Can i turn off the phone usage on the iPhone and still listen to music?

1 Answer

Answer :

Airplane mode? Otherwise just turn the ringer off.

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Last Answer : I dont thing there is. My aux chord that I normally plug in to listen to my iPod doesnt fit into my iPhone. I think I just need to buy a bigger chord? I’m not sure. I’m no help! :(

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Last Answer : With headphones, on the sly!

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Last Answer : Make sure that jack is completely pushed into the phone. When my son used the earphones today, we had the same problem. He pushed the jack in until it stopped and they looked like they were in, but the music was playing out loud. A firmer push into the hole clicked it into place and it worked.

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Last Answer : not sure, but if I’m thinking of the one you are the song is called Mr. Pitiful by Matt Costa from the album Unfamiliar Faces

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Last Answer : answer:At this point it's really a tough question. There are a few software hacks out that will allow you to create a ringtone using any mp3. The problem is that Apple doesn't seem to like this ... hackers will wear down Apple and eventually allow us to use our own music as a ringtone (go figure)

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Last Answer : I’m sorry cornman, I dont have the case your talking about but I do have this rubbery one you slip onto the iphone and the brand is “incase” and I really like it. I’ve dropped my phone a couple times with the case in it and it really protects it.

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Last Answer : no. wait I dunno about the jailbroken part. nvm. Lamest answer ever.

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Last Answer : The iPhone doesn’t do SMS. See any of several previous questions on this subject by searching Ask-public or Apple’s support discussion boards.

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Last Answer : answer:Here is a story about how someone did this exact thing with AT&T.

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Last Answer : If you backed it up before you deleted them then you could do a restore which would bring them back. Otherwise I think your out of luck.

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Last Answer : answer:No it's not a problem; the occasional reset is needed only when the OS crashes from web browsing (very seldomly), I empty the cache from the Settings/Safari/empty cache command; usually crashes occur ... set this as an event in iCal) to recycle the battery's memory so as to prolong its life.

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Last Answer : answer:they probably will come out with a better plan They're contract with apple, I believe, is going to expire in a year or sometime soon I really have forgotten (watch the first keynote when he first ... ) and unlimited texting (+ about $15 - $20) Oh yeah, and I got mine half a year ago

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Last Answer : I’m curious too. Hanging onto an SE but looking to move up at some point.

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Last Answer : iPhone 6 Drop Call Fix Youtube suggested fix to determine IF your phone is faulty or fix the problem yourself.

Description : How do you convert a fdx file into a pdf file using an iPhone?

Last Answer : Final Draft has an iOS version There’s also a reader, but I’m not familiar enough to know which you’d need in order to export a PDF. Give them a try.

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Last Answer : I’d use a silver Sharpie and mark the phone to indicate places they need to touch. I also mark where the power cord is inserted and mark the cord so all they have to do is line up the silver marks. It is not a perfect solution but it does help.

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Last Answer : answer:Some cult sold you sheet. You may as well call it iPhony. laugh track

Description : What is a good GPS app to download onto my iPhone 5?

Last Answer : answer:What mobile service provider do you have? Verizon Wireless has Navigator you must have a Verizon Wireless account. There is a monthly charge or you can use it a day at a time, really costly. ... available. I don't work for Verizon Wireless but have had their mobile service for over 22 years.

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Last Answer : answer:Okay.. I thought you were making this up. Nope, not a joke.

Description : How to start my iPhone after "overcharging"?

Last Answer : answer:Theoretically that is not supposed to happen, because the power circuit inside the iPhone is supposed to have a relay/switch that detects when the charge is complete and no longer needs new ... on. The snarky response would be You were overcharged the moment you bought the Apple product .

Description : How do I stop Yelp from bouncing me to the iPhone app?

Last Answer : It asks me if I want to use the normal site. Perhaps try uninstalling the app.

Description : Help! My iPhone seems to have died?

Last Answer : hold down the home button and the little button on the top at the same time for five-ten seconds

Description : Where did these mysterious iphone messages come from?

Last Answer : I’d bet your phone carrier recycled someone else’s old number, and those were old messages that were still in the system.