If the truth hurts? Then does a lie feel good? Or do they both hurt?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:The truth only hurts in certain instances. Lies always hurt. Furthermore in those cases were “the truth hurts” its always much less than a lie that you later find out about. Just be honest and save everyone a big headache.

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Description : What is the way to get rid of low back pain ? I do a job of marketing. There are about 3 to 4 kilometers of walking every day. My problem is !!! My back hurts. There is pain from ... tablets. খ Medication is a little healing. In the morning I feel completely healthy. The same situation after noon.

Last Answer : In fact, you walk every day which is more likely to cause pain. But yes, it can also be due to physical weakness and lack of calcium. Complete the dose of the medicine that you have been given. Hope you find the solution.

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Last Answer : So sorry this is happening to your friend. This happened to my brother by his ex wife and I was absolutely furious! The lies she spewed were outrageous. I wanted to hurt her. But his clearer head ... his true friends won't believe the lies. Reassure him what a fine person you know him to be.

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Last Answer : Is it possible to turn the conversation to her and say, “I’ve talked enough about me, i’d lie to hear what’s doing in your life?” I have a cousin who does the same thing so I’ll be following this.

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Last Answer : This is a good question. I have been in therapy for a very long time. My relationship with my therapist is very important, and I want the ability to talk about absolutely everything that is ... will receive my words because they know whom I'm talking about. I would choose another therapist.

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Last Answer : I was prosecuted, not persecuted, for just causes, for the most part.

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Last Answer : Close friends? No, not at all. My BFF feels the same way too. We often ask and answer some really nosy questions and none of us ever feels uncomfortable. If the matter is a bit too personal, we just say: “I rather not discuss about it” and no more questions are asked.

Description : What did you feel when you lost your best friend?

Last Answer : I think I'm experiencing it right now. I think of my friends all the time. I keep thinking about our good memories together then comparing them with the harsh present. All those things distract me from my work ... really sure if I've lost them. I'm trying my best to get things back to normal again.

Description : How do I make her feel better?

Last Answer : answer:Be nice to her, and ask her what she likes to do and what kind of music or TX shows she likes. Don't bring up anything to do with where she is from or how she speaks, because that way she ... . If she can hang out with you and maybe your friends, she'll fit in when school starts in the fall.

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Last Answer : It depends. I give my husband plenty of my passwords but he knows he isn't to read private messages unless I ask him to read something that isn't too private. Just maybe private to everyone else on ... junk mail or for logins for sites like fluther and so on. Family and friends use our joint email.

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Last Answer : I thought they were good fun and so did my kids. Even better was camping out in the back garden in summer, reading comics by torchlight and eating chips made by my mother. To arrange to sleepover and then decide you want to go home is poor form.