How can I write my own program to display my computer's information?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m thinking of Belarc Advisor link . Is that what you want?

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Master  {  char name[10],code[3];  public:  void acceptM() { cout<<"\nEnter name and code "; cin>>name>>code; ... .displayM(); e.displayA(); e.displayD(); e.displayE(); getch();  }

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Last Answer : answer:What you might want to look for is an HDMI splitter. They aren't cheap. ... =product_catalog_result&ct=image&resnum=7&ved=0CDkQ8gIwBg# Here is one that I think is what you are looking for.

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Description : Accept data for five students and display it. Write a C++ program to displya sum of array elements of array size n. 

Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int arr[20],i,n,sum=0; clrscr(); cout<<"\nEnter size of an array:"; cin>>n; cout<<"\nEnter ... ; } cout<<"\nSum of array elements is:"<<sum; getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class COLLEGE { protected: int collegecode; }; class STUDENT:public COLLEGE { int studid; public: void accept() { cout<<"Enter college ... STUDENT s; clrscr(); s.accept(); s.display(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> struct employee  { int empid; char empname[10];  }; void main()  { employee e; clrscr(); cout<<"\nEnter employee id ... empid; cout<<"\nThe Employee Name is "<<e.empname; getch();  }

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Last Answer : #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct employee { char name[10],street[10],city[10]; int age; }; void main() { int i; struct employee e[2]; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<2 ... =%s",e[i].street); printf("\n City=%s",e[i].city); } getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include #include void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); a=5; b=10; printf("\n Value of a=%d",a); printf("\n Address of a=%u",&a); printf("\n Value of b=%d",b); printf("\n Address of b=%u",&b); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { float marks[4]; float total=0.0, perc=0.0; int i; clrscr(); for(i=1;i<=4;i++) { printf("Enter marks of ... is :%f",total); perc=total/4; printf("Percentage is %f",perc); getch(); }

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Description : Write a program to declare class student having data members name and percentage. Write constructor to initialize these data members. Accept and display this data for one object.

Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class student { char name[20]; float per; public: student(char n[],float p) { strcpy(name,n); per=p; } ... { student S("Sachin",78.00); clrscr(); S.putdata(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class employee { protected: int emp_no; char emp_name[10]; public: void gete() { cout<< enter employee details ; cin>>emp_no; cin>> ... f.gete(); f.pute(); f.getft(); f.putft(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Journal { char journal_nm[20]; int ISSN_No; float price; public: void accept(); void display(Journal); }; void Journal::accept() { ... clrscr(); j1.accept(); j2.accept(); j1.display(j2); getch(); }

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Last Answer : No. This is not true. There is no connection between the number of shortcuts, other files or folders you have on your desktop (or anywhere) and the performance of a pc. These files are stored on you hard drive – not in memory.

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Last Answer : Yes, of course you can. Don’t format the DVD as a video disc. Just keep it a data disc, and transfer the movie file to it. Just like you would transfer pictures or Excel spreadsheets.

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Last Answer : I never became a great adept at BASIC, but after working extensively with another language I knew how to understand the logic. Here's what I did to gain a lot of familiarity and skill: I took a ... well as the original author did, and so I was in effect borrowing the brain of an experienced coder.

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Last Answer : “Grey” is a relative definition. The grey you’re referring to could be your TV’s black depending on the contrast ratio.

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Last Answer : Answer : C

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class city { char city_name[20],state[20]; public: void accept() { cout<<"\nEnter city data:"; cout<<"\nName:"; ... ); ptr=&c; ptr->accept(); ptr->display(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : (C) allows to set breakpoints, execute a segment of program and display contents of register

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Last Answer : try searching google for more sites. . .

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Last Answer : from what I remember, you can hook up some phones to apple's address book, and use that to send sms'es from your computer. The feature wasn't compatible with my sony ericsson but i think it should work ... know how it goes meanwhile i'll try out this bluephone elite with my SE .is it a free app??

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Last Answer : answer:No. Family members are in the kitchen on the wall. Almost all the rest of my art is abstract or modern. No pictures of the Pope, Mickey Mantle, or Jim Brown.

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Last Answer : If you answer this later, after your firework experience, then just tell us how you got on.

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Last Answer : answer:Are you having trouble generating the array or just displaying it? I’m curious about the choice of C++ too. There are other languages where this would be much simpler.

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Last Answer : This happened to my boyfriends laptop, exactly the same. It was the light behind it that has gone, it’s a bit fiddly to mend yourself but it’s just the light. I’m not sure the exact name for it. I’ll ask him when he gets home and get back to you, unless you know I mean.

Description : Is there a nes emulator that supports screen rotation? Or any other possible way to rotate the monitor's display?

Last Answer : SNES9x might handle screen rotation.

Description : Why does my Kubuntu keeps resetting display properties when I reboot?

Last Answer : What graphics card is in that system? I have one with an Nvidia card that does similar - I had to put a script in ~/.kde/Autorun to run something like: nvidia-settings -config=~/.nvidia-settings-rc -load- ... helpful, please mark it as a Great Answer - I am trying for a couple of the awards ;-) )

Description : I just picked up a Dell E198WFP display to use with my MacBook Pro. Any colour calibration tips?

Last Answer : I can’t find it, but if you search lifehacker you’ll find the article that they had maybe a month ago about color calibration. They had some great program (windows and mac compatible) to calibrate all the screens perfectly. Search around and hopefully you’ll find it!

Description : How do I get my display screen back to its original size?

Last Answer : You probably have to adjust the hardware settings on your monitor. Usually there are buttons. Just look for the screen width settings. or when in doubt, BUTTON MASH!!

Description : Is it possible to connect the new Apple LED Cinema Display to a PC?

Last Answer : I would assume so, but i wouldn’t want to. Being made especially for an apple computer it come with an iSight and mic plus 3 USB ports. The likelihood of these working on a PC is slim to none unfortunately. Just get a nice looking screen for much cheaper and use that.

Description : Why won't my computer display Chinese symbols?

Last Answer : You haven’t got the Chinese language files installed. If youre using windows you can install them from the language part of the control panel.

Description : PC users... How can I change the display settings inside a window where it will tell me file size and other stats?

Last Answer : I’m not on Vista, but on XP you are able use the View Menu to see details, rather than Icons, Thumbnails, Tiles or List. [edit] Oh, found this tutorial Try the Alt Key

Description : Plasma won't work as a display for my laptop...

Last Answer : Sounds like a video driver issue. What kind of laptop is it? What OS are you running? Check your laptop manufacturer’s website and make sure your drivers are up to date, see if that helps at all.

Description : How do you display the Mac OS X welcome screen on next boot?

Last Answer : answer:Just so you know.. There is a way to do this. I read about it a few years ago. I just don’t remember how to do it. I’m not getting much with Google but it can be done. I will keep looking.. Now I’m curious.

Description : What are the spots developing on my Macbook Pro display?

Last Answer : Are they on the surface/finish or in the pixels themselves? If it was a finish issue, I’d think it could be friction marks from contact with the keyboard (when closed). Otherwise, if they are in the actual display (like distortion of the pixels or bubbling)...?