Is there really someone for everyone out there?

1 Answer

Answer :

soul mate-wise: maybe mathematically: no

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Last Answer : answer:I can do more. Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t know if others are right, because I don’t know what they think, nor do I know much else either.

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Last Answer : answer:It's kind of like how advertising works: by appealing to people's conscious or ego. It's easy to sell as well because you can go to any nice town and see people driving nice cars with huge ... was a major factor, if they realize so much of that was luck, that kind of tells you something.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. Many times. Just did this myself for the past two weeks. Sometimes you need to take a break and hang with your immediate family or loved one. Nothing wrong with that. take care of yourself when you need it and do what makes you happy. you’ll feel better

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Last Answer : I believe that life is made up of a lot of these moments. We are forced so many times to choose which path we will go down.

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Last Answer : Thanks for ruining my day!

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