How many hits does google get an hour?

1 Answer

Answer :

why don’t you ask google?

Related questions

Description : I was unable to get this answer from google, so I'll ask again. how many hits does google get per hour?

Last Answer : Here

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Last Answer : answer:Ready to be depressed? While ZZ Top‘s classic has a measly six million hits, our good pal Justin Beiber is sitting at a whopping 351 million. Lady Gaga isn’t far behind at 290, and I bet if you search around you’ll find more in the same range. Hot. Dog.

Description : Which music video has the most "hits" on the web?

Last Answer : answer:Ready to be depressed? While ZZ Top‘s classic has a measly six million hits, our good pal Justin Beiber is sitting at a whopping 351 million. Lady Gaga isn’t far behind at 290, and I bet if you search around you’ll find more in the same range. Hot. Dog.

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Last Answer : If folks have subscribed to the RSS feed, they’ll get updates in their reader/aggregator (e.g., Google Reader), but they won’t show up as e-mail subscribers.

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Last Answer : It’ll probably be either Google or YouTube. I would start searching through the google zeitgeist for leads.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: Z -- 100 PERCENT

Description : Will you miss Google+?

Last Answer : Yes, actually. In the beginning it had so much potential for outreach and education.

Description : How is Google Chrome able to guess which folder to place a bookmark?

Last Answer : They probably use a machine learning algorithm. If I had to guess, it parses some of the text on the page and looks for words that could be associated with the name of your folder ( Advocacy ). ... Advocacy folder and try to make an association between that text and the text it saw on Less Wrong.

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Last Answer : answer:I agree that it should be theoretically possible. The firewire camera is just another input, in the sense that it is transmitting a video signal to the CPU. In that respect, ... video stream. Bottom line, this should be theoretically possible, but something environmental is blocking it.

Description : Does anyone like the new Youtube and Google integration?

Last Answer : answer:I hate it. I don't use Google+, and will likely distance myself from YouTube because of this. I have a YouTube account - I don't want it linked to my Google+ account. I don't ... our problems with the existing frontrunners. It would be nice to start hearing that buzz about a new product now.

Description : "Copy image url" disappeared from Google Chrome?

Last Answer : That could be a quirk of Google+. I still have the “copy image url” option available to me in Chrome.

Description : Google+ Photos limits?

Last Answer : answer:Google has a cloud storage system called Google Drive. I have my mobile set to automatically upload all of my photos to this service using auto backup . It's a very useful service, ... Flickr, there might be copyright issues if you're sharing screenshots that contain other people's work.

Description : Is Google+ dead?

Last Answer : Google+ is a pain in the ass. I tried it out after wrangling an invite from Pitbull. I hated it. I think it was an epic fail on Googles part. To answer your question, it should be dead, but I have no idea whether it is or not.

Description : Which search engines did you use back in the day before Google?

Last Answer : The first actual search engine I used was WebCrawler but I was also on the web when you could only find stuff using the equivalent of a telephone directory. You got a list of sites but it depended ... you could only search by the site name and a few keywords that had been associated with the site.

Description : How does one search the internet without using Google, Yahoo, Bing or a "3rd party" search engine that actually just uses Google, Yahoo or Bing?

Last Answer : answer:YaCy Untraceable, decentralized, and (I think) the perfect answer to your question. Check it out :) Honorable mention to DuckDuckGo

Description : I got a new laptop, now I can see previous searches on Google?

Last Answer : answer:Your router IP is saved, so they show up as already visited. Or, the government is watching you with a satellite.

Description : Is it possible to use Google Voice as your main number?

Last Answer : Yes, you can, but not in the way that you’re thinking. Making calls with Google Voice is not free, it uses the minutes on your calling plan. Texting with GV is totally free, though.

Description : How does Google decide what to mirror on its servers?

Last Answer : answer:This might be semantics but I think it's a fairly important difference. Google doesn't really back up the information they store, or make mirrors of it. Generally both of those would be ... so many things. They really only care about the content, and even then only the distinctive content.

Description : What is Google Plus?

Last Answer : answer:It's nothing like facebook, now that facebook has completely effed everything up with their new timeline layout. Google Plus is just another social networking site. ... just need an email address because that's pretty much the only way I can invite people.

Description : What are some good alternatives to Google?

Last Answer : I normally use Bing and sometimes Yahoo. Haven’t touched google (minus telling it to do a barrel roll every now and then) in months.

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Last Answer : I googled my name once in images and a freaking picture of me popped up! Good thing it was a nice picture :D

Description : What is the best tool to check the keyword ranking in Google SERPs?

Last Answer : answer:Kinda surprised no one responded to this one. Not too many SEO's round these parts. Anyway, your headline question doesn't exactly make sense. Keywords don't rank in the Google SERPs, websites do. ... seorush, seoquake, or many of the others you'd find by typing in SEO toolbars into Google

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Last Answer : Home insurance companies will love this :-/ Lol…........

Description : Do you think google + (plus) will hold up against it's well-established competitor, Facebook?

Last Answer : answer:If facebook keeps doing stupid shit (like this new stalker feed thing) it won’t even need google+ to die off. I personally do not like google+. I will not be using it.

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Last Answer : ?

Description : Google+ question about Circles?

Last Answer : Absolutely—that’s the thing I’m most excited about with G+. And you can create your own labels for your circles, making them as granular as you wish. I’m going to play the game for a while to see if it really does overtake Facebook.

Description : Just signed onto Google+. Any hints for the totally lost on how to master it?

Last Answer : If you use gmail and go to you can see if any of your contacts are in on Google+ and add them to a circle. From there it becomes pretty obvious. And Google+ uses Textile like Fluther does. So if you want bold or italics it is just like here.

Description : What exactly is google+? I have been hearing a lot about it?

Last Answer : It’s basically Google’s attempt to copy Facebook. They were handing out invites, but only for a couple days before they “reached capacity” (meaning, handed out just enough to make everyone who didn’t have it want it even more… after all, FB became popular by using exclusivity tactics).

Description : Why is Google Chrome acting up, but Internet Explorer not?

Last Answer : answer:@dverhey Well if IE sucks how bad is Chrome? Seriously, chrome belongs with AOL its horrible and disgustingly bad. Use IE or Firefox or, one of my favorites, seamonkey

Description : New Google icon?

Last Answer : Google change their icons and title fonts often, this is not unusual.

Description : Google chrome question again, cant install?

Last Answer : Sounds to be like one of your anti-virus programs may be reading it as a virus and not letting it install. I’m no computer geek but maybe you could try disabling them, installing it and seeing if it works.

Description : How to get text to jump to Google search bar when I open a new tab?

Last Answer : I’m not sure what to do about that, but my advice would be to switch to Google Chrome. In Chrome anything you type in the address bar that isn’t a web address automatically turns into a Google search. It’s really convenient.

Description : Google or Bing type sites? (read the details)

Last Answer : Bing is a fake. It takes Google search results and spits them back out!

Description : Why does Google display results that say: "These terms only appear in links pointing to this page" instead of just directly telling me where those links are?

Last Answer : I read somewhere that it could be that those other pages are actually past, cached pages of the current one you're now looking at. So there aren't actually other links, just previous (no ... has the information, but has changed the wording slightly to exclude that/those particular search term(s).

Description : Is anyone else noticing the internet not working like it used to? Do we blame Google?

Last Answer : I’m going to go ahead and blame the man for this one.

Description : Where can I look at trending interests on Facebook? Any sites like Google insights, except for Facebook?

Last Answer : Twitter keeps track of what is currently trending on their homepage. The scrolling marquee at the top says “Trending Topics” and lists a whole bunch of the current most tweeted topics. I think they also have other, more complete trending pages – you’ll have to explore a bit.

Description : What is the overall better internet browser ----Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox?

Last Answer : Safari…I dumped the two you mentioned because of stupid bugs. Mozilla had waaay too many errors and Chrome had stupid log in problems on gmail (and I hadn’t even put in any add ons)

Description : My Google Chrome is becoming bloated with the buttons for so many plugins, now what?

Last Answer : I would say you should take some off. I remember when I first got Firefox and everyone thought it was the greatest thing ever, but it started bugging out when I started adding on a bit much. Chrome ... noticed any yet?), I stopped using Chrome because of it's login problems (especially with G-mail).

Description : What are your opinions on Google Instant?

Last Answer : answer:I saw it for a second or two earlier, and it was weird, but I'll get used to it, and I'm sure it'll be pretty awesome when it's done. (I currently still have classic Google. Google says it ... the whole Interwebs to see it) As for the speed, give them a minute to get the thing set up. Sheesh.

Description : Is Google Translate Chauvenistic?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t see how the examples you cite can be either masculine or feminine, using “I”. I know how to drive. Je sais conduire la voiture. I don’t know how to drive. Je ne sais pas conduire la voiture . Je peux conduire. Je ne peux pas conduire.

Description : Are there any sites on the Web similar to Google Street View?

Last Answer : I don’t think any organization other than google has the money and resources to do so.

Description : What is the deal with the plus (+) sign in Google search?

Last Answer : It is included as an indication that you can form Boolean search terms.

Description : What determines which websites will be listed first on a Google (or search engine) search?

Last Answer : A proprietary algorithm, well guarded by Google, though often guessed at.

Description : I would love my webpage to show up on google searches when using a certain keyword (not in the advertisement space), but i also don't want to change anything visible on the page. is there anything i can do?

Last Answer : meta tags, give this a read:

Description : Google Buzz: I want to get rid of this invasion of privacy "buzzing"...what can I do?

Last Answer : Disable Google Buzz

Description : Is Google advertising Chrome aggressively in your country?

Last Answer : Thats interesting to hear. Its not happening in England so far

Description : Do you need to have a minimum amount of site traffic to have Google Adsense (including Google banner ads from adsense) to have this service on your website?

Last Answer : I don’t think it matters, you just won’t make much money.

Description : How do we get unbiased search engine results from Google and the like?

Last Answer : Check out Bing. EDIT: A link would help. I personally get the same results as google.

Description : Google Chrome: Aw Snap Error?

Last Answer : Do you insist on having Google Chrome? Use Firefox. It’s a great browser. If GC is causing you problems, don’t use it. It’s not worth fighting it. Use something that works.