How important is flaxseed to a healthy diet?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I use a small coffee grinder – not used for anything else – to grind fresh seeds every few days. (Keep whole seeds and ground powder refrigerated). I sprinkle a few teaspoons on oatmeal, cottage cheese and fresh fruit, cereal, toast and a spread. Read what The Mayo Clinic says. (I googled “flaxseed.)

Related questions

Description : Is flaxseed oil in cottage cheese healthy and if so, how does it work?

Last Answer : The flax seed oil is wonderful and it keeps your veins lubricated and helps stop any blockage building up in the arteries.

Description : How long is flaxseed meal good in the refrigerator?

Last Answer : I only keep a supply that will take me about 2 months to consume. If you have a lot, your best bet is to keep it in the freezer, rather than the fridge. It doesn’t change the consistency. And to make it take up less space, you can portion it out into ziplock freezer bags and lay it flat.

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Last Answer : The Omega3 capsules give me gas. So, I prefer to use ground Flaxseed added to my food. I started out with a small amount just in case I didn't like the taste.I found it to have NO flavor so ... as it becomes a habit much like adding milk. It has also become a habit as an ingredient in my smoothies.

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : answer:Well you have plenty of limbs left to exercise while your left arm withers away. lol teasing you Just move the rest of your body more. Kick around a soccer ball, walk some hills, exercise the broken ... finger grip routine with a tension ball. Sorry bout the arm, it'll go by quickly. :-)

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Last Answer : Stairs may be a bit boring, but they are fabulous for fitness. Queue up some good steppin’ music on your ipod and have at “em!

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Last Answer : answer:I would do something like tai chi or qigong. It'll clear your mind, get you in touch with your body. The qi pathways will balance your body, and you'll gradually build up core ... just do something fun like Contact Improvisation. Stretching can also be good .. Swimming, too, in moderation

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Last Answer : I'm sorry for your loss and I can understand your concern. I know several woman that only have one tube for various reasons (some from ectopics and some from tubal reversal surgeries) that have gone on to ... with only one tube. I hope that you are able to go on and have children in the future.

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Last Answer : It is indiscreet. The web is not a confessional. Use judgement in what you reveal online or it may come back to haunt you.

Description : Is a burger from McDonalds really any more fattening or less healthy than one you'd make at home?

Last Answer : You have more control at home over the amount of fat content in the ground beef you buy, so the burger you make at home could be less fattening depending on the ground beef you buy, how you fix ... in. Canola oil should be a bit healthier than vegatable oil. Not sure what kind of oil McDonalds uses.

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Last Answer : answer:It will kill you dead. Panic now! Ok, seriously. As someone who has donated blood before, many times, it's not a big deal. If you have an underlying condition that you don't know ... you're missing much more already! Plus they usually provide you with a meal or something after you donate.

Description : How harmful is using a UVB-emitting tanning booth for 2 minutes, 3 times per week to maintain healthy vitamin D levels?

Last Answer : Why not just take the very effective pills of D3? They work. No tanning necessary.

Description : What is a healthy blood pressure?

Last Answer : answer:It is very important to keep your blood pressure low. High blood pressure is a major cause of strokes and heart attacks. Normal blood pressure is a range. From 100 over 65 to 120 over ... that only the upper number mattered, but doctors have come to regard the lower number as important too.

Description : The ask-public "get your healthy on thread". Who wants to get healthy?

Last Answer : answer:ask-public is apparently experimenting with categorizing the questions. When I have answered several different questions, I have received a message saying this question will now appear in the (whatever) category. ... I suggest you sent your ideas to the contact' link at the top of the page.

Description : Are "Body Choice Concentrated Weight Loss Shots" a healthy way of getting protein post workout?

Last Answer : No, if there was a quick fix, we would all be doing it. Do not inject yourself with these things.