normally run me $3-5 even at that price.

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Last Answer : Green (Thompson’s) seedless grapes were around certainly in the 1950s, maybe earlier. Red seedless? I think they’re much more recent. [Edit] Apparently the Thompson’s were available in New York in 1872 and made it to California in time to bear fruit in 1875. source

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Last Answer : Fairly sure you can just bung them in the fridge and consume within 3 or 4 days of opening.

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Last Answer : Hmm. I don’t think it’s pesticide. I asked my husband, he thinks it occurs naturally.

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Last Answer : I don’t think so, we used to feed my dog grapes all the time when we had a grapevine and she lived to be 19.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Grapes and raisins are among the foods that are toxic to dogs. They can cause kidney failure. It doesn't matter which type of grape, they are all toxic. Raisins appear to be more toxic due to being ... be a fungus or mold. If you think your dog has eaten grapes or raisins, call your vet immediately.

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Last Answer : probably need lime and composted horsemanure in the spring and some pruning in the spring after the last frost has passed you now when.........good luck next year.

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