What are your favorite alcoholic beverages / drinks for summer?

1 Answer

Answer :

pina coladas, coronas are nice too. i dont like hard stuff though [equal]/ margaritas are amazing though..<- new discovery

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Last Answer : I drink daily and only wine. I guess I would be what you call a functioning alcoholic. tehe he he

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Last Answer : No such thing… Well there was this one drink I had and they put too much salt in it. Plus, I don’t like low quality anything except whiskey.

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Last Answer : By the time you have to wonder it is probably time to seek assistance.

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Last Answer : Speaking as someone who has drunk!vomited ice cream… this sounds like a terrible idea.

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Last Answer : nyquil

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Last Answer : Doctors recommend that women totally abstain from alcohol when pregnant. According to law, non-alcoholic beer contains a very small amount of alcohol no more than 0.5% by volume however even a small ... amount to a grown human can not be compared to what enters into the bloodstream of a fetus.

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Last Answer : Beer and tomato juice is about as wild and crazy as I get with my mixed drinks. It’s hard to do much with beer.

Description : Whats your thoughts on someone who drinks alone?

Last Answer : If you are in the US, it tends to be a red flag for a fair amount of people. The way I look at it, as long as it isn’t getting in the way of your work and social life, you aren’t overdoing it, and you aren’t drinking and driving, there is no harm in it.

Description : Why do so many people seem to enjoy carbonated drinks?

Last Answer : It’s that exquisite burning sensation as the perfectly chilled Pepsi slides down my throat that had me hooked :)

Description : What well drinks should I order?

Last Answer : Moonshine

Description : How do you get a company party sponsored by a type of alcohol, so that all drinks are free?

Last Answer : good question, heh.

Description : Can you make girly drinks with Jack Daniels?

Last Answer : Just give them all shots and tell them that real girls don’t drink pink and purple drinks with umbrellas in them. Pretty soon people will be too drunk to care. P.S. – I commend you on your liquor choice, sir.

Description : What are your top five brands of alcohol (for mixed drinks or straight)

Last Answer : Skyy Vodka (for mixing or drinking) Captain Morgan Rum (can’t beat a classic, especially w/ Coke) Bombay Sapphire Gin (yum, come to me Tom Collins) Bacardi (can’t beat the standard when you need a white rum for mixing) Seagrams Gin (when I don’t have the cash for Bombay)

Description : What are good drinks to drink while clubbing?

Last Answer : best nightclub drink ever is red bull vodka, keeps you dancing while drunk

Description : What Mixed Drinks Do You Suggest?

Last Answer : You can never go wrong with a Bull Blaster (not neccessarily called this). It’s Red Bull and Jagermeister mixed taken as a shot (or you could order a double!). Vodka & cranberry juice is good too and hey it’ll protect you from UTI’s at the same time!

Description : Why do drinks taste different in different containers?

Last Answer : Drinks from a glass bottle always taste the best.For instance a glass bottle of coke always tastes way better than can or aluminum. So really i do think its because its in plastic or its ... you think about it, like both plastic and aluminum break down pretty easily. Especially compared to glass.

Description : Do you drink alcoholic beverages when you're home and if so, what and how often?

Last Answer : Occasionally Maybe once a month.

Description : Does an allergy to isopropyl alcohol mean anything about my chances of being allergic to alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : Pretty much the same name. I wouldn’t worry. I know this because I looked into getting drunk from rubbing alcohol.

Description : What are your favourite hot alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : I put creme de noyaux in my hot chocolate a lot. It’s a great way to wind down before bed. Course, I do it less in the summer…

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Last Answer : They aren’t regulated by the same agency.

Description : Do you find that different varieties of alcoholic beverages affect your mood in different ways?

Last Answer : Wine makes me horny. Liquor makes me pensive. Absinthe makes me Vincent Van Gogh. I hate beer.

Description : Alcoholic beverages contain

Last Answer : Alcoholic beverages contain A. Glycerol B. Ethyl alcohol C. ethyl alcohol D. Isopropyl alcohol

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Do you capitalize alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : No

Description : Phenol is used (a) in alcoholic beverages (b) as anesthetic (c) in antiseptics (d) as moth repellant

Last Answer : in antiseptics

Description : Which of the following statements is false? (a) Diethyl ether has been used as a general anesthetic (b) Ethyl alcohol is present in all alcoholic beverages (c) Methyl alcohol is produced by fermentation of sugars (d) Ethylene glycol is a common antifreeze for automobiles

Last Answer : Methyl alcohol is produced by fermentation of sugars

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Last Answer : A)Conglomerate diversification

Description : Consumption of alcoholic beverages in moderate amounts can be allowed for the following category of subjects: A. Epileptics B. Patients with history of myocardial infarction C. Gastroesophageal reflux patients D. Pregnant women

Last Answer : B. Patients with history of myocardial infarction

Description : Patients treated with the following drug should be cautioned not to consume alcoholic beverages: A. Mebendazole B. Metronidazole C. Methimazole D. Metamizol

Last Answer : B. Metronidazole

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Last Answer : I drank it once, at a midsummer night’s feast put on by a Swedish exchange student. This was a long long time ago. It was okay, no worse than doing tequila shooters.

Description : What is your favorite type of hot tea?

Last Answer : Sassafras Tea rules.

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Last Answer : I was told that it takes energy to cool down or warm up liquids that are consumed, and that drinks at body temperature are absorbed faster.

Description : Have you ever enjoyed a drink so well that you forgot to breathe?

Last Answer : That’s called drowning. If one chugs down a drink beyond the ability to swallow it, your body will gag on it, you will spit it out all over everything in front of you, and most people will find the whole act disgusting.

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Last Answer : I’ll PREE tend! BUTTE I might bbee otta focus.

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Description : Is there a restaurant, that you only go to intoxicated? (Details)

Last Answer : Way back when I used to go out to clubs and drink we would stop at White Castle. Burgers were 10 cents each. I wouldn’t go there sober.

Description : What happens if you drink mint extract?

Last Answer : answer:It won’t hurt you. It is usually suspended in alcohol, so if you drink enough (a lot) you could get drunk. But that would have to really be a lot, and the way it tastes would be hard to take. But mixing a few drops in a hot chocolate is a good idea!

Description : What will be your drink of choice this New Years?

Last Answer : answer:Gonna be a close race between coffee and a moderately priced sparkling white…If I can find a good sparkling white based on the chard grape…yah, I could go there. Or maybe a nice Spanish cava. Coffee is a for sure. Coffee is ALWAYS a for sure around me…

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Last Answer : Intelligence does not make one immune to the effects of peer pressure and drug addiction.

Description : Do you think calling or getting someone medical help for a drug or alcohol overdose should exempt the caller from any type of prosecution?

Last Answer : Yes. Otherwise people will call for help less often, and more people will die from overdoses.

Description : Have you seen the re-branding of Pepsi's Sierra Mist as "Mist Twist" in your area yet?

Last Answer : No, but I sampled the new 1893 Pepsi just yesterday. Awful! I’ve never liked Pepsi in any of its forms. I’m strictly a Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola man.

Description : Are you a regular at a bar?

Last Answer : No. But I am a regular at a Vietnamese restaurant.

Description : Is addiction a disease?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. Anything that makes you it's bitch is a disease. You don't control compulsions and this alone should put any whole person ill at ease. This includes substances, any innocuous ... of it requires will power, among other things, depending upon the individual and the pathological source.

Description : Under age Possession of alcohol?

Last Answer : I wasn’t drunk implies that you could have been drinking. If you had any booze in you will probably mean that you are fucked.

Description : What do you think about the gambler who lost 500k at the casino and is now suing because he is saying he lost all that money due to the fact that they served him alcohol when he was already drunk?

Last Answer : So he got pissed twice, stop the world I wanna get off.

Description : What can I do about this situation?

Last Answer : answer:You can control only your behavior, no matter how much you want your 19-year old to behave differenty. You listen to what she does and not what she says. Remind her that she is breaking the law, ... having a drink a deal-breaker for you? If so, you tell her and then stick to your guns.

Description : When out boating how often do you feel people are reckless or even drunk while operating their boat?

Last Answer : answer:I have no idea as to statistics, although they must exist somewhere. I can tell you at Lake Lanier (large reservoir north of Atlanta) there have been several deaths and injuries recently because of BWI (Boating While Intoxicated).