What are somy funny websites?

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Last Answer : answer:I hae typos. Here are some quotes about typos. I didn’t think any looked appropriate, but you might think differently.

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Last Answer : 4chan.

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Last Answer : My favorite is- get on an elevator and stand backwards, facing the other people. That would be hilarious. I wish I had the guts to do them.

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Last Answer : RhettandLink’s American Idol song

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Last Answer : At my old apartment, there was one called SexyTimeExplosion!

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Last Answer : The Dodo‘s twitter feed is full of all kinds of goodness.

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Last Answer : Just counted & arrive at a core number of 5 that get my daily attention. Twitter Facebook Sky Sports Leeds United Official Vue/Empire Cinema

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Last Answer : If you really want to watch some PBS I can toss you a .ovpn file so it looks like you are in the USA. I have a server with Leaseweb in Manassas running a openVPN server.

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Last Answer : I do use dual authentication on some sites. I have a VPN. I never store bank or financial account passwords online or anywhere. I use a password manager to avoid me using the same passwords all over the place. I use anti-virus etc. software.

Description : Why do most websites want you to click "next" twenty times just to get to the next screen?

Last Answer : So they can load all the ad crap they want you to see before they show you what you might want to see. These days, I pretty much give up and bail out of these lists because they are so annoying.

Description : Pet Peeve of the Day: Websites with videos that automatically start playing the videos. Is there a way to stop it?

Last Answer : answer:Not saying it isn’t annoying. It is. But nobody is forcing you to visit. If you are buying a product, you can always decide to not shop there as retribution. Send them an email and tell them why you are buying elsewhere. Just saying you can always shut it off, like TV.

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Last Answer : Ecommerce websites sell things such as Amazon.

Description : What websites are the most helpful for you?

Last Answer : Not many I am afraid @Hawaii_Jake , I do enjoy Fluther, it is a thoughtful time for me, it is also a fun time. I love IMVU because I develop there. Other than that, I am dubious of Face Book ... reasons. My surfing area has become very small :) But thanks for the heads up on the site you mentioned.

Description : Do you like Wikipedia and is it in your top five most often visited websites?

Last Answer : Yes, I am a volunteer on Wikipedia, I donate to the site, and I visit it several times a day. 2. Fluther 3. local newspaper 4. my blog 5. flickr I do most of my internet searches on Goodsearch.com to benefit my favorite charity and I click on thehungersite.com every day.

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Last Answer : instead of giving your ideas to people to make money why not learn game design or pair with someone who can make the games and you make the money and not the big corporations?

Description : Is there a web resource where I can get information on the purpose of specific websites?

Last Answer : Just try googling the site name in brackets and add the word review, or some such at the end.

Description : How do your reviews of movies and games get on other websites you've specifically never went to?

Last Answer : It’s a little something called PLAIGERISM (hope I spelled that right) or STEALING or DISHONESTY or BEING RUDE.

Description : What is an/a few excellent websites to create your own?

Last Answer : Google Blogger is really good, you can make very progessional looking sites quickly, such as this one I put together in 20 minutes, or this one.

Description : What are your 'morning routine' websites?

Last Answer : University of Victoria (for school) Hotmail Fluther Facebook Etsy and Pandora (depends on the day. If I’m in the mood for music)

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Last Answer : I don’t know of any such website, but I would suggest that you try some old Atari emulators, you could no doubt find plenty of text based games that way.

Description : Do moderators for websites get paid?

Last Answer : Some do, but most are volunteers. I don’t know what the range is, but I suspect it varies a lot, depending on the income of the site. On Fluther, we find our volunteer moderators in our own community.

Description : What are your top three most-visited websites other than fluther?

Last Answer : Wikipedia, Answers.com, BeeBuzzPoints

Description : Why do people look for followers on various websites that allow users to add personal information?

Last Answer : answer:Loneliness. Boredom. Under the false impression they have something important to share with the world at large.

Description : Why are names and email addresses required when posting comments on articles on websites?

Last Answer : I think one reason is to ensure that you aren’t a spammer or an autobot spammer.

Description : What are some other websites like Usertesting.com?

Last Answer : Try these 2 http://www.contentquality.com/ http://www.webaim.org/standards/508/checklist.php

Description : Is there a way to download photo galleries from websites with one click of a button?

Last Answer : answer:Of course if you can see all the photos on a single page in their full-sized version, Using your browser's File, Save As and selecting Web Page, Complete or words to that effect (depending ... the only way sadly is to hand click to each image and save them individually. Happy click-and-save.

Description : What free websites do you spend most time on? (besides fluther)

Last Answer : I blog on dreamwidth which is like Livejournal, only better, and I spend a lot of time on this forum The forum is aimed at people who play Second Life but we talk about all sorts of things, and it’s a very intelligent and mature bunch of people. A lot like Flutherites, actually.

Description : What are some active websites for the discussion of making music?

Last Answer : You can try KVR (http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/), there is alot of discussion there about equipment, software, virtual instruments, production and the like. I use FL Studio, but I’m not sure of your requirements.

Description : Can you recommend any other websites similar to listverse.com?

Last Answer : stumbleupon.com

Description : What are the best chat websites on the internet? (Besides ask-public!)

Last Answer : I can only think of Habbo

Description : Is anonymity on websites our friend or enemy?

Last Answer : answer:Really depends how it's used and what it's used for. A lot of people use things like Formspring and Honesty Box to spew a bunch of hate that they couldn't do without anonymity. Pretty sad ... so is obvious - embarrassment, not wanting to be associated with certain q's that you have, etc.

Description : Are there any websites similar to Amazon Mechanical Turk?

Last Answer : What the hell is that? I feel like I just stumbled on some alternate universe. Has anyone actually used this site? Can you actually make money doing that stuff?

Description : What are some cool websites?

Last Answer : I enjoy reading some online blogs. Here are a few of my faves. gaskill’s Hop Shop Transmission77 Kustom Kulture on FLICKR FLICKR provides hours of enjoyment.

Description : Why are certain websites blocked at work?

Last Answer : answer:I’m guessing that you haven’t been employed yet. Many work sites block access to anything except work related sites because employees are paid to work, not to cruise the internet. There are also security issues and legal issues for employers concerning illegal content, etc.

Description : Do you use the same user names and passwords for all of your websites, accounts, etc...?

Last Answer : NO! I user differnent passwords. It’s particularly risky to use the same password in more than one place as your user name for most websites is your email address and some idiot website owners keep user names and passwords in plain text data bases

Description : How do you add new websites to Chrome's "New tabs page."?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know about adding a website. My best guess would be open it a bunch of times until it appears. Maybe make it your home page a while. But once it appears, there is this: Make ... Customize the page to see the topic: http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?answer=95451

Description : What determines which websites will be listed first on a Google (or search engine) search?

Last Answer : A proprietary algorithm, well guarded by Google, though often guessed at.

Description : Besides Fluther, what are some websites that you frequent everyday? (not so much for social, but rather for usefulness i.e. weather, traffic)

Last Answer : Google Yelp Shelfari Flickr Netflix Livemocha Various banks more google Digg TED various news sites.

Description : Popular websites to display and share art?

Last Answer : I have used this website, http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/saleroom/ to check on new art. I’m not sure if this is what you’re interested in, but you may find some information .

Description : Why do websites crash from high volume? Especially when they know they will be getting high volume?

Last Answer : Because they have not figured out yet how HIGH a volume they were going to get.

Description : Is there a way to disable deleting certain websites from Firefox's history?

Last Answer : I know in internet explorer you can get the history by hitting control + shift + H… idk if it’s the same for firefox. whatcha lookin at that you don’t want seen? hmmm? =]

Description : Has anyone recently classified types of websites?

Last Answer : A comprehensive list of web sites or a comprehensive list of categories?

Description : How often do you visit the homepage of your favorite useful websites?

Last Answer : Never on sites like google but daily to sites like Fluther. It depends on the site.

Description : Does anybody know where to find the picture/website that has exercises that pertain to certain websites?

Last Answer : This is all I could find- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Break-Pal-Exercise-at-the-Office/61751502217?v=app_4949752878

Description : Why do some websites put a "Validate XHTML/CSS" link on their external website?

Last Answer : valid markup helps search engines for one, it is also to show you know how to properly code a website. So if you are a freelancer for example, and a small firm wants to outsource some work to you they can, without having to ask, see your site is built of proper, validated code.

Description : What are good websites to check out when you are bored at work?

Last Answer : http://www.fluther.com/disc/53526/does-anyone-know-a-fun-website/

Description : Do you think websites like SparkNotes ruin literature or enhance it?

Last Answer : I use it so that I might fully understand it. I have found that even though I think I fully understand a passage, I have missed something by viewing SparkNotes and seeing what's there. I don't think that ... find that it works well. I know it might take a little longer, but being lazy is a choice.

Description : How do you change the prices of your website's products in PayPal?

Last Answer : That sounds like a paypal button. Go to your paypal account to merchant services and create a new button with the new price you wish to have and replace the button on your website with the new code.

Description : Do you behave differently on different websites or do you stay the same no matter where you are?

Last Answer : I have never found another web site I wanted to spend significant amounts of time on.

Description : Pet Peeve Rant: What annoys you the most about websites?

Last Answer : Ooo! What a great question! Sooo many things annoy me.. The conflation of “sign up”, “sign in”, and “log in”. Use less similar words like “register” or “join”. Full-window flash websites that break my browser gestures. I can probably think of more..