Artificial banana: are in or out?

1 Answer

Answer :

Its better than the real thing.

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Last Answer : Actually, it does taste like a real banana, just not one you’re familiar with.Artificial banana flavoring was developed from Gros Michel bananas, once a very popular variety of fruit. Unfortunately ... isoamyl acetate, and that single compound just can’t provide the nuance of a real banana.

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Last Answer : (c) Ethylene

Description : Do you ever get leg/foot cramps after eating a banana?

Last Answer : Are you on calcium blockers? The thing I know about bananas is that they have lots of potassium. It us usually good for cramps unless you have some sort of imbalance and can’t motabolise it.

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Last Answer : mmmmmmm sounds good! I’ll be checking back for the recipe!

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Last Answer : Smoothies! Or banoffie pie or mash onto a sandwich with peanut butter.

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Last Answer : : Ingredients: 1 cup of boiled banana peel, 1 cup of boiled and mashed potatoes , 2 tablespoons of flour , 1 teaspoon of ginger and garlic paste , 1 tablespoon of finely chopped onion , 1 teaspoon of ... it into cutlets. Now dip the egg balls in the toast powder and fry in deep oil. Serve hot.

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Last Answer : I try to use stevia as I do believe artificial sweeteners are bad for you.

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Last Answer : answer:Perhaps you are speaking of aspartame, which has been linked to brain problems. It is what is used in most diet soft drinks. Sugar itself is not that bad. The problem is the amount of it found in all sorts of prepared foods such as bread.

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Last Answer : Fresh veggies, whole grain breads,