How is the term "wifebeater" (describing a shirt) still politically correct?

1 Answer

Answer :

yeah i would say it is. it doesnt offend me, probably because i am not a woman and therefore not a wife. but i really dont hear the word a lot or see many worn nowadays

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Description : How can I shrink a shirt on purpose?

Last Answer : Hot water if it is not polyester and if it hadn’t been pre shrunk. Just know that fabrics like wool could over shrink and it might not shrink in the proportions you want it to. If it’s something you love I would see a tailor instead.

Description : What would be the best method to convert a shirt like this?

Last Answer : answer:Oh you could probably do it without sewing at all. Or very minimal. There is this stuff used to reinforce zippers its fabric strips wrapped around a piece of cardboard and the strips are folded ... pin and seam. all materials can be found in a joanns or michaels or sometimes even walmart.

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Last Answer : answer:It looks to me like this design was created by Better Life® Brand Apparel On their site, they do have personalization available. Now if you drew your own critters, and came up with your own ... just would stay away from using their graphics and saying, unless you plan to pay them for it.

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Last Answer : answer:Copyright: yes. Trademark: no (unless the image is used throughout a brand or product line as a sort of identification [like an avatar]). But a trademark is much more difficult to acquire ... must submit legal paperwork and prove that your image isn't similar to anyone else's trademark image.

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Last Answer : answer:It is called a cinch.

Description : What are great underwear for t-shirt and low jeans?

Last Answer : Have you considered going to a clothing store?

Description : How do I shrink a pre-shrunk T-shirt with a decal on it?

Last Answer : If you put it through a super hot laundry load and then put it through the dryer on high a couple of times it should shrink a little.

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Last Answer : Brown or tan in winter; white or tan in summer.

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Last Answer : The wearers of each need slightly different diets.

Description : If you could afford the price, would you pay $100.00 per shirt and slacks or skirt to have them custom sewn and tailored to your body?

Last Answer : If I could afford it, I would do it. I have a very hard time finding clothes that fit my body. I usually have to make some kind of sacrifice with my clothing (the top part of the shirt ... ). I usually end up doing some alterations or settling for clothes that could look better if they fit properly.

Description : Gents, do you have a Hawaiian shirt in the back of your closet?

Last Answer : Have two…when i go to a party!!!!

Description : What's the thickness of a "slub cotton" t-shirt?

Last Answer : When the fiber is spun unevenly it results “slubby” yarn. When that’s woven into cloth, you can see the thicker parts as well.

Description : Wearing a dark grey shirt and khakis - fashion do or fashion don't?

Last Answer : answer:I would shudder if my husband put this combination on. Two different neutral colors—ack. The shirt and the pants are both fine. But they are not meant for each other.

Description : I'm looking for a specific type of shirt, online, for under $20. Can you give me some suggestions where I could find such a beast?

Last Answer : Ebay often has a large source of items and has fantastic search engines for narrowing down exactly what you are looking for and within a particular price range.

Description : What's the stylename/name of this kind of shirt?

Last Answer : I guess “off-the-shoulder” neckline might be used, but that can be used for any number of necklines, not only the extreme 80s version. Mainly you just have to take a pair of scissors and make one yourself. :)

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Last Answer : What’s it for? Burn damaged skin? Sports?? Then I might be thinking of the wrong type of compression shirt :P

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Description : What's the best way to deliberately shrink a t-shirt?

Last Answer : Wash in hot water then put it in the hot dryer. Be sure to turn it inside out first to protect the print. If that doesn’t work find Rick Moranis and see if you can use his shrinking machine. Or just do what I do when I have something to big to wear- eat more.

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Last Answer : ok, the horny question above is a great thread. do “members only” jackets maketh thou hornieth?

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Last Answer : Really hoping being politically-correct isn’t the only thing keeping people from being racist and bigoted. :/ Not feeling this question, Zen.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it should be politically incorrect to say white trash. That is definitely racist, but probably acceptable because it is directed against white people instead of a minority. Which ... learn from their experience. Way too much pussyfooting around and it does no favors to anyone.

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Last Answer : Well, I can not read. I only read Manga, and in that genre, I do not have a preference.

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Last Answer : ‘Do you find it annoying’ Yes!

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Last Answer : answer:My county recently replaced Blind Driveway (that being, a driveway that is not visible from the road) with Hidden Driveway . It made me chuckle for a moment, but it does make sense. I remember ... occur with overuse of the terms. Once upon a time, moron and idiot were medical terms.

Description : Why is being PC (politically correct) so important one will look like a liar to do it?

Last Answer : I think the definition of PC is very different than just having manners, showing courtesy, showing sportsmanship or humility. I suppose the people involved in the Wikileaks cables are trying to maintain open ... a lot of PC BS involved in that alot of times. That's how politics works sometimes.