A gift for someone who is 1 year sober?

1 Answer

Answer :

Why not go shopping with him? Picking out jewelry for someone can be risky. But that is a really loving and thoughtful gesture. And what about taking him out for a meal with several close friends, as well?

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Last Answer : answer:Assuming you are not a spammer – somewhat unlikely – the question is impossible to answer. We have no idea what your mom likes. Is she a clothes horse? Does she like arts and crafts? Does she read books? Does she listen to music? Give us some guidance, not a URL.

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Last Answer : It obviates the meaning of “gift”; it invalidates the meaning of “friend.”

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Last Answer : A portrait of myself.

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Last Answer : answer:Ooh, boy. I think you need to tell them exactly what you are telling us here. To foist an expensive trip on you without your permission is not very nice, when it comes right down to ... plans (particularly with time constraints) for you. Have there been similar incidents or is this a one-off?

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Last Answer : What does he like? What did you get tickets too? What is your budget?

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Last Answer : answer:They have some advantages, too. When I get straight money, I just put it into the pool for bills and food and such. I feel guilty not doing that, because I live chronically in debt. ... , real gift. Maybe they are becoming more popular because more and more folks are having money troubles?

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Last Answer : answer:Depends. Was it set up like a credit card? Some cards are actually visa cards, but called loosely gift cards because they are prepaid, but fees and interest are deducted from it. Total rip off in my ... have a different price for gas for cash vs credit? I haven't seen that in a long time.

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Last Answer : I made a gift basket for a guy in my office that was leaving. I was friends with him and his wife and had also dog sat for them. I put in some things that I thought would make their new home a ... the things I mentioned in an envelope. Hmm, the only thing I can think of for envelopes is gift cards.

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Last Answer : A gift registry was enclosed in the envelope with your wedding invitation?

Description : Should I give the gift before the birthday?

Last Answer : Wait. He’ll enjoy it even more on his actual birthday.

Description : What would you include in a vegan gift basket?

Last Answer : Barley, couscous, brown rice, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, pistachios, packet of sunflower seeds, rice crackers, hummus, salsa, pita bread, dark maple syrup, steel cut oatmeal, box of rice milk, high end cocoa powder, quality loose tea, immersible tea ball, Krups coffee grinder and good beans

Description : To whom does a gift belong (see details)?

Last Answer : answer:Among equals or peers, the gift always belongs to the reeiver. The issues between parent and child are much murkier and rather hard to sort out.

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Last Answer : Like I’m embarrassed.

Description : Gift cards: Yay or Nay?

Last Answer : answer:Give because you want to give, not because someone gave you something. When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is ... and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Khalil Gibran

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Last Answer : That is a tough one without knowing the people. Ask if you really want to know what there interests are.

Description : What's the best random gift you have ever received?

Last Answer : A hug.

Description : Would you want a very expensive gift?

Last Answer : answer:I hate all gifts that have been purchased for me. I don't accept them. It took many years for people to accept this, but eventually I would say, Oh, thanks. That's great. I'm sure I ... then did they stop. The only gifts I accept are works of art or homemade food from friends and my kids.

Description : Gift ideas for bachlorette party?

Last Answer : Have one of your hot guy friends do it, but have him wear a mask.