Are you obsessed with the idea of doing something, but never do anything about it?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. I have several obsessions like this.

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Last Answer : First, I want to say that I would read this book. You had me interested in the first paragraph of explaining the premise of the book. Remember that all stories are told from different perspectives. No one ... telling a work of fiction. And it will be from your point of view. Please finish this book.

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Last Answer : answer:I have never participated but had a good freind who did a few years ago. It’s not so much a competition as an exercise, so whatever discipline you can muster is still a win! Go for it!

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Last Answer : answer:Only a small part of skill is talent. The rest is having put in the effort that others are unwilling or unable to. So read your chosen genre comprehensively. Write a synopsis of each book, and ... best loved in history. You don't have to be masterful with wordplay to write a masterful work.

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Last Answer : i would be cautious and not post your work on any site like that. why can’t you email it to the proofreader?

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Last Answer : answer:Depends on whether you're open to outside criticism of the work or not. If you are thick-skinned enough to take an occasional negative review, you might try blogging. Internet critics can be ... a person of letters is a life skill that pays in virtually everything you set your hand to.

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Last Answer : Get a copy of Writer’s Market or sign up online. You have to pay, but it worth every penny. It is THE resource for writers wanting to get published.

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Last Answer : answer:Wow .I'll think I'll try it out! Coming up with an idea is called inspiration. Anything can inspire, from your favorite walk in nature to a crack in the sidewalk. To come up with an idea, you ... on it. One hint though: stay away from vampires. Those have used and used again way. to. much.

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Last Answer : No. Ideas are a dime a dozen; finished books are difficult.

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Last Answer : All the time. It’s better than writing on my hand, because I’ll wash it off and forget. :P Some napkins take pretty well to ballpoint. Others, not so much. Rollerball works fine almost all the time. Just write fast—but don’t press too hard. :) (Hot drink sleeves also do well in a pinch.)

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Last Answer : Um, yeah.

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Last Answer : I read subtitles while watching movies, so can it count?

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Last Answer : I’ve been periodically writing some poetry, not anything to do with characters. My poetry tends to be about realizations.

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Last Answer : You will want to copyright it under your legal name or an established business entity,

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Last Answer : Join the procrastinators club! We will meet sooner or later!

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Last Answer : It is also often used when referring to religious iconography. Another common usage (about as pleasant as the fire one) is the practice of hanging someone in effigy, which involves leaving a hanging image (usually crudely rendered) of the person as a protest.

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Last Answer : I'm a little confused. Are we talking about a place that is not English speaking? I think you take some risk writing about a place you have never been, but I do think you can probably get quite ... editor can help you once you have the work done. Maybe I don't fully understand the question though.

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Last Answer : Does it have to make sense?

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Last Answer : answer:I have actually started writing a story. It is a murder mystery. Here is the first paragraph: Jack Merrill was stoned. As he drove the winding road, aluminum canoes clattered against the metal rack ... and humid and the rear windows of the van opened only as far as their latches would allow.

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Last Answer : You should be able to search online. Registrations for all works dating from January 1, 1978, to the present are searchable in the online catalog, available at

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Last Answer : answer:Pick a theme or topic of this piece you want to write then do the research. You could also read books by other authors to get a feel for the many different approaches they took to create ... you could visit writing forums where you are sure to get ideas and the help you are looking for.

Description : Extremely long law question: if Tom did something (not illegal) in the past that led to Alan commiting a crime at present, how is Tom legally responsible?

Last Answer : answer:If I read that correctly, Tom would've broken the law by taking someone's kid and giving it away to another family - unless, somehow, he managed to do it legally. He also broke ... held responsible for Alan's crimes. Alan committed the crimes and is therefore the only one legally responsible.

Description : How to say something?

Last Answer : answer:The two halves of the sentence have no connection. Why is it ever pointless to listen? Listening and acting are different forms of behavior. So, sorry, I do not understand your thesis.

Description : Is it hopeless to study something in a creative field?

Last Answer : There is still a demand for English teachers. English, writing, literature, humanities. Just a suggestion.

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Last Answer : answer:Since you want them published in a paper or something like this you need to talk to the editors there and give them your material then see what happens. You could write good pieces and still ... work on other pieces. [ this because you want them published and not write just to have them ]

Description : Vocab - word for something one is not conscious of?

Last Answer : All I can think of is ‘repressed’ ... but you wouldn’t be ‘repressed of’ your dreams… you’d simply be ‘repressed’... But the word seems to fit in the other two slots of your writing.

Description : What are you focused on right now (a task, creating something, writing, a degree, weight loss)

Last Answer : Me? I am creating a set of boobs for a fireman to wear it’s for a breast cancer benefit

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Last Answer : Just do it, rebbel!!! I’m surprised some of the wild crap that comes outta of fingers, mouth. somebody has to do it…..either ucme…, zen….Somebody just has to say it.

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Last Answer : YES!That is the best feeling and I look forward to it everytime I paint,sculpt,throw pots,draw…ah choices!Love it:))

Description : Can one create something from nothing?

Last Answer : Metaphorically, yes

Description : "We've got company!" - can we please think of something new?

Last Answer : “the meats arrived, lets get cook’n!”

Description : How do you say that you are "passionate" about something without sounding cliched?

Last Answer : I guess it depends, to some extent, on what you're passionate about. I can say I really like dogs! & not sound too bad, but if you say I really like wine! it could be misconstrued. ;- ... I really enjoy fine wines ? I agree, saying you're passionate' about something sounds a bit over the top.

Description : Care to share a poem that means something to you? A favorite?

Last Answer : I read a really awesome one a few years back that really touched me; unfortunately I don’t remember it’s title, author or a line from it so I cannot look it up and share it with you. Sorry. D: I suppose I could be a jerk and say The Illiad though.

Description : What is a good way to describe something as timeless?

Last Answer : Prescient?

Description : If you could sky write something right now, what would it be?

Last Answer : June 9th!!!

Description : Can you help me understand why so many people are obsessed with anti-bacterials and hand sanitizers for hands, but find it ok to put their dirty body in bed without showering?

Last Answer : hm, that is pretty gnarly.

Description : It seems like almost every one understands the concept of Catch 22 but how many have actually read the book?

Last Answer : I read it sometime in the late 60s. The movie came out in the early 70s, and was not a disappointment….

Description : Today is Easter, but it is also World Poetry Day. Do you have any favorite poems that you'd like to share?

Last Answer : answer:Du fragst mich, wie ich heiße, weil du meinst, ich bin dir fremd. Laß dir etwas von mir erzählen, dann merkst du, wer ich bin. Ich habe viele Gesichter, und ich kann mich gut verstellen. Ich ... weiß, dass du mich kennst. Ich bin du, du bist ich, ich bin ein Mensch (translate it yourself)

Description : I'm trying to find a word, but I'm having a brainfart at the moment?

Last Answer : answer:Not sure if there’s one word that encompasses all that. Subtext? Talking at cross purposes? undertones?

Description : What are some books like (don't judge) Sarah Dessen's style, but more age appropiate?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not familiar with Sarah Dessen, so this may not be much help. I have enjoyed Maeve Binchey's books, as they are light, typically romantic, have a bit of mystery about them, and end ... with a bit more substance, but still an easy read, I recommend The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver.