Childhood Dreams?

1 Answer

Answer :

When I was a kid I always dreamt of moving abroad (and becoming an actress and hairdresser…..those I kinda let go) and I’m currently in country no. 3… far so good.

Related questions

Description : Am I too old to have those childhood "rockstar" dreams?

Last Answer : There are tons of people that start acting or bands when they get older. So I would never says its too late. Allthough I would assume its easier the younger you are.

Description : Did you ever accomplish your childhood dreams and goals?

Last Answer : I've climbed a few mountains. I've jumped (willingly) from an airplane. I've gone to some really cool places. I have children. I went to college. I have a good life, and been down some very rocky roads. ... rich and famous thing. Now, being a grown up, it's not as cool as it looked when I was 10.

Description : Do you have any childhood dreams that you can cross off your bucket list?

Last Answer : answer:10 years ago: I wish I was good at English. And now I’m here.

Description : Where can I find the car of my childhood dreams?

Last Answer : My husband buys his cars on ebay. Also a really good place is the Lamborghini club website if they have one. The Porsche Club, which we are members of, has a place on their site for people who want to sell their cars, I assume Lamborghini has such a thing?

Description : What dreams and fantasies do you have that you say you need to win the lottery to do, but really could do them now?

Last Answer : I could visit the US tomorrow, stay there for months if I felt like it. Nowt to do with money i’m just shit scared of flying that’s all.

Description : Would you ever try to discourage your child from achieving his/her dreams?

Last Answer : answer:You will never be rid of the desire to attain your parents' support. Never. Even after you've betrayed their advice and successfully achieved your goal and paid off all your debts. There will ... 'll suffer just the same but at least you'll feel more satisfied with your sense of autonomy.

Description : Living your unlived life: How do you cope with unrealized dreams?

Last Answer : answer:Meh! They were all speculative, just hopes, intentions, dreams. It seems, looking back, that things were going to go their own way. But how was I to know back then? My advice to all you following after : Do your best, but go with the flow also.

Description : Did you accomplish the dreams you had in life?

Last Answer : Can’t tell yet, my life isn’t over yet.

Description : Is it weird to have dreams about persons we've never seen/met ?

Last Answer : I don’t think it’s unusual, happens to me all the time.

Description : Dreams, goals..things you've accomplished or wish you had?

Last Answer : answer:I am completely content. Made it to the big 5-0 this year, still looking pretty good! lol Best friends with my 22 year old daughter, mission accomplished! :-) Love where I am at, wise, ... . No regrets, no broken or forgotten dreams I just let life deliver and trust it's right. :-)

Description : Are dreams more fun than real life?

Last Answer : As much as you may enjoy your phenomenal dream life, if your real life offers no joy or satisfaction you will probably be unhappy despite your dreams. I hope your real life does not let you down.

Description : Can dreams be enough to keep someone alive?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. For if you don’t have dreams, and your life is otherwise devoid of any hope whatever, then you have nothing. Keep on dreaming…keep the dream alive!!!!!

Description : How do you balance your hopes and dreams against reality and its disappointments?

Last Answer : prozac

Description : Do you believe dreams can change how you veiw the world?

Last Answer : I think it just reminded you of what you already knew. I don’t think dreams change anything, people do. But they can be surprising reminders and occasionally moments of insight.

Description : Have you achieved all your hopes / dreams / aspirations yet?

Last Answer : I don't think anyone does, and if they do, they are much older and don't waste their time on websites like these. These people are on vacation near the equator or in a secluded cabin in ... just have dreams of having 10 kids and having a boring, mundane life surrounded by obnoxious kids all day.

Description : What would you expect your family to do for you if you had acheived one of your biggest dreams?

Last Answer : I achieved my dreams and beyond… I expected NOTHING from my family except love and support for what I was doing in and with my life . And a very sincere CONGRATS to Lynnebundle

Description : I have random dreams & the same person seems to be in almost every single one of them & i don't know why?

Last Answer : It means you’re dreaming. I have dreams with the same people in them for days, you can try working on lucid dreaming and changing the dreams on your own..

Description : How do you detect your own dreams?

Last Answer : If you aren’t aware of them, you wouldn’t be able to detect them no matter how hard you try right? This sounds like the ultimate paradox, sort of.

Description : Are there any toys from your childhood that you wish you still had?

Last Answer : Only for nostalgia, I loved my play hotel, but it’s not that I think about actually playing with it, it would be just to possess it still.

Description : Do you often reminisce about your childhood?

Last Answer : Yupper, all the time! It was the ‘60s for me.

Description : What is one childhood memory that at the time was negative, but in hindsight was positive?

Last Answer : answer:I remember getting vaccinated as a five-year-old. I remember screaming, crying, and begging as the evil lady with the needle came at me and my dad tried his best to gently but firmly restrain me in his lap. In hindsight, I am very glad I got my shots.

Description : Childhood parties - who did you invite?

Last Answer : In my family, birthdays meant two parties: A family gathering, and then a party with friends. I don't think I ever invited more than ten to twelve children, very often it was a small group of about ... -to-earth friends wouldn't have gone well, so my parents agreed to a separate party a few times.

Description : Think of your childhood...what was missing?

Last Answer : answer:Affection. I have no doubt that we all loved each other of a fashion, but there was virtually no affection. Almost all the nuclear families in my family grow up and splinter. Oh, and no, my life is still largely devoid of affection.

Description : What memory do you cherish from your childhood which at the time was the most mundane thing ever?

Last Answer : Lunches out in the field with my father and grandfather while we were doing the hay on the farm. My mother and grandmother would bring us bread and cold cuts and we'd all stop and get together and ... pretty mundane at the time,but they're both gone and I miss those simple moments we had together.

Description : What did you love about your childhood?

Last Answer : I loved playing with other kids in the neighborhood. TV was the only electronic distraction then. So I was often playing outdoors or interacting with the other kids. Had a fun childhood, even well into ... my childhood are the reruns of tv shows like wonder woman, hawaii five-o, charlie's angels.

Description : Do you have a favourite childhood story ? [ details ]?

Last Answer : I liked the stories my dad would make up for me and I liked Aesop’s Fables and fairy tales alot too.

Description : What have come to symbolize your childhood?

Last Answer : The outdoors. I loved to play outdoors all the time, you would rarely see me stuck inside the house for more than a couple hours.

Description : What would your childhood self think of how you are now?

Last Answer : I would think of myself as a good role model, even though sometimes I can be stingy :/

Description : What is a "normal" childhood?

Last Answer : answer:It is a very popular urban myth. Something we strive to give our children, usually having never experienced it for ourselves.

Description : How do you think that life will change if we'd have a shorter childhood?

Last Answer : Maybe we wouldn’t be so stuck in those years as adults?

Description : Hugging a pillow or stuffed animal during childhood development through adulthood; does it potentially show the individuals personality or trait that might affect their livelihood day-to-day basis?

Last Answer : I feel that as with all things in psychology, it must be taken with a grain of salt. Some people just like stuffed animals, think they're cute, what have you, and some people just like ... for comfort. But in context to this question, yes, how a person sleeps speaks volumes about their personality.

Description : Is there anything from your childhood home (a piece of decor, say) that stands out in your mind (for whatever reason), when thinking back?

Last Answer : The girl next door?