Is this normal?

1 Answer

Answer :

Restore & jailbreak again.

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Last Answer : you mean airplane mode and WiFi on, right? In that case it sounds about right

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Last Answer : answer:What mobile service provider do you have? Verizon Wireless has Navigator you must have a Verizon Wireless account. There is a monthly charge or you can use it a day at a time, really costly. ... available. I don't work for Verizon Wireless but have had their mobile service for over 22 years.

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Last Answer : answer:Theoretically that is not supposed to happen, because the power circuit inside the iPhone is supposed to have a relay/switch that detects when the charge is complete and no longer needs new ... on. The snarky response would be You were overcharged the moment you bought the Apple product .

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Last Answer : It asks me if I want to use the normal site. Perhaps try uninstalling the app.

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Last Answer : I’d bet your phone carrier recycled someone else’s old number, and those were old messages that were still in the system.

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Last Answer : Well, the 5C is just last years phone in a new case. It would really depend on if you want a subsidized one or not. If you will get one contract I would go with the 5S unless a hundred bucks is super important to you.

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Last Answer : I followed this. I don’t have an IPhone, but I’m curious. Give me a list (I hate watching videos. Would much rather read.)

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Last Answer : I thought they came with a minimum of 8 gigs. Do you mean the amount of data that you use through your cell phone provider?

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Last Answer : answer:GPS won’t really be all that reliable in a small ish area like a mall. They say that GPS is accurate to about 10 meters but that is in a wide open area, not urban with stuff overhead. IT would just be easier to have a map of the mall and text eachother where they are.

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Last Answer : Aw, come now. Don’t shit where you Fluther. The modern world is litigious enough… And we’re all sort of squatting here anyway. I’m just glad that the Owners keep this site running. When your phone runs out of batteries, maybe it’s a sign that you should go outside and interact in the real world.

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Last Answer : answer:To sync: no. iBooks will sync with ios devices, Kindle's with their mobi files, but if you're looking for a sync solution over all devices, that tech doesn't exist yet. It would be super-cool, but ... . You can PM me if you want and I can explain in more depth, but I think I covered it.

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe some clarification from you? You can access emails on a phone, so you could set up a secret account. You can IM via facebook or other applications via iPhone. You can send texts on an iPhone, that can be deleted later. I can’t do any of that on the phone in my kitchen.

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Last Answer : Spotify has a free ad-supported version that will run on your pc or mac. But if you want to run it on a mobile device (that includes iPad), you need to pay a monthly fee ($9.99/mo).

Description : Applications for iPhone 5?

Last Answer : Sleep Cycle – Monitors your sleeping patterns and wakes you up when you’re in the lightest possible sleep state.

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Last Answer : answer:Can’t say I’ve heard of that, but why not an Otterbox? Waterproof and definite shock protection. Not to mention, cheaper. $70 for a phone case? Yikes.

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Last Answer : answer:I've had the same problem with laggy applications and a weird thing happens when I get a notification. I hear the sound of the notification, then the display turns bright, and only 5 ... why they fired Scott Forstall, the former senior vice president for iOS He completely messed it up!

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Last Answer : answer:I've never messed around with ringtones on the iPhone, but I'm pretty sure you'd have to transfer the files from the email into iTunes on your computer I don't think it can be done right on the ... forums or guides that can help. If it's from your daughter, doesn't she know how to do this?

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Last Answer : It can’t be Instagrammers that I’ve met through the app and not in person?

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Last Answer : Interesting concept! I have not heard of such an app from the many friends and feeds I get about the iPhone. I’ll look into it further… but I’m off to work right now.

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Last Answer : If you don’t have a contact associated with the phone number, only the number will appear. So, get your contacts cleaned up and you’ll see the name appear when they call.

Description : Are you going to upgrade from iPhone 4S to iPhone 5?

Last Answer : Whaaaat? I’m still using a crappy old flip phone.

Description : IPhone app that lets you pre-schedule tweets?

Last Answer : I like the HootSuite app.

Description : Why do I have to keep restoring the software in my iPhone?

Last Answer : Just shitty service, I doubt the restoration is actually doing anything, a reboot might do the same.

Description : IPhone app to track gps route and tag wifi locations.

Last Answer : answer:runkeeper will do the gps tracking you want. It is a great app and the free one does just about everything, you don't need to buy the pro version. The only quirky part about it is if you are ... one and it would be handy to have, I will keep an eye on this question so I can learn too.

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Last Answer : answer:I used this before deleting instagram.

Description : What are the benefits & possibilities with an unlocked iPhone?

Last Answer : You will be able to use non AT&T sim cards in your iphone. This will be really useful if you travel abroad as you will be able to swap in a local sim and then save a fortune on call and data.

Description : What are some helpful tips and online resources for getting a new smartphone?

Last Answer : answer:Wow it's a headache trying to find any information. I can't tell you what's best/cheapest, but here's what I found- iPhone on AT&T, I found three data plans listed, and a plans for your ... I think it's quite nice, and they're available with more providers and styles. Hope that helps a bit.

Description : Can I flash and unlock an iPhone4s to my Virgin Mobile service?

Last Answer : I believe this is what you need to do.