Contrack International, anyone knows it?

1 Answer

Answer :

Heh… Wikipedia lists a fictional company (mentioned in the movie, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles) known as Contrack:

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Last Answer : answer:In my neck of the woods, my daughter's kindergarten teacher makes at least $130,000 per year. I asked a question about this a few months ago, whether or not people thought it was too much. ... also think that $130k for a kindergarten teacher is a bit much. Plus don't forget the NYS Pension.

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Last Answer : It will not work. It will only be minor help for a small percentage. It will cause employers to cut back on staff to keep from increasing payroll, or raise prices to cover the extra cost. If this is passed it will only serve to further cripple the economy.

Description : Do you think this is a crazy salary for a kindergarten teacher, and if so, how much do you think a kindergarten teacher should make?

Last Answer : It seems crazy to me! How do I get a job as a kindy teacher? Is that the normal pay for a teacher in the US? How much does a tenured university professor get?

Description : How did we reach the point where b-ball players can make up to 400,000 dollars per game?

Last Answer : answer:@zensky: But we all train/study and work hard. How much do you make an hour? Some capitalist is about to scold you for even talking about this. I suspect It's all about the market, commie. ... oh yeah maybe we value the wrong things, and our economic system is sh*t . But what do I know.

Description : How should I answer the salary question in an interview?

Last Answer : answer:Answer with a number that would motivate you to work there. I'd also try to make it make it realistic and fair. So right at the top of what you consider to be fair market value for your ... they're comfortable saying. If they give a range and you want more, they've already drawn their line.

Description : What should I do about my current job situation?

Last Answer : What are you waiting for? Get out of there. Find another job either while working there or just quit and look for another one. I would rather work at a minimum wage job before working at that one with ... . From what you have said, you won't be able to change anything so leave as soon as possible.

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Last Answer : I did a search that gave me a huge list of sites. Paralegal Today seems to be a good place to start. They break it down to working in Law Firms vs working in Corporations.

Description : Is a 40k salary enough to live comfortably off of?

Last Answer : answer:It would largely depend on how much your rent is, and what kind of lifestyle you plan to live. If your rent isn’t too high and you live a low key lifestyle, it might be enough to be comfortable. Edit: Wait, are you talking about Canadian or US currency?

Description : Do people that have popular blogs make lots of money from them?

Last Answer : answer:Not really. Gruber over at did. I am lucky to cover my hosting cost with my blog/forum clusterhole. Now that I actually read what you said. Yeah you can but the keyword is “popular”. Gruber gets way more hits a day than Fluther. Like 10X as many.

Description : At what point in the 100k -200k range does it make sense to get a lower salary?

Last Answer : answer:I was once told by a CPA to NEVER plan on making money while doing business only for the tax reasons. Besides what are you deductions, are you married, etc.

Description : What is a good way to feel out a company for salary expectations?

Last Answer : Honestly I didn’t find a method. You could put salary requirements on your resume if you’ve been in a field long enough and know what you should be getting paid. I once talked them up a dollar an hour…. But I’m not sure really how to go about doing that.

Description : If you make over $150k household income US, will you give up 10% for the greater good?

Last Answer : answer:Sure, I would, but in order to make this question both palatable and more mathematically sound I'd suggest specifying 10% over and above the bracket of 150k. In other words, your first 150k ... who makes 149k ends up with more money than someone who makes 151k, which is just confusing.

Description : What is the most professional and polite way to phrase a statement of salary requirement?

Last Answer : When I have provided salary requirements I have given a range. My wording was something along the lines of I am seeking a starting salary between $xx and $xx. As a side note, when ... interview mostly based on the fact that mine was the only application that actually included a salary requirement.

Description : Where do I put salary requirements when requested by a potential employer?

Last Answer : Make it a bullet point on the resume, not the cover letter.

Description : How much salary is enough?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night unless I gave most of it to charity or utilized it for the greater good.

Description : Job Title v Salary?

Last Answer : If you need the extra dough, go for the double salary, but if you don’t really need the money and aren’t that greedy, then stay where you are and continue to build your rep. with the current company.

Description : Where is the best place to assess your value in the workplace?

Last Answer :

Description : Websites providing average salary info for positions?

Last Answer : This site which is the government’s Occupational Outlook Handbook lets you search for occupations by title and gives working conditions, outlook and average salaries.

Description : How much do bike messengers make in a day?

Last Answer : Typically it depends on how many runs you do. The more deliveries/pickups you make, the more money you’ll earn.

Description : Can paid commissions be taken back?

Last Answer : answer:More details are needed here. If there is a debate about whether the services were rendered, then it's not a demand for earned commissions to be returned but a debate about whether ... filing are entitled to a high bankruptcy priority. Anything else is treated as an unsecured creditor claim.