What's the difference between cappucino and latte?

1 Answer

Answer :

The amount of milk and foam involved is the difference. I will attempt to find the poster for you.

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Last Answer : A latte has foamed milk on top; a flat white has plain milk, hence the “flat.”

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Last Answer : It doesn’t sound very appetizing. How about a latte and a piece of home-made pumkin pie or pumplin donut?

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Last Answer : “I’m legal in my province…” If you’re looking for an alcoholic one, no idea. Starbucks doesn’t serve alcohol so that’s not an option. I’m not familiar with the other company you mentioned. You could make your own!

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Last Answer : don't they use Oregon Chai products, like star$$$? half a cup of concentrate, plus half a cup steamed milk = liquid goodness : ) i like the original formula, but i know they come in a variety of ... grocery stores. i think you can get a whole container (8 servings) for about the price of one latte.

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Last Answer : 0.5

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Last Answer : How to Make a Latte Nothing like a good cup of latte to get you started in the morning. Now, imagine having it in the comfort of your home, instead of having to stand in a long coffee shop ... will make your day brighter and better. Just follow these steps and you'll make a great espresso drink.