Are black diamonds expensive compared to regular ones?

1 Answer

Answer :

Black diamonds are considerably less expensive than white diamonds, in nearly all cases.

Related questions

Description : Are black diamonds more or less expensive than regular diamonds?

Last Answer : Black diamonds are more porous and from younger sedimentary rocks, so they are not as expensive as other diamonds.

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Last Answer : It was a very famous song sung by Marilyn Monroe, that’s where most people will know it from and it as caught on ever since.

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Description : Are you venturing out on Black Friday?

Last Answer : answer:I just found out that I can get all my Black Friday shopping done online with free shipping. I’m golden. You’ll find me on my couch eating leftovers sandwiches.

Description : Will you go shopping on Thanksgiving or Black Friday?

Last Answer : answer:No. I hate crowds, although I did go once on Black Friday but later in the day. Everyone was home resting and the mall was empty. I’m planning on doing Cyber Monday shopping.

Description : Do you shop on Black Friday and what precautions do you take?

Last Answer : Black Friday is the only day of the year Apple goes on sale, so if I am looking for an Apple product I would buy it then. Otherwise I stay the hell away.

Description : What is your opinion of stores making employees work on Thanksgiving, to start the Black Friday rush?

Last Answer : I hate it. It is the one uniting holiday in the USA that has not been overly commercialized. It seems to me that there is more pressure this year on stores to stay closed; I have seen some announcements from the bib\g box chains (Costco?) that they will.

Description : Black Friday warfare, are there rules or is it all fair in war and shopping?

Last Answer : Normal rules apply but people are crazy, how dare she touch a child in anger or greed. Mom shoud’ve popped her lol

Description : Are there any Black Friday bargain hunters here?

Last Answer : Hahahahahaha. No.

Description : Black Friday sales in Canada. What of that do you think?

Last Answer : answer:Aww, you people are like the 51st state anyway. Next (if the marketing types have their way), you’ll be having Fourth of July, Columbus Day and Presidents Day sales…. . So, anyway….. what time do ya think I should be there for a good spot in line ??

Description : How many will be dying for a deal Black Friday?

Last Answer : answer:I think 20 people will get in a car accident on the road from working hours they typically never work, midnight to 9am, and driving home with almost no sleep on busy streets full of ... am completely wrong and there is not one health related incident or God forbid death on Black Friday.

Description : How bad is Black Friday when you work in retail?

Last Answer : Wear comfortable shoes and remember that Monday is coming. I remember putting the Christmas trim shop together on Halloween and dressing as Mrs Claus. On the bright side, the day goes by really fast. No time to get bored!

Description : Can you reveal the incredible Black Friday deals you got this year?

Last Answer : I had an extremely relaxing day at home. Best deal of all.

Description : What was your Black Friday shopping experience like?

Last Answer : Blissfully non-existent, as I celebrate Buy Nothing Day. Instead, I spent the day exploring caves with my mother, stepfather, and sister.

Description : Are the Black Friday sales so good that you would brave the crowds and the traffic to get bargains?

Last Answer : Nope – never have, never will.

Description : What do you think of Black Friday starting essentially on Thanksgiving night, as far as the impact on store workers?

Last Answer : It absolutely sucks for the employees. My sister just retired from a retail dept store job, and she could not say enough bad about it. But even without her comments, I know that retail employers mistreat their employees all the time. I expect no less of them.

Description : What do you think about Macy's Opening 12 Midnight Black Friday morning?

Last Answer : Yep. I think it’s pretty absurd. I find it more disturbing, however, that there are fools who will be shopping there at 12am. For fuck’s sake people. Really?

Description : Why don't they extend Black Friday to Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving)?

Last Answer : I think they should start at labor day when people are relaxed and not so stressed with having to cook turkey dinners and then wake up super early and then shop.

Description : Where can I get a good black friday deal for a Flip Mino?

Last Answer : Amazon has no deal on this product this year.

Description : Have you found any incredible deals or offers for Black Friday, either from in-store or on-line ads?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s a good starting place: — And I’m always on the lookout for good Apple deals, too:

Description : Will I get cheaper & better laptop deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday online?

Last Answer : Six of one, half-dozen of the other. It really depends much more on exactly what laptop you’re looking to get.

Description : Is it acceptable to wear a black dress to a late afternoon/evening wedding?

Last Answer : I highly doubt anyone would judge you for wearing a black dress. That’s pretty much the classic “go-to” for ANY occasion.

Description : Will you go shopping on Black Friday?

Last Answer : I won’t even leave the house.

Description : What motivates you to participate this Black Friday?

Last Answer : Honestly we just don't have the money. Plus, I looked at a lot of ads and there's nothing that I really want/need. I already have a tv, mp3 player, computer and microwave so for me it ... around midnight the night before to get either a ticket or place in line. Espescially at stores like Best Buy.

Description : What deals were so good that someone was trampled to death at Walmart on Black Friday?

Last Answer : It disgusts me that people would kill someone to save a few dollars. I don’t understand how you could ever live with yourself after that happened. Would you even be able to use that new stereo you bought in the process of killing someone?

Description : How much holiday shopping are you planning to do on Black Friday?

Last Answer : Absolutely none. I hate huge, grabbing crowds and we aren’t so broke that I have to gird my loins to face the frenzied hordes to get something we can’t live without. In fact, I am tempted to have a major garage sale sometime soon because we have way too much stuff as it is.

Description : Will you go shopping this Black Friday?

Last Answer : Computer parts. I just built one and I want to add a second graphics card and another TB of hard disk space. Also, I’ll upgrade from 6GB RAM to 8GB. I plan on getting all that for under $600.

Description : While mining for diamonds, what is done with the tiniest ones?

Last Answer : They get used in industrial applications and tools, for example as diamond dust to grind materials, especially to polish the large diamonds, and they get used to reinforce the tips of power tools.

Description : Fake diamonds or real ones?

Last Answer : One suggestion was to take a piece of paper and mark it with a dot. Lay the paper over a light table and place the diamond flat side down over the dot. If you can clearly see the dot it is a fake. A real diamond would break up the image.

Description : How hard are diamonds compared to emeralds?

Last Answer : Emeralds are compound of Boron, Aluminum and silicate. They are far less tougher than diamonds. Measured on mosh scale of hardness for minerals emeralds value is less than 8.0. On the same scale hardness of diamonds is 10.00

Description : how do u know the proper time to harvest a watermelon? ive heard many ways . i have black diamonds and charelston grays

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Please help me find a Forgotten Realms guide book online?

Last Answer : all I found it… by looking at my browser history. Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells Hardcover. I totally got it wrong.

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Last Answer : Peanut butter Girl Scout cookies

Description : Do you think businesses make much money on unused gift cards?

Last Answer : I’m sure they have an account just for that in their books.

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Last Answer : Usually when I absolutely insist on something, it is because my ego and self centeredness is getting in the way of own best self interest. Very few things in this world are worth insisting upon.

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Last Answer : 0.29

Description : Are there a lot of dollar stores in your area? Are they are a sign of economic decline?

Last Answer : There have been two in my area for a number of years. i haven't seen any increase or mention of any increase in their patronage. Oops! Just saw probably the same article you saw about 1 in 3 ... opening being Dollar General stores so I guess it's a thing. Just haven't noticed it around here yet.

Description : What is the secret to getting those plastic produce bags open now that we can’t lick our fingers?

Last Answer : Try to discreetly spit on your fingers ,that should do what ya want.

Description : What is the difference between a bookshelf and a bookcase?

Last Answer : A book case has a back and a bookshelf does not .

Description : I might go grocery shopping, when it warms up at 2pm, can you suggest items to buy?

Last Answer : Adding summer sausage. Maybe juice. I will check the meat section for good beef, pork and chicken.

Description : What has been your biggest online purchase?

Last Answer : Recently, that 500 dollar silicone sculpture, 750, if you include shipping and import duties.

Description : How many stores do you shop in where you can buy underwear, bicycles, and fresh celery? and pay for them all in a single transaction?

Last Answer : Target. I was just there ten minutes ago buying butter, a welcome matt, aluminum foil, and a dog toy. I have no problem with them so long as they carry quality stuff.

Description : How much help do you usually give your spouse or S.O. in choosing a gift for you?

Last Answer : Hints at most, and often no help at all. He’s very good at it, especially for birthdays. I get lots of surprises that I love. Presents are important to me. Not because of the things – it’s just good to know he knows me.

Description : Please tell me where can I get a lamp , preferably online, that is bright as high noon indoors?

Last Answer : You might like this one at Amazon. The brightest is bright enough for me that I can see well up to 10 feet away. The dimmest is soft enough that I can sleep with it on. It's waayyy under ... you can charge your phone while sleeping. I've been using mine for about 10 months with NO complaints!!!

Description : Do you mourn the death of retail?

Last Answer : I don't mourn it, but the loss of retail centers will be one of the changes that I will find tough. I liked going someplace to hang with my friends, and/or go on a mission to find that ... their quality. But everything changes. Given my history for the last 20 years, I'm just happy to be here