Why are flamingos pink?

1 Answer

Answer :

Flamingos are pink because of their diet, which is high in beta carotine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flamingo

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Description : A great banquet was prepared for a Roman emperor and his courtiers. 22 Dormice, 40 Larks' Tongues, 30 Flamingos and 40 Roast Parrots were served.How many portions of Boiled Ostrich were served? -Riddles

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Description : what does a flamingos eat?

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Description : What is the collective noun for flamingos?

Last Answer : There are also others such as stand, colony, regiment and, my favorite—a flamboyance! A flamboyance of flamingos. Collective nouns for flamingos are: a stand of flamingos a flamboyance of flamingos a colony of flamingos a flock of flamingos a flurry of flamingos That's a 'flock' of Flamingoes.

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Description : what do flamingos look like ?

Last Answer : The American flamingo has and pink feathers and black-tipped wings. It has a very long neck, long pink legs and webbed pink feet with three toes. It has a large hooked bill with a black tip that is curved down. Males and females look alike, although the male is a little larger.

Description : Are there any party places that rent lawn flamingos in Newport, RI?

Last Answer : Lawn flamingos are relatively inexpensive, so it is difficult to find places that rent them. They can be purchased at Party City and similar supply stores at inexpensive prices. Yes! You can ... visiting http://www.flamingoed.com/flamingo/Delaware-lawn-greeting.php. They are great party decorations!

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Last Answer : The origination of lawn flamingos varies according to different people. The main belief of where they originate is with the company Union Products who carried a line of animal lawn ornaments in 1946.

Description : Where can I purchase lawn flamingos?

Last Answer : Get pink flamingos, black flamingos and Team-themed flamingos here: http://www.gotpinkflamingos.com Check out these sites, too: http://plastic-flamingos.com AND http://www.flamingopinkinc.com/ You would ... . There website is www.gotpinkflamingos.com. They are advertising $4.99 for a pair right now.

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Last Answer : Some are, but they come from many different places.


Last Answer : albetaretz12


Last Answer : Flamingos can only eat when their heads are upside down. Flamingos lay only one egg for a year, if that egg is lost or broken for some reason, they don't bother trying to make another. When a ... pink. Flamingo's legs can be up to 30-50 inches long. that's longer than their entire bodies!

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