Why don't you want to have children?

1 Answer

Answer :

I am not yet ready to have children as there is a lot I would like to do with my life whilst I have no-one to take care of but myself. I do not want to be responsible for anyone, or have anyone need me. I want to be able to move around and travel as much as I like. I want to be selfish with my personal time. I want to complete my PhD and enjoy wherever that takes me when it is finished. I want to enjoy my relationship without children being involved in it. I can definitely see myself having children in the future – in fact, I’d really love to have children one day. That’s why I’ve only taken reversible steps to avoid pregnancy thus far. I think having children would be an utterly tremendous, unspeakably amazing thing – which is why I only want to have them when I know I’ll fully appreciate the experience.

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Last Answer : Government assistance, in most cases. Most of the young people or couples that I know receive financial assistance once they have a child. Assuming they actually can’t afford it.

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Last Answer : No. Pregnancy tests test for your HCG levels which has nothing to do with birth control, but if you think you might be pregnant it would be important to stop taking the pills if you would want to keep the ... than a pee on a stick test. Are you late getting your period? Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor.

Description : Aside from a pregnancy test, what are other ways you can maybe tell you are pregnant?

Last Answer : There are symptoms, like nausea and breast tenderness. Not everyone gets those symptoms. Late or absent menstrual cycle is another obvious one. Also, when I was pregnant, I was horny AF. Horny out of my mind.

Description : Am I pregnant? Or should I bother getting an actual test?

Last Answer : Please stop by your local pharmacy and buy a test. Doing so shouldn’t cost more than a few dollars. First, the homemade bleach test isn’t accurate. Second, urine contains ammonia, which creates toxic fumes when mixed with bleach. That might be your “frothy foamy results”—a hazardous concoction.

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Last Answer : Yes, you could be pregnant. Ovulation timing related to menses is different for many women, which is why the “rhythm method” is a lousy birth control practice.. You can get yourself the morning after pill, I believe you are within the time protocol.

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Description : Am I pregnant?

Last Answer : It’s kinda hard to tell through this computer screen.

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Last Answer : I would buy another home test and see what it says.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think you actually understand the attitude you are asking about. You hear someone make a comparison between a fetus and a parasite and you automatically think of it in negative terms, ... value your parents ascribe to fetuses in theory and more about how they treat you in practice.

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Last Answer : answer:Breathe. Even if your slip up did lead to pregnancy, you wouldn’t have cravings for a long time. Sometimes people just want ice cream. If you skip a period, take an over the counter test. You said you just got on the pill. Did you do Sunday start, or first day of the period start?

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Last Answer : answer:I had that too. And I also have a low-normal blood pressure. In my case, I think my pregnant body is very sensitive to blood sugar changes. I made sure to eat lots of protein and little ... my last pregnancy and didn't have the nauseous dizziness that I had in my pregnancy a few years ago.

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Last Answer : Yes, you should if you do not want to be pregnant. Why not take a home pregnancy test to know one way or the other? Take the test sober, please.

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Last Answer : Yes Always

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Last Answer : I agree with you but many people seem to feel it becomes a crime only after birth. Otherwise it’s her body.

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Last Answer : A broken condom is a legit excuse for an unwanted pregnancy. Anything else should be considered an “irresponsible pregnancy”. Am I right?

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Last Answer : It's normal to feel this way during the initial stages of pregnancy. She will feel better after 3 months.This is called morning sicknes and most women have symptoms throughout the day. Make sure ... ER. In case she experiences Fever, diarrhea, weakness or severe abdominal pain call the doctor soon.

Description : Could I be pregnant?

Last Answer : I still can't figure out why people ask if they're pregnant. We won't be able to tell you 100% no matter what. You could have been late for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with being ... . But it's unlikely. Take another test to be sure. But odds are, you're period was simply late.

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Last Answer : At 15, I would get an abortion. My parents would be disappointed in me (which wouldn’t matter) but they wouldn’t stand in the way of my abortion. I would just tell them.

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Last Answer : She’s got a bun in the oven, no doubt.

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Last Answer : answer:Of COURSE I know the premise of the show! WTH?? Well, his womb would disappear and the baby would end up in the middle of his intestines and he would die pretty quick. Is he able to ... to die, cause that would be some serious stuff to live with, having a baby tangling up your intestines.

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Last Answer : answer:from menses to ovulation is usually the variable part of a woman's cycle. ovulation ot menses is usually a fixed period 12-14 days. Women who have regular periods can have an off cycle every ... weird telling women how they should ovulate, but I hope this brings you some peace of mind.

Description : Do all women get irritated when they are pregnant?

Last Answer : Many women love being pregnant and it is one of the most enjoyable times in their life. They are in extremely positive moods. But, um yeah, the hormones make you exhausted, especially the first three ... push a woman who is pregnant, she has enough going on. Do everything to make her life easier.

Description : What are some comebacks to this rude pregnancy remark?

Last Answer : Reply Well in 2 more months I won’t be pregnant, but you’ll still be ignorant, or your other favorite putdown.

Description : Do you have a creative way to announce an unmarried pregnancy?

Last Answer : answer:married or not seems irrelevant… everyone should be excited when the announcemnt is made, perhaps a reveal party with baloons, children’s books as props . . . and a blown-up copy of your first ultrasound image as a focal piece. Check out outfits here as well . . .Bun in the Oven

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Last Answer : Well, you are greiving all the possibilities you imagined for the future with the baby. You did lose your pregnancy no matter what you believe about the fetus already being a life or not. :(. It's sad. Were ... big deal because they see it happen to many women, but of course it is a big deal to you.

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Last Answer : answer:Do you mean you wanted the pregnancy terminated but your ex wanted to keep it? I’d feel bad for my ex because miscarriage is physical traumatic, just as an abortion but I’d feel relief for my own wishes.

Description : Some questions about my miscarriage on Saturday-really concerned?

Last Answer : At nine weeks the baby is the size of a grape. Either you did miscarriage or maybe you are mistaking it for cervical mucus plug. I would worry more about seeing a doctor than trying to get advice and ... it was too soon and it simply isn't registering in your urine yet. But I'm just guessing.

Description : Brown spotting turned to red?

Last Answer : Don’t panic. I’m a guy, I don’t know squat about this, but I’m thinking stress is not a good thing.to add to this. Lie down and try to relax for a bit.

Description : Why is it so hard to abort a pregnancy you never wanted?

Last Answer : You have some tough choices to make. If you choose to carry the child, you still have options. If you abort him or her, that's your choice too, but it's kind of final. Right? I never judge ... adopt. Maybe you have a little more maternal instinct than you thought? PM me if you want to go private.

Description : 8 weeks pregnant and bleeding with no pain?

Last Answer : You just really need to talk to a doctor.

Description : I am 35 weeks pregnant and been put on bed rest for pre-term labor. Can my employer legally fire me?

Last Answer : I'd have to do some research, but, bottom line fuck this guy. ALL that matters is your health and that of your baby, I would seek legal advice, but bottom line, do not allow this to stress you ... picks up your negative emotions, do your best to stay at peace and relax. No job is worth your health.

Description : When did the biological process of pregnancy change?

Last Answer : Basically, it is because many people do not think for themselves & accept the stories that they are told by the people who want to control them.