What is the best way to use my savings towards college this fall?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you don't have one, research and get a good laptop. Also, I would highly suggest getting a bike, depending on where you go to school. Don't go to flashy in terms of bikes; schools are magnets for thieves.

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Last Answer : If you need to focus on other things, go do that. School and zooming through college is not as essential as many people think it is…Being one year, or more, behind is really not a big deal in the end. Don’t put that misconception in front of your own well being.

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Last Answer : answer:I would be concerned if you didn't have stage-fright. Just breathe through the first day and it will get easier. Everyone is nervous. During the years I was a teacher or in a teaching community, ... sleep. Chin up. PS. You are ahead of the game because you have had on-the-job experiences.

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Last Answer : Keep study in mind first and foremost. Go to football games. Join clubs that interest you. Make friends.

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Description : Ashworth college career diploma or AFPA certificate?

Last Answer : If you already have a masters degree, you may be able to get an additional bachelors degree in nutrition with far less coursework than that required for someone with no degree. That would be preferable to ... . Then you can sit for the RD examination (more information on the exam at this site).

Description : If you (or your child) went to an expensive college, how did you pay for it?

Last Answer : answer:I'm in a similar position. I'd recommend filling out the FAFSA regardless of whether or not she applies for Federal Aid, however. The FAFSA gets sent to both the federal government ... FAFSA is one of the main ways schools themselves hand out scholarships and financial aid to their students.

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Last Answer : answer:I just want this to be a resource I can use throughout the next couple months to help make sure my I’s are dotted and T’s crossed. Thnks so much!

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Last Answer : I want to study Photography and or visual arts. i think learning about art is important to keep the world entertained.

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Last Answer : Both systems have their pros and cons. Community college is much less expensive, and in many cases, short-term and low-unit courses and certificates can be attained in a year or less. The issue ... of what you're investing in after all, you're talking a considerable amount of time and effort.

Description : Would you recommend your college to others?

Last Answer : answer:UCLA It depends. If you believe that the professor and variability of academic choices are the most most important part of education than I would say UCLA is the school for you. 1. Professors are the ... with a prestigious name on it, but I don't think the school is what people think it is.

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Last Answer : answer:I just took an intro to Sociology course this past semester. Here are some things we discussed in class: What is the sociological imagination? What do sociologists do? What are the main theories in ... terms like race, racism, racialization, and ethnic group mean? Hope this helps.

Description : What is your opinion of going to college online, and how did you form it?

Last Answer : answer:I tried it, but it didn't feel right to me. I didn't like not seeing anyone and not being in a classroom. I also went to Phoenix, which had a bad reputation for being a diploma mill ... , for example, would be more credible. Now I've just decided to attend the community college in my area.

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Last Answer : I would think you would need to apply as a transfer student. How come you want to apply as a first year instead, wouldn’t you lose any credits you earned at the first school?

Description : What happens to those college fund saving accounts if the intended decides not to go to college?

Last Answer : answer:Most programs have opt out' clauses that tell you how to get out of them, and what you need to do with the proceeds. Most of the college fund savings accounts are set up with ... tax penalty at the least. Most college fund accounts are also useable at trade and vocational training centers.

Description : If college didn't improve your critical thinking skills, what did you do?

Last Answer : answer:My experience in college was that a lot of students were just learning to regurgitate the information, kinda like most kids do in high school. To add to this, academic subjects are on the ... helped, but I had to pursue my interest in logic and critical thinking outside of the classroom.

Description : How do I repair my college transcript? (Or, am I just screwed?)

Last Answer : answer:Many props to you for going back to school/making efforts to over come what seemingly sounded like a dark period in your life. I was told by many that there is no way I could go/get into a ... do well now and stay consistent. If you could do that much, you should have nothing to worry about.

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Last Answer : You could try this or perhaps this would be better. I looked them up on Google.

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Last Answer : answer:Yup, Math (Algebra). I failed because I've always failed at math, I dont get math, I dont speak math, I dont comprehend math. My number one problem is that I dont care to know math. I feel ... will be miserable and you will likely fail. To me, if your heart isn't in it, what's the point?

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Last Answer : answer:Are you still in high school? The first step is going to be to get into a nursing program. Ideally, you would go into a BSN program and then take some certificate courses in neonatal nursing and ... questions about nursing school, I'd be happy to help you out as much as possible! Good luck!

Description : Have you had any positive or negative experiences with Mills College?

Last Answer : My niece goes there and likes it.