Turning 50?

1 Answer

Answer :

Isn’t this the traditional “over the hill” birth anniversary? If you Google that phrase, you’ll find a lot of funny ideas that may give you inspiration. I would suggest a jovial cake, maybe with a tombstone if the guy has a sense of humour – it’s not too mean or cruel, and then everyone gets to eat some cake!

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Last Answer : http://www.someecards.com/weekend-cards/lets-dress-like-whores I found this for you. I laughed my head off,

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Last Answer : You have actually had 50 birthdays – the day of your birth plus 49 anniversaries of it. ... I think.

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Last Answer : answer:No. I acknowledge and appriciate dead artists contributions but I do not idealize anyone or keep a calender of dead famous peoples birthdays on hand to celebrate. lol

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