Are you worried about losing your job?

1 Answer

Answer :

I worry about it, but our stock continues to go up, and I’m working overtime just about every night. They cut our admin budget and will not replace anyone who leaves.

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Last Answer : There are a few steps you can take to get a job in tech: 1. Develop Your Skills: Take the time to learn the necessary skills and tools to succeed in the tech industry. This could include ... to make a positive impression. Following these steps should help you get a job in tech. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Never. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t like the job or the people and I certainly wouldn’t do it if I wanted to work there again!

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Last Answer : answer:My personal experience seems to bear out the old advice of it being easier to find a job when you have a job. I’d take a job that paid the bills and then look for one that paid the bills and didn’t annoy me, and then work my way up to one that paid the bills and made me happy.

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Last Answer : I do not believe teachers and instructors you took classes from are considered supervisors. (I could be wrong.)

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Last Answer : answer:Are you wearing your husband’s Phi Beta Kappa key? I responded, “No. But I’m wearing his underwear.” I didn’t get the job; he didn’t get a smart employee ;-) I have to say I was impressed that he recognized the pin; I was less impressed with his assholedom.

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Last Answer : Since you asked- Never.

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Last Answer : answer:It was as an assistant hotel manager. The general manager micromanaged, attempted to pull the wool over the eyes of the owners, and was sleeping with a co-worker. Fortunately, I got out ... person shared that employees often quit their boss before they quit their job. How true in this case.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to ask-public. Do you have a chance? Absolutely. Sky's the limit. You're (potentially) in like Flynn. However I would continue to polish the résumé and write some more application ... and in order to do that the interviewer should be asking you questions - mostly - not lecturing.)

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Last Answer : Thorninmud, @SavoirFaire, @LuckyGuy (some of the time), @syz (sic).

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Last Answer : answer:It's hard to deal with people who act without integrity. You should let candidates know the organization you are recruiting for has a high demand for talent and that they are always looking for ... 's not acceptable to your employer then start searching for your own new job. Good luck! Peace

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Last Answer : —Account management for fifteen accounts —Inventory management —Staff Management

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Last Answer : Claim you never had one.

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Last Answer : Yes and it seems to happen a little too often. Boomers retire an we are expected to do their work without having trained with them ahead of time. This also without additional resources and additional pay. ... We do the best we can, prioritize and frankly some of the work simply will not get done.

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Last Answer : I imagine all of them can. Maybe not the high risk ones, like people who deal with electrical wires and stuff.

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Last Answer : answer:I might be doing that now, not sure yet, and yes, it is scary but also exciting. Sometimes we have to jump off a cliff with our eyes closed and hope we land on our feet. Usually we do. I ... , if, the few things I am waiting on the make a decision come together I will, most likely, jump.

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Last Answer : Wait the day. It would be worse form to accept today and decline tomorrow than it would be to decline tomorrow for a good reason.

Description : What is the best way to follow up on this job interview?

Last Answer : answer:Just follow up, better by phone. At worst, you don't hurt your prospects at all, at best you lubricate the process by showing interest. They might even prioritize people who show that kind of ... you can hear cues in their voice. If they sound hesitant, you might know you have a problem.

Description : What's your ideal job?

Last Answer : Political assin .

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Last Answer : I would be doing some kind of animal show, I suppose. Probably involving dogs and/or monkeys. I’ve never tried, but I’m reasonably sure I’d be good at training monkeys. I could also ride a unicycle while juggling, I think. Pretty sure I’m good at that.

Description : Could you leave your job tomorrow?

Last Answer : And no this isn’t about me, I really do like my job.

Description : What job would you be embarrassed to have?

Last Answer : Donation solicitor at a call center.

Description : Will my previous "suicide attempt" affect my chances of getting this job?

Last Answer : Talk with your physician and he/she can advise you.

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Last Answer : Take a good long vacation. Vacations are restorative, and even just the planning can make the days go easier.

Description : Interviewing for a job I don't want?

Last Answer : Over the course of my career I learned it never hurts to do an interview, regardless of what you might think beforehand; you just don’t know what good could from it. And if nothing else, it’s a chance to polish up on your interviewing skills and possibly get ideas on hos to improve your resume.

Description : Ever had a job where you weren't valued as an employee? Care to share your experience?

Last Answer : answer:I've experienced this in the military a few times over the last 20 years. It happened at different duty stations and part of the reason was that my entire military career has been in the law ... very good care of and protect your own to a high degree. It's the nature of the business.

Description : Part-time job application?

Last Answer : They want you to be very available. Are there times that you know you are not because you are in class? You could put “flexible hours available except for….up too 28 hours a week” or whatever your restrictions are

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Last Answer : answer:I hired a guy like this. He is a brilliant microcontroller programmer. I tell him what I need and he goes off and does it. Check out Freescale, Cypress, Arduino, etc. I also have ... the minuses even though it causes me some stress. My recommendation to you is to learn something technical.

Description : What is your job/occupation?

Last Answer : I am a writer/editor.

Description : What should never be said during a job interview?

Last Answer : There’s not a drug test, is there?

Description : What job/career opportunities are available for someone with a double major in math and physics?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like a formula for academia, if you get your doctorate. Generally physics can qualify you for a lot of the same jobs as engineers.

Description : My wife is applying to another retail job at the manager position what should her cover letter be like?

Last Answer : answer:Having reviewed many resumes in my career, I always liked and appreciated short cover letters and lively, detailed resumes. Think of the letter as merely an introduction and statement of ... extent she can project those qualities beforehand in her letter is adviseable. Good luck to her.

Description : Job interview advice?

Last Answer : During a job interview, never, ever, flatout tell your potential employer what you can not do. That is an immediate and surefire strikeout.

Description : What are your thoughts on assessments for online job applications?

Last Answer : An example of one such difficult question would be How many times have you reported someone for cheating, stealing, or breaking rules? Obviously the employer is looking for someone who would report such ... to say none, but it leaves the impression that I don't report people for such behavior.

Description : Can anyone recommend a job suited for a istp/isfp introverted person?

Last Answer : Do you have any particular skills, qualifications? Where do you live / where are you willing to relocate to, to work? Based on what you wrote so far the first thing that comes to my mind is a ... I would suspect working in the wilderness, in general, could give you the tranquility you say you need.